DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

Being pushed and/or thrown still constitutes assault – just like hitting someone does.

As a man, I happen to believe that you never put your hands on a woman. If it gets to that point, you walk away.

The women I grew up with would hit you in the back of the head with a brick if you turned away.
Pain in the *** and not very smart comments (he needs a better PR coach). At this point he's a 1-2 vet minimum type contract.
Are people still advocating for this guy to come back?

Isn't it clear that Dallas doesn't want him? Seriously, all discussion about his DV situation, isn't it pretty obvious that Dallas doesn't want him?
The women I grew up with would hit you in the back of the head with a brick if you turned away.

And the men that raisede me would have goten up and keep on walking. Never put your hands on a woman in anger - nothing good can come of it. Case in point - Greg Hardy.
Here are some questions for you -

1 - Why did Hardy call 911 if he was the aggressor?

2 - On the 911 call, why is Holder heard saying "I don't want to go to jail, Greg" repeatedly?

3 - Why did Holder leave Hardy's apartment and start running (barefoot) when she saw the police?

4 - Why did Holder tell Police that night that Hardy picked her up over his head and threw her across the room, and then in the initial Court Hearing say he only touched her by choking her? (which forensic evidence didn't support)

Where did I say Hardy was the aggressor? Where did I say he initiated anything?

My post was in response tp the poster who said - "he didn't hit her...he only shoved or threw her". And my point was there is no difference...shoving and throwing her is assault, just as hitting her would be.

I'll say this again - whether he was the aggressor or not, he still could have walked away. That may the only ting he did wrong, but still should have done it differently.
He's OFFICIALLY off my want list. He's proving that he doesn't have the mental capacity to deal with the media no matter how much is on the line.

He's ruining any chances of getting signed by any team simply because he is incapable of being honest with even himself.

I doubt he plays in the NFL ever again, and I definitely don't think he's worth a roster spot here. And Up until last week I was one of the fans calling for us to bring him back. Nope, he's done. Certified moron.
And the men that raisede me would have goten up and keep on walking. Never put your hands on a woman in anger - nothing good can come of it. Case in point - Greg Hardy.

The men that raised you would most likely be dead it sounds like.
Here is my biggest problem with Hardy and any possibility of a return to Dallas.

#1 - Dallas already took it on the chin for signing Hardy. They rode the wave of negative backlash, so they are the one team that could have signed him going forward with the least amount of grief.

#2 - As far as we know, no team has called to invite Hardy in for a visit. There is currently no market whatsoever for his services.

Knowing these two things above, it is easy enough to conclude that Dallas could get him for an incredibly team friendly deal up to this point, but they have not so much as reached out to him. So, what is up? It can't be his previous domestic violence charge because they already signed him with that hanging over his head and did so with a contract that paid him pretty well all things considered.

So, it has to be something else. Has to be people within the organization that decided that Hardy was not worth the headache. Could have been that the constant negative of his past just hung over their heads all season or there could have been truth to the rumors of his behavior and tardiness behind closed doors. At any rate, something pushed them to look for other players to fill that DE role and I can't believe his interview helped convince them that they should rethink their stance.

They are currently looking at any option but Greg Hardy after they already paid the price in the public's eye for signing Greg Hardy. That just speaks volumes to me.
Only a handful of Cowboys fans are defending him. He got his second chance, and he blew it in colossal fashion. Nobody at Valley Ranch is the least bit interested aside from Jerry on a whiskey binge, and the other 31 teams don't seem the least bit interested in him.

I think his career is over unless he can find a gig in Jacksonville or somewhere with the dimmest of spotlights.
Anyone who thinks Hardy will play in the NFL in 2016 is just delusional.

Watch carefully, no one wants him, not even on a veteran minimum salary....NO ONE WANTS HIM.....
Hardy is sinking faster on social media than an anchor falling to the ocean floor. This thug is fallen so
fast, so hard that not even the Zone lawyers on this site can save him. I heard once that all "dogs" go to
heaven but, not this pooch.
It damn near pisses me off that all these clowns can harp on? are the domestic
violence issue, his not being in great condition and what is perceived as a locker
room cancer despite the fact that I believe in the exact opposite, so lets keep in
mind this guy was thrust into a suspension (unwarranted) had no clue if in fact
he'd be playing or serving a 10 game suspension, Had only but a month to really
get to know the playbook and could not participate with the team in any capacity
due to the fact the NFL and it's policies suck
Hardy did this to himself. He was given a golden opportunity to land a home and second contract, if not here, elsewhere. He decided, for whatever reasons alienating himself and not being a professional was more important. His choice. Regardless of his on field struggles of 2015 any team with common sense knows not playing football for the amount of time he sat has an impact, he was still productive despite that. Clearly each team has decided, for reasons we know and im sure a slew of reasons we do NOT know, that he is not worth it.
I've never seen a dismissed misdemeanor charge cause so much trouble for one person. Regardless if he is innocent or not, the man has already paid his adjudicated dues to society and the NFL. It seems every person that has ever been a victim of DV or had a loved one that was a victim of DV is now piling on as if Hardy committed those crimes too. The one exception is Jason Witten.
It damn near pisses me off that all these clowns can harp on? are the domestic
violence issue, his not being in great condition and what is perceived as a locker
room cancer despite the fact that I believe in the exact opposite, so lets keep in
mind this guy was thrust into a suspension (unwarranted) had no clue if in fact
he'd be playing or serving a 10 game suspension, Had only but a month to really
get to know the playbook and could not participate with the team in any capacity
due to the fact the NFL and it's policies suck

Since the Ray Rice incident that resulted in a TV campaign against domestic violence it's become a huge issue. The interview Hardy just did with Adam Scheffer is making him look even worse. If he thinks he helped his cause any by claiming he's never put his hands on any woman after all the pictures surfaced of bruises on his ex girlfriend he needs to be committed. In one sentence he claims he never touched her and in another he claims he did some things wrong but he won't say what he did. :cool: To say his suspension was unwarranted is ludicrous!

There was a lot of evidence a crime was committed and had he not paid her off to keep her from testifying the charges would have never been dropped and he very likely would have been convicted and his football career would have been over! Hardy went through OTA's and a full training camp with the team so stop apologizing for him. He's damn lucky he was given an opportunity and instead of taking advantage of it and doing everything possible to repair his tainted image his antics drew more attention than his play on the field.
I've never seen a dismissed misdemeanor charge cause so much trouble for one person. Regardless if he is innocent or not, the man has already paid his adjudicated dues to society and the NFL. It seems every person that has ever been a victim of DV or had a loved one that was a victim of DV is now piling on as if Hardy committed those crimes too. The one exception is Jason Witten.

It's causing him so much trouble because he's an NFL player and his domestic violence charge came on the heels of the Ray Rice domestic violence incident that rocked not only the NFL world but the Nation after the surveillance video was made public showing Rice knocking the crap out of his girlfriend in that elevator. The pictures that were made public showing the damage Hardy did to his girlfriend disturbed many and instead of taking advantage of the opportunity the Cowboys gave him he continued adding to his bad guy image. No player in their right mind who's been through what Hardy has been through would screw up a golden opportunity with a high profile team to repair their image and that's exactly what Hardy did. Now he's doing interviews to try and make himself look like a saint claiming he would never touch a woman because that's not how he was brought up in the Bible belt. :laugh: They only showed a portion of that interview he did with Scheffer but it made him look so full of **** even some of his former Carolina teammates like Steve Smith are ripping him.
Since the Ray Rice incident that resulted in a TV campaign against domestic violence it's become a huge issue. The interview Hardy just did with Adam Scheffer is making him look even worse. If he thinks he helped his cause any by claiming he's never put his hands on any woman after all the pictures surfaced of bruises on his ex girlfriend he needs to be committed. In one sentence he claims he never touched her and in another he claims he did some things wrong but he won't say what he did. :cool: To say his suspension was unwarranted is ludicrous!

There was a lot of evidence a crime was committed and had he not paid her off to keep her from testifying the charges would have never been dropped and he very likely would have been convicted and his football career would have been over! Hardy went through OTA's and a full training camp with the team so stop apologizing for him. He's damn lucky he was given an opportunity and instead of taking advantage of it and doing everything possible to repair his tainted image his antics drew more attention than his play on the field.

Late to meetings and confrontational with the media last season... is that his crime now? No that was Dez that did that but you're not hard on him. Dez had a terrible season but his "second chance" isn't blown? Hardy paid his dues to society. Please stop the double standard.

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