DMN Blog: Mike Jenkins: 'I was just waiting on the safety to make a play'


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WOw really bad attitude to take on the subject. He should man up instead of make excuses. Oh well he will prove to HImself next couple of days. Not worried about it.


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Plain and simple, he plays defense where you tackle the guy with the ball. Period. You don't hope someone else does, you don't not hit because you might hit your own player. You make an effort to tackle the ball carrier. Period. Every single time.

I give him no pass, rookie or not, because he's a football player playing defense and its what he's supposed to do.

Honestly, it's sickening to me that anyone would give him a pass for not making a tackle. Fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I begrudge no one that. But I hate seeing that on the football field by anyone wearing the Star.

I think the "culture of Wade" has infected more than just the team. It's leeched over to some of the fan base, too. IMO.

TACKLE FOOTBALL is the game. Not sometimes, not in "this situation or that, but not others.."

I hate that my team has put on putrid displays like this. And yes, it's only one play, but one play plus another leads to what we have. It's indicative of overall team play, particularly defensively and on the OL.

Thanks for letting me get that off.


Double Trouble
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odog422;2403962 said:
TACKLE FOOTBALL is the game. Not sometimes, not in "this situation or that, but not others.."

I hate that my team has put on putrid displays like this. And yes, it's only one play, but one play plus another leads to what we have. It's indicative of overall team play, particularly defensively and on the OL.

Thanks for letting me get that off.
'I saw that dude coming and I had to make a business decision.' - Mike Jenkins, after the game on Sunday


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dbair1967;2403946 said:
wow...almost 100 posts in a thread about a missed tackle that meant nothing to the games outcome

if we had the same number of posts about every missed tackle, poor angle or lousy display of effort we've seen from this defense so far this yr we'd crash the Cowboyzone site
I don't think its about the fact that he missed a tackle. It's this:

1) he didn't even make an effort to tackle and
2) he then tried to throw other teammates under the bus for his lack of effort.

A truly pathetic play on Sunday and even worse performance in front of the media today.


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I'm not crucifying this kid, because I believe he has every tool available and the potential to be a pro-bowl caliber CB. He has made great open field tackles several times this year and is always near the ball. His pick 6 was the first proactive defensive play I've seen since TNew's pick 6 on Thanksgiving last year.

And yet we tear him to shreads for one bad play. How many tackles did Deon shy away from? Deon's idea of tackling was to drop down in front of the ball carrier in the fetal position and hope to take out his legs but most of the time he bounced right off. He was allowed to do this because he was a playmaker. I hope Mike becomes one too.


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DTK;2404039 said:
I don't think its about the fact that he missed a tackle. It's this:

1) he didn't even make an effort to tackle and
2) he then tried to throw other teammates under the bus for his lack of effort.

A truly pathetic play on Sunday and even worse performance in front of the media today.

like I implied...way overblown

I'm sure he wont do it again...and he is showing excellent man cover skills...he's gonna be a good player


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Chocolate Lab;2403943 said:
No, I'm not.
Well then you're just being an antagonist, and asking for material that you know does not exist.


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superpunk;2404103 said:
Well then you're just being an antagonist, and asking for material that you know does not exist.
Or just holding people "accountable" to their observations or opinions.
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All of the blame goes to one man--Jerry Jones. If he insists on calling ALL of the shots on this football team, then he deserves all of the blame. As I've stated before, both Jenkins & Scandrick were known for their lack of physicality in college. In fact, Pro Football Weekly said, "Scandrick is not a worker, is moody & immature. It said much worse about Jenkins, calling him, "A prima donna who lacks heart, desire, and work habits".

Oh, no, though, JJ knows more than all of the other 24 teams that passed on Jenkins. You can't keep bringing in players of questionable character & heart and expect your core players to turn them around. Pretty soon, these losers are going to be the majority on this team if he insists on going the route he's chosen.


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Cogan;2404127 said:
All of the blame goes to one man--Jerry Jones. If he insists on calling ALL of the shots on this football team, then he deserves all of the blame. As I've stated before, both Jenkins & Scandrick were known for their lack of physicality in college. In fact, Pro Football Weekly said, "Scandrick is not a worker, is moody & immature. It said much worse about Jenkins, calling him, "A prima donna who lacks heart, desire, and work habits".

Oh, no, though, JJ knows more than all of the other 24 teams that passed on Jenkins. You can't keep bringing in players of questionable character & heart and expect your core players to turn them around. Pretty soon, these losers are going to be the majority on this team if he insists on going the route he's chosen.

Unfortunately, more times that not, someone with that attitude finds it very difficult to change.


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theogt;2404110 said:
Or just holding people "accountable" to their observations or opinions.

It's not holding anyone accountable if there is no proof to the contrary. Holding people accountable would be - "Here is proof that Wade holds his team accountable for mistakes, numnuts." That can't be provided in any more concrete a way than the other side can, who can just cite "If the team screws up, it's my fault."

Some accountability...

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Dude, come on. I can say "We don't know that's happening for sure" without asserting that the opposite is true. How could you even say otherwise?


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Chocolate Lab;2404291 said:
Dude, come on. I can say "We don't know that's happening for sure" without asserting that the opposite is true. How could you even say otherwise?

That is a completely pointless argument to make. If you don't know what's happening, then maybe just keep quiet. The rest of us are making observations based on what Phillips says publicly, how he acts, and how his team is responding to him.

If the only retort to that is "We don't know what goes on in private, PROVE that Wade doesn't hold them accountable" then there's really no point to discussing it with you, is there? You can't PROVE that he does, and we can't PROVE that he doesn't - at least not enough proof to satisfy the specious requirements set out. We're just going off of what we have.


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superpunk;2404274 said:
It's not holding anyone accountable if there is no proof to the contrary. Holding people accountable would be - "Here is proof that Wade holds his team accountable for mistakes, numnuts." That can't be provided in any more concrete a way than the other side can, who can just cite "If the team screws up, it's my fault."

Some accountability...
You really couldn't be more wrong. Asking people to back up their own opinions (or pointing out that they can't) is holding them accountable.


Kane Ala
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First I can believe that he was containing him. However, the rest for the most part is BS. He could say I froze or I made a mistake which I'm sorry for and will strive to never repeat. It's total BS to say I thought someone else was going to make the tackle. And it's a good thing for more than one person to make a tackle, BTW.

He made an immature and problematic response. Ok, he can apologize for that and finally say I screwed the pooch on that one.

Not making an effort is what has people pissed off. That is unacceptable. If they all are waiting on someone else to make a tackle and shying from contact we have a HUGE problem. Perhaps that's the reason for the poor tackling and people not getting to the ball carrier. Who knows. Again the more losing the more agitation all around. Screwing up fundamental football is one thing. Not attemptiing it is another. Making excuses just piles it on.

I'm not writing it off. I'll remember this. And he'll be under a microscope for it. As will the rest of the D with notable exceptions.

I'm not getting into accountability beyond the player who is the only person besides God who knows what he was or wasn't thinking. The PERCEPTION is he shied from contact and is now making excuses including blaming others. Immature.

Time to let it go...IMO...and wait and see what this football team is all about. If they fail then the HC and perhaps others will likely be held responsible in the end. Just a psychic guess from way out there.


Star Power
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stasheroo;2403879 said:
Mixed in with gems like “I wasn’t the only one there,” Jenkins said. “Everybody’s pointing it out like it was me, but there was a safety back there, too.”

Real 'accountability' there...

Yeah, it is accountability. It's owning up to what he did wrong, and that is the definition. It doesn't matter if he points out the mistake of another. That doesn't take away from what he did wrong.

That's right, that's the only way we'd know. And despite an underachieving team with a 5-4 record, it's status quo for Wade Phillips.

Just as long as they all like him.

And Wade's words.

Well, that's fine. Then complain last year.

You couldn't because of the record.

That's all we've got here, our opinions. Unless you've got a locker room pass nobody is aware of.

So what are you arguing if it's just an opinion?

None at all. I can see your ridiculous comparisons as clear as day.

No you can't. Because it wasn't a comparison. That's what you don't get. There was no attempt at analogy except in the context of complaining.

Let's just call the game off after we get down by 14 instead.

You blow it off as no big deal and gloss over it. And make excuses for him like some team-employed enabler. For something supposedly not worth talking about, you sure done enough of it here.

No, I gloss over it in the context of the play. Not as some absolute, which what you're doing because you want to make Jenkins, and in particular Wade, look like there is no accountability because a rookie didn't make a tackle.

And lower your expectations of this undisciplined, underachieving team. And talk about how 9-7 is "OK"

I'm not.

I'm not lowering any expectations. I'm living with what has happened because of what is the current state of the team. That is what I'm taking into account instead of blaming some vague notion of a lack of "accountability" that no one has any evidence for except an "opinion".

Bob Sacamano

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theogt;2404307 said:
You really couldn't be more wrong. Asking people to back up their own opinions (or pointing out that they can't) is holding them accountable.

the thing is is that you don't know any more than the person you're holding accountable

you can't hold someone accountable, if you aren't holding anything, unless you are the all-knowing keeper of the truth

it's like telling someone else's kids that you're counting on them to do well in school
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links18;2404214 said:
Unfortunately, more times that not, someone with that attitude finds it very difficult to change.

I just hope Stephen is more open minded when Pops retires....or kicks off.