DMN Blog: Mike Jenkins: 'I was just waiting on the safety to make a play'


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superpunk;2403866 said:
By disputing the claim you are making the opposite claim. If you just want to say "Noone really knows" have a blast. That applies to just about everything we discuss around here. You can't prove he holds players accountable any more than the other side can prove that he doesn't. The evidence is what it is - neither side can go on more than what they observe. If we don't know, then all we can do is observe the results.

This looks like a team with no accountability, drive or direction.
There's at least some accountability -- Greg Ellis is being benched. I was totally shocked by that news.


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SultanOfSix;2403857 said:
"I'd say go get the tackle," said Jenkins, who is well aware that he's been criticized for avoiding contact over the last few days. "That'd be the right answer."

Mixed in with gems like “I wasn’t the only one there,” Jenkins said. “Everybody’s pointing it out like it was me, but there was a safety back there, too.”

Real 'accountability' there...

SultanOfSix said:
So what? That's the only way THE FANS would no if someone was being held accountable. It doesn't mean there isn't accountability going on within the organization.

That's right, that's the only way we'd know. And despite an underachieving team with a 5-4 record, it's status quo for Wade Phillips.

Just as long as they all like him.

SultanOfSix said:
No proof of this whatsoever. Total speculation based on "evidence" of a mediot.

And Wade's words.

SultanOfSix said:
Well, you've chalked it up to something that is your own opinion.

That's all we've got here, our opinions. Unless you've got a locker room pass nobody is aware of.

SultanOfSix said:
Sure, if you suffer from reading comprehension problems.

None at all. I can see your ridiculous comparisons as clear as day.

SultanOfSix said:
OMG. A rookie didn't try to make a tackle. Call the NFL fragile police.

Let's just call the game off after we get down by 14 instead.

You blow it off as no big deal and gloss over it. And make excuses for him like some team-employed enabler. For something supposedly not worth talking about, you sure done enough of it here.

And lower your expectations of this undisciplined, underachieving team. And talk about how 9-7 is "OK"

I'm not.

Bob Sacamano

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theogt;2403876 said:
There's at least some accountability -- Greg Ellis is being benched. I was totally shocked by that news.

I guess so, because Brad finally got benched too


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theogt;2403876 said:
There's at least some accountability -- Greg Ellis is being benched. I was totally shocked by that news.
We drafted his replacement like 20 months ago. We're only just getting around to pulling that trigger, although there were other circumstances at play, namely Spencer spraining his vagoo everytime he got near a football field.


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Bob Sacamano;2403883 said:
stash, I think it's time to let it go...

Hey, I'm not about to hold it against Jenkins forever.

He is a rookie and I'll chalk it up as a lesson learned.

I just wish he simply owned up to it and left it at that.

Maybe that's another lesson he learned.

I'm just not crazy about somebody trying to tell me it's no big deal.


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dcfanatic;2403385 said:
Two words..

'Phillips Guy'

Should have drafted Brandon Flowers.
i would have taken kenny phillips over flowers, then would could have moved ken to strong. but i can live with jenkins.


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superpunk;2403886 said:
We drafted his replacement like 20 months ago. We're only just getting around to pulling that trigger, although there were other circumstances at play, namely Spencer spraining his vagoo everytime he got near a football field.
As vagoos are want to do.

Bob Sacamano

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Jenkins is a player, his ceiling is much higher than both FLowers and esp. Antoine Cason

you guys will be very happy w/ him


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41gy#;2403791 said:
In my opinion, Mike Jenkins didn't 'give up' on that play as I have written extensively about. It is easy for a fan or a hack reporter to sit on the sideline and try to judge someone's intent or heart. Most don't know what it is like on an NFL field. Football is played in real time speed, not pictures. Yes. It looks like he could have dove forward and perhaps, tripped him up. I bet the coaches asked him about the play. It is very possible that Jenkins just froze up on the play for reasons only he knows, but hey, we have people with telepathic ability on here.

I wrote about the possibility that he didn't want to slam into Burnett. What if Burnett was injured on the play, and Barbie has to play. You guys would really love that. That game was out of reach, and if anyone thinks any differently, they are dreaming.

Anyone who attempts to negatively label Mike Jenkins by using a subjective view that they are passing off as absolute certainty is wrong, imo. No fan or reporter or other player knows what Mike Jenkins' brain was processing on that play.

Again, this guy has busted his tail on the football field. He has hustled, tackled, and hit people. Mike Jenkins has played very well next to the sideline, and he is learning to play Phillips' zone schemes and techniques. He scored a touchdown in the freaking game, and he made a great play in deep coverage down the sidelines. He was the least of your problems that day, my friends. Yet, he's being treated like a witch on trial during the 19th century.

Mike Jenkins is one of the most talented players on the entire team. In my opinion, he is a bigger, faster, and stronger version of Asante Samuel. He has a bright future with the Dallas Cowboys, and the future is now.

Jenkins said that he would 'go get the tackle' if he could do it over again. What more do you guys want?

He is being put on trial to a certain degree for one play where other players did fail on the play. I would be defensive, too. He owned up to it. Get over it.

By the way, he saved a touchdown with that diving pass break up in the Eagles game, or you are 4-5.

And if Jenkins sticks his head in there and causes a fumble and knocks down that pass to Smith we might be 6-3.

It goes both ways.


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Bob Sacamano;2403903 said:
Jenkins is a player, his ceiling is much higher than both FLowers and esp. Antoine Cason

you guys will be very happy w/ him
Maybe. Or he maybe he'll just get outshined by his 5th round colleague, as he has so far.


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theogt;2403858 said:
I can see what Jenkins was talking about.

He thought a safety was about to make the tackle, so he kept containment. He likely didn't want to go straight in for the tackle and then have Ward side step and jump outside, with no one there.
that's pretty funny. the dude wimped out. period.


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jimmy40;2403911 said:
that's pretty funny. the dude wimped out. period.
Maybe, but if you look at his body language it seems to me that it's consistent with what he was saying.


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theogt;2403924 said:
Maybe, but if you look at his body language it seems to me that it's consistent with what he was saying.
if you look at his body language he saw that train a comin, and he didn't want nothin to do with it.


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he isnt that good.remember he played in the big east which sucks terribly.horrible pick.dont fret folks pac will be back to save the secondary


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jimmy40;2403929 said:
if you look at his body language he saw that train a comin, and he didn't want nothin to do with it.
That'd be a more reasonable belief if it was Jacobs.


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juckie;2403933 said:
he isnt that good.remember he played in the big east which sucks terribly.horrible pick.dont fret folks pac will be back to save the secondary

Yeah, he's no Pacman huh?

As in he's actually playing!

Chocolate Lab

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superpunk;2403866 said:
By disputing the claim you are making the opposite claim.
No, I'm not. Like you said in your next sentence, I'm saying we don't know.

Maybe players aren't called out for mistakes, and if I found out that was the case, I'd complain about accountability as much as anyone.

But I don't know what goes on behind closed doors, and I'm not going to claim I do... Not even if it's repeated a billion times.

Bob Sacamano;2403872 said:
how can you think there's accountability when the Head Coach says, "wait, don't blame the players, blame me"?

You're making the mistake of thinking that what's said in public is the same as what's said in private. I've seen Wade scold players in practice, so I know they aren't the same.


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wow...almost 100 posts in a thread about a missed tackle that meant nothing to the games outcome

if we had the same number of posts about every missed tackle, poor angle or lousy display of effort we've seen from this defense so far this yr we'd crash the Cowboyzone site

Bob Sacamano

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theogt;2403909 said:
Maybe. Or he maybe he'll just get outshined by his 5th round colleague, as he has so far.

outshined? hardly

we'll see, but everyone bemoaming the Jenkins pick look pretty stupid right now, he looks good and his ceiling is pretty high

Chocolate Lab;2403943 said:
You're making the mistake of thinking that what's said in public is the same as what's said in private. I've seen Wade scold players in practice, so I know they aren't the same.

as I don't see Wade in private, that's just the best I can give you, a sign that there is no accountability being held

I guess we can just disregard everything a coach says, since he can quickly turn around and say something else out of earshot...