DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

Here's your Law lesson for the day. If a DA knows a witness was paid off, its a felony. If he drops a case knowing that happened, he would lose his law license and his job.

And DV cases proceed all the time without the witness taking the stand. They didn't in this case because the witness gave completely contradictory version of her story to Police and then at the initial hearing. The DA dropped the case the second Hardy asked for a jury trial because he had absolutely no chance of winning.

Not hard to figure out if you know an attorney or two - or spend a half hour reading the facts.

So Hardy just accepted a 5 game suspension and his named forever tarnished just for the hell of it?

If he was truly innocent, he would have fought tooth and nail all the way to Federal Court if need be to protect his reputation and career. You didn't see Tom Brady just accept a suspension, he said "hell no, I am innocent" and took the league to court.

Why didn't Hardy do the same thing if he was innocent and the evidence against him was so flimsy?
Pacman tank and Owens never beat a woman. It's naive for you to think that anyone else is interested. It's pretty clear nobody is since nobody is

Just where do you get the idea that I think anybody is interested? I am absolutely certain nobody else is interested. But Dallas not wanting him back have nothing to do with other teams decisions did not pursue Greg Hardy. If teams were basing their decision on what Dallas does, nobody would've signed Pac-Man, Johnson, or Owens.

They're not interested in Greg Hardy because of Greg Hardy… Not because of Dallas.
Then you should no he was never accused of hitting. Those weren't bruises from punches/beating. 99% were on her back from either falling backwards (she was drunk & high on coke) or from being pushed/tossed onto a futon with guns on it.

Being pushed and/or thrown still constitutes assault – just like hitting someone does.

As a man, I happen to believe that you never put your hands on a woman. If it gets to that point, you walk away.
Why didn't Hardy do the same thing if he was innocent and the evidence against him was so flimsy?

Because the NFL had already dropped their PR Move of an 8 game penalty to 4 games. If he fought it he still had a good chance of getting a 2 game suspension, he likely just wanted it all behind him and took the 4 game suspension.

The other thing you have to consider is that Holder clearly has a drug problem and clearly was doing drugs in Hardy's presence. I don't know where she got the money (the fight that night was because Hardy told her he wasn't going to pay her rent anymore) but its not hard to imagine it came from Hardy. Taking the battle to levels you are talking about probably brings out other things Hardy doesn't want public and the NFL doesn't want public.

And if the NFL just ***** you out of an entire season with the threat of another half season, if you are Hardy it isn't hard to picture them coming up with something else to ban you completely. Taking the four game suspension and shutting his mouth was best for everyone concerned.
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Being pushed and/or thrown still constitutes assault – just like hitting someone does.

As a man, I happen to believe that you never put your hands on a woman. If it gets to that point, you walk away.

You don't know what happened. She changed her story to police/da at least 3 times.
You don't know what happened. She changed her story to police/da at least 3 times.

That's my point… Regardless of what happened, Hardy had the option of walking away. He would have saved himself – literally – have he done so.

my comments about shelving/throwing as opposed to hitting was in response to somebody who was making an attempt to separate the two. He said the bruises did not come from hitting, but from her being shoved or throne. In the eyes of the law, there's no difference between the two.
That's my point… Regardless of what happened, Hardy had the option of walking away. He would have saved himself – literally – have he done so.

my comments about shelving/throwing as opposed to hitting was in response to somebody who was making an attempt to separate the two. He said the bruises did not come from hitting, but from her being shoved or throne. In the eyes of the law, there's no difference between the two.
Thats not what I said. Previous poster said she didn't "beat" herself so I pointed out that the vast majority of bruises he was talking about happened either by her falling, maybe even purposely (his story) to be thrown on a futon of guns (her story). But he was never accused of hitting her. She did accuse him of choking and threatening her with a very melodramatic speech from her during a choking even though she had no bruising or damage to her neck other than a bruise under her chin.
Because the NFL had already dropped their PR Move of an 8 game penalty to 4 games. If he fought it he still had a good chance of getting a 2 game suspension, he likely just wanted it all behind him and took the 4 game suspension.

The other thing you have to consider is that Holder clearly has a drug problem and clearly was doing drugs in Hardy's presence. I don't know where she got the money (the fight that night was because Hardy told her he wasn't going to pay her rent anymore) but its not hard to imagine it came from Hardy. Taking the battle to levels you are talking about probably brings out other things Hardy doesn't want public and the NFL doesn't want public.

And if the NFL just ***** you out of an entire season with the threat of another half season, if you are Hardy it isn't hard to picture them coming up with something else to ban you completely. Taking the four game suspension and shutting his mouth was best for everyone concerned.

You might have point there.................all we know is that so far none of the 32 teams have shown any interest, as to why its all speculation I guess.

Time for Beast to call it a night..............good discussion gentlemen, even if we don't all agree with each other, at least we can disagree without being disagreeable or insulting to each other.

Good night fellas.
Being pushed and/or thrown still constitutes assault – just like hitting someone does.

As a man, I happen to believe that you never put your hands on a woman. If it gets to that point, you walk away.

Here are some questions for you -

1 - Why did Hardy call 911 if he was the aggressor?

2 - On the 911 call, why is Holder heard saying "I don't want to go to jail, Greg" repeatedly?

3 - Why did Holder leave Hardy's apartment and start running (barefoot) when she saw the police?

4 - Why did Holder tell Police that night that Hardy picked her up over his head and threw her across the room, and then in the initial Court Hearing say he only touched her by choking her? (which forensic evidence didn't support)
Here are some questions for you -

1 - Why did Hardy call 911 if he was the aggressor?

2 - On the 911 call, why is Holder heard saying "I don't want to go to jail, Greg" repeatedly?

3 - Why did Holder leave Hardy's apartment and start running (barefoot) when she saw the police?

4 - Why did Holder tell Police that night that Hardy picked her up over his head and threw her across the room, and then in the initial Court Hearing say he only touched her by choking her? (which forensic evidence didn't support)

That is how the mob mentality works. We hear a version of possibilities and form an absolute opinion. I for one can't see how anyone can have an absolute position on this situation when you take in consideration what was heard on the 911 call that he made, and the questionable character of the accuser. He could very well have been the aggressor in this situation or he could be the victim of blackmail i don't know because i wasn't there. But ALL things considered there is credence to his version.
Here's your Law lesson for the day. If a DA knows a witness was paid off, its a felony. If he drops a case knowing that happened, he would lose his law license and his job.

And DV cases proceed all the time without the witness taking the stand. They didn't in this case because the witness gave completely contradictory version of her story to Police and then at the initial hearing. The DA dropped the case the second Hardy asked for a jury trial because he had absolutely no chance of winning.

Not hard to figure out if you know an attorney or two - or spend a half hour reading the facts.

Look, I get it that because of the background of the accuser and that the defendant was a highly visible NFL player
there might be reluctance to prosecute unless the DA has an ironclad case. That does not mean that he's innocent.
The NFL FO clearly thinks he had significant involvement in domestic violence of this woman and according to
the CBA and NFL rules he was suspended. This did not happen in a court of law and the rules are different.
Any negative actions that brings scrutiny and discredit upon the NFL can and will get you booted. All you have to
do is post something negative in Facebook and your boss can fire you from your job. The world is changing.
Wow this has created quite the stir... Hardy should have stayed out of media and kept himself as quiet as possible. Just bringing the issue back up. It's really a no win situation for him

Exactly, now he's shot himself in the foot again. He's like kryptonite now in that any NFL team
that touches him will never hear the end of it from the press, women's groups, advertisers and most
likely the NFL honchos. His lawyer/agent should have advised him to take a long vacation to the
islands. You have to admit, the man has little smarts and now its gonna cost him big.
Wow this has created quite the stir... Hardy should have stayed out of media and kept himself as quiet as possible. Just bringing the issue back up. It's really a no win situation for him

That is what it amounts to.
One thing that might help is if he showed some level of remorse.

When he constantly says he never touched her, yet pictures are all over the Internet of bruises all over her body.............well, I guess he is saying it was self-inflicted? She beat herself up like in Fight Club?

Don't think NFL teams are going to buy that.

Maybe, you like many others don't know that there was actually another man in the apartment at the time of the incident? But, again, you have company. Millions of people have rushed to judgment on the case without spending even a few minutes bothering to know what they were talking about.
According to this article from the Charlotte Observer the case against Hardy was unraveling for weeks - it wouldn't have mattered if they found her or not, the DA was never going to win the case with or without her. Please don't take my word for it. This is a very eye opening article.

Good luck with that. I appreciate you sharing the information, but the lazy and closed minded already have their minds made up. It's much easier to quickly pass judgment on it than yo actually invest the time to know the facts. And we live in a lazy society.
Former Teammate Steve Smith tweets an appropriately sarcastic response to Greg Hardy's interview comments:

I want Greg Hardy to be another team's divisive presence.
If you need to ascribe motives to the people who understood the facts the first 8 or 10 times they were posted here, it sounds like you have a pathological need to hate other people.

You interpret facts in manners that most others do not and act as if everyone is stupid because they come to a different conclusion. Your delusional interpretation seems the real pathology

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