DMN Blog: Mike Jenkins: 'I was just waiting on the safety to make a play'


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I posted the original thread during the game criticizing this guy as gutless and heartless. I'll stick by that, and now after seeing these comments you can add: crap attitude to boot. What a pathetic loser. No wonder this team is having such problems. I don't know what is worse:

1) his gutless lack of effort on the play
2) his clueless explanation of it
3) people on this forum excusing


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SultanOfSix;2403674 said:
Oh please. The way our QBs were playing, there was no way we were going to win that game.

Sorry, if you can't understand that, and can't forgive a ROOKIE for a non-tackle that would have had no result on the outcome of the game.

Should've, would've, could've makes no difference.

All I see is a bunch of blame heaped on a ROOKIE in a game where there wasn't anything to be happy about. It's silly.

So now we should have just forfeited before the 4th quarter ever began huh?

Please tell me you are not coaching at any level, now or in the near future.


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SultanOfSix;2403674 said:
Oh please. The way our QBs were playing, there was no way we were going to win that game.

Sorry, if you can't understand that, and can't forgive a ROOKIE for a non-tackle that would have had no result on the outcome of the game.

Should've, would've, could've makes no difference.

All I see is a bunch of blame heaped on a ROOKIE in a game where there wasn't anything to be happy about. It's silly.

no1 is blaming him for the loss but for the lack of effort and heart there's a big difference there's a lot of us that would give our right arm to be able to play in the league and for the cowboys and these guys act like its their right and not a privilege so to see a rookie do something like that is sickening.


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This is what happens when you dont hold any players accountable, and saying "Mistakes are my fault"


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superpunk;2403444 said:
His explanation actually makes sense if you watch the video from the sideline/endzone cam - and that was really the only thing I saw. He thought Burnett was going to make the tackle, and it looked like he would, but I think Burnett got cut off by Brown. It really makes sense if you watch it - these things happen in a split second. It doesn't look like Jenkins was flinching away from contact - he had merely made the decision that adding himself to the tackle that he assumed was being made by Burnett and Brown was unnecessary.

That doesn't excuse it, and I certainly don't like the way he just throws the unnamed safety under the bus, I do see it as a reasonable explanation. Hopefully he works hard to shed the label that's going to be associated with his name now.

Yeah, that's helpful, assume another guy is going to make the tackle. I have a feeling there is an awful lot of that on this team. Pathetic.

Nothing worse for a defensive player than to get tagged as someone who doesn't want to hit. If Jenkins has any pride at all, he'll atone for his skirt-wearing ways.


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WoodysGirl;2403553 said:
He said he didn't want to take out linebacker Kevin Burnett, who was also trying to make the tackle and missed.
- Rick Herrin


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dcfanatic;2403691 said:
So now we should have just forfeited before the 4th quarter ever began huh?

Please tell me you are not coaching at any level, now or in the near future.

You don't get it do you?

You're complaining about a player that supposedly lacks heart, right? You're using him as an indictment to the coaching staff?

So why are you trying to turn it around on me as a personal attack by stating that I would something like the above as a coach? Where does your logic come from?

There are a lot of problems on the team. Complaining about a rookie not making an effort on a tackle for whatever reason (which he gave, and you can believe him or not believe him), is asinine.

Now, if it becomes a pattern, then you all can complain all you want. But, one play does not make a career, and right now it's really irrelevant.


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SultanOfSix;2403635 said:
Nothing has changed in the results. That doesn't mean nothing has changed. Accountability entails owning up to the responsibility of your actions. As far as I know, Wade has said repeatedly that he should be held accountable for not having the guys prepared. So, what does it mean when players aren't being held accountable? How would we know except if someone is possibly benched to know if they are being held accountable?

And did Jenkins 'own up'? I must have missed it amongst the multitude of excuses.

Yeah, and who's gotten 'benched' due to poor play? Nobody.

Good 'Ol Wade couldn't even pull rag-arm Johnson without Jerry telling him to do it.

SultanOfSix said:
Was there any difference last year when we were 7-1 in how things were being run? Or is it the results this year that is causing what someone else said is a buzzword of "accountability" to be thrown around?

I'd chalk it up to a feeling out process where the inmates find out exactly how much they can get away with under the 'new guy'.

They've found out.

SultanOfSix said:
Uhh...I didn't say that would be the result. My intention was to show that there would be people complaining about whatever happened regardless.

The same type of complaining happened when Joey Galloway suffered a season ending knee injury in a blowout against Philadelphia in the pickle juice game.

So Jenkins is Joey Galloway now? Gotcha.

Again, if he's so 'fragile' that we can't risk having him tackle, put him in the glass case and be done with it.

SultanOfSix said:
So he didn't decide to tackle someone in a blowout for whatever reason. He owned up to it. Who cares now?

That read like 'owning up' to you?

Am I talking to Wade Phillips here?



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MrMom;2403649 said:
Jenkins needs to watch this video.
I think after that video was shot Parcells ate Woody.

Wouldn't those asking for proof that there is no accountability under Phillips be under the same obligation to offer proof that there IS accountability under Phillips? Neither side can accurately be assumed to be true. The way this team plays and the way Wade Phillips acts publicly could be construed as proof that there is no accountability, or at least very little. In Hard Knocks we have Wade Phillips almost regretfully disciplining Anthony Spencer, and politely asking the team NOT to pull down Dave Campo's pants, hardly seems to demonstrate accountability to me, at least not legitimately so.

Quit asking for hard evidence that you know doesn't exist. Both sides are just going off of what they've assumed by what they observe. Maybe Wade Phillips is tearing heads off in private - but I sure as hell don't believe that's happening, and no Wade lovers can prove that it is. You can assume by his demeanor that he simply doesn't have it in him - but yeah, you're not going to get hard evidence of Wade rubbing peoples tummies and telling them everything is going to be alright from people who don't like him.

Sorry, we don't have THAT much access to Valley Ranch. :rolleyes:


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dcfanatic;2403691 said:
So now we should have just forfeited before the 4th quarter ever began huh?

Please tell me you are not coaching at any level, now or in the near future.

No according to what he said there is no need to play any more games until Romo is healthy. Period.


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superpunk;2403752 said:
I think after that video was shot Parcells ate Woody.

Wouldn't those asking for proof that there is no accountability under Phillips be under the same obligation to offer proof that there IS accountability under Phillips? Neither side can accurately be assumed to be true. The way this team plays and the way Wade Phillips acts publicly could be construed as proof that there is no accountability, or at least very little. In Hard Knocks we have Wade Phillips almost regretfully disciplining Anthony Spencer, and politely asking the team NOT to pull down Dave Campo's pants, hardly seems to demonstrate accountability to me, at least not legitimately so.

Quit asking for hard evidence that you know doesn't exist. Both sides are just going off of what they've assumed by what they observe. Maybe Wade Phillips is tearing heads off in private - but I sure as hell don't believe that's happening, and no Wade lovers can prove that it is. You can assume by his demeanor that he simply doesn't have it in him - but yeah, you're not going to get hard evidence of Wade rubbing peoples tummies and telling them everything is going to be alright from people who don't like him.

Sorry, we don't have THAT much access to Valley Ranch. :rolleyes:

He has lost every team he's ever been a HC of in short order, that alone speaks volumes.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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WoodysGirl;2403382 said:
12:38 PM Wed, Nov 05, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon E-mail News tips

We gave Mike Jenkins an opportunity to explain his non-contact actions on Giants RB Derrick Ward's fourth-quarter touchdown run. The rookie didn't come across as a guy who regretted his decision.

"I was just waiting on the safety to make a play," Jenkins said. "It just looked different. I really can't explain it."

When pressed, Jenkins said he thought he might knock down LB Kevin Burnett if he cut Ward's legs out from under him. That would seem to be a better alternative than letting Ward prance into the end zone. Would he do anything different if that situation presented itself again?

"I'd say go get the tackle," said Jenkins, who is well aware that he's been criticized for avoiding contact over the last few days. "That'd be the right answer."

Well, it sure looked like he intentionally avoided contact. When asked if that was the case, Jenkins said, "That's what it looked like. That's your eyes. If that's what you seen, that's what you seen." And then he threw a teammate under the bus, too.

"I wasn't the only one there," Jenkins said. "Everybody's pointing it out like it was me, but there was a safety back there, too."

The safety was Courtney Brown, who has made a grand total of two tackles all season despite getting significant playing time. A wait on Brown to make a play could last more than a month.

CB Anthony Henry said some veterans got on Jenkins immediately after the play about his effort. Jenkins said nobody had said anything to him. Well, was his effort acceptable?

"Obviously not," Jenkins said, "because y'all are going to have your own opinion, no matter what."

In my opinion, Mike Jenkins didn't 'give up' on that play as I have written extensively about. It is easy for a fan or a hack reporter to sit on the sideline and try to judge someone's intent or heart. Most don't know what it is like on an NFL field. Football is played in real time speed, not pictures. Yes. It looks like he could have dove forward and perhaps, tripped him up. I bet the coaches asked him about the play. It is very possible that Jenkins just froze up on the play for reasons only he knows, but hey, we have people with telepathic ability on here.

I wrote about the possibility that he didn't want to slam into Burnett. What if Burnett was injured on the play, and Barbie has to play. You guys would really love that. That game was out of reach, and if anyone thinks any differently, they are dreaming.

Anyone who attempts to negatively label Mike Jenkins by using a subjective view that they are passing off as absolute certainty is wrong, imo. No fan or reporter or other player knows what Mike Jenkins' brain was processing on that play.

Again, this guy has busted his tail on the football field. He has hustled, tackled, and hit people. Mike Jenkins has played very well next to the sideline, and he is learning to play Phillips' zone schemes and techniques. He scored a touchdown in the freaking game, and he made a great play in deep coverage down the sidelines. He was the least of your problems that day, my friends. Yet, he's being treated like a witch on trial during the 19th century.

Mike Jenkins is one of the most talented players on the entire team. In my opinion, he is a bigger, faster, and stronger version of Asante Samuel. He has a bright future with the Dallas Cowboys, and the future is now.

Jenkins said that he would 'go get the tackle' if he could do it over again. What more do you guys want?

He is being put on trial to a certain degree for one play where other players did fail on the play. I would be defensive, too. He owned up to it. Get over it.

By the way, he saved a touchdown with that diving pass break up in the Eagles game, or you are 4-5.


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41gy#;2403791 said:
In my opinion, Mike Jenkins didn't 'give up' on that play as I have written extensively about. It is easy for a fan or a hack reporter to sit on the sideline and try to judge someone's intent or heart. Most don't know what it is like on an NFL field. Football is played in real time speed, not pictures. Yes. It looks like he could have dove forward and perhaps, tripped him up. I bet the coaches asked him about the play. It is very possible that Jenkins just froze up on the play for reasons only he knows, but hey, we have people with telepathic ability on here.

I wrote about the possibility that he didn't want to slam into Burnett. What if Burnett was injured on the play, and Barbie has to play. You guys would really love that. That game was out of reach, and if anyone thinks any differently, they are dreaming.

Anyone who attempts to negatively label Mike Jenkins by using a subjective view that they are passing off as absolute certainty is wrong, imo. No fan or reporter or other player knows what Mike Jenkins' brain was processing on that play.

Again, this guy has busted his tail on the football field. He has hustled, tackled, and hit people. Mike Jenkins has played very well next to the sideline, and he is learning to play Phillips' zone schemes and techniques. He scored a touchdown in the freaking game, and he made a great play in deep coverage down the sidelines. He was the least of your problems that day, my friends. Yet, he's being treated like a witch on trial during the 19th century.

Mike Jenkins is one of the most talented players on the entire team. In my opinion, he is a bigger, faster, and stronger version of Asante Samuel. He has a bright future with the Dallas Cowboys, and the future is now.

Jenkins said that he would 'go get the tackle' if he could do it over again. What more do you guys want?

He is being put on trial to a certain degree for one play where other players did fail on the play. I would be defensive, too. He owned up to it. Get over it.

Some are saying he didn't make the play because it was over in a split second. in that same split second he was able to survey the situation and choose not to make the play because he might injure a fellow teammate?


Chocolate Lab

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superpunk;2403752 said:
Wouldn't those asking for proof that there is no accountability under Phillips be under the same obligation to offer proof that there IS accountability under Phillips?
No, because we aren't the ones making the claim. We (or should I say I) are just saying that we don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

By your logic I could claim that Bill Parcells has already called around the league looking for more pay, and it's perfectly okay as long as you didn't have evidence to disprove it.


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stasheroo;2403748 said:
And did Jenkins 'own up'? I must have missed it amongst the multitude of excuses.

"I'd say go get the tackle," said Jenkins, who is well aware that he's been criticized for avoiding contact over the last few days. "That'd be the right answer."

Yeah, and who's gotten 'benched' due to poor play? Nobody.

So what? That's the only way THE FANS would no if someone was being held accountable. It doesn't mean there isn't accountability going on within the organization.

Good 'Ol Wade couldn't even pull rag-arm Johnson without Jerry telling him to do it.

No proof of this whatsoever. Total speculation based on "evidence" of a mediot.

I'd chalk it up to a feeling out process where the inmates find out exactly how much they can get away with under the 'new guy'.

They've found out.

Well, you've chalked it up to something that is your own opinion.

So Jenkins is Joey Galloway now? Gotcha.

Sure, if you suffer from reading comprehension problems.

Again, if he's so 'fragile' that we can't risk having him tackle, put him in the glass case and be done with it.

OMG. A rookie didn't try to make a tackle. Call the NFL fragile police.

That read like 'owning up' to you?

Am I talking to Wade Phillips here?


See above.


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I can see what Jenkins was talking about.

He thought a safety was about to make the tackle, so he kept containment. He likely didn't want to go straight in for the tackle and then have Ward side step and jump outside, with no one there.


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Chocolate Lab;2403805 said:
No, because we aren't the ones making the claim. We (or should I say I) are just saying that we don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

By disputing the claim you are making the opposite claim. If you just want to say "Noone really knows" have a blast. That applies to just about everything we discuss around here. You can't prove he holds players accountable any more than the other side can prove that he doesn't. The evidence is what it is - neither side can go on more than what they observe. If we don't know, then all we can do is observe the results.

This looks like a team with no accountability, drive or direction.

Bob Sacamano

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Chocolate Lab;2403805 said:
No, because we aren't the ones making the claim. We (or should I say I) are just saying that we don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

By your logic I could claim that Bill Parcells has already called around the league looking for more pay, and it's perfectly okay as long as you didn't have evidence to disprove it.

how can you think there's accountability when the Head Coach says, "wait, don't blame the players, blame me"?