DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

What are you talking about? That emo little child stuff isn't cool. Nothing I said is neanderthal so if you and your pal in emo @HoustonFrog have anything to say regarding what I said besides this junk say it but spare me the names for calling out your bogus views.

Come on fella....Quit being so sensitive... You know exactly what you are so hurry up and get in that line over to the left there.
That's a nice little boy...!
Hardy was never even charged with that claim. LOL, where do you get that stuff? The charge was misdemeanor domestic abuse which is not... "beating the crap out of someone". And yes, when she lied about it and the DA saw the lack of evidence he did encourage her to take the settlement of just walking away without charges against her for false statements.

After what he did to her he's lucky that's all he got. It was enough to tarnish his name, get him suspended and cost him a lot of money. You can have his back all you want he's a scumbag who has no remorse for what he did. Go read the comments from some of his Carolina teammates no one is having his back.
After what he did to her he's lucky that's all he got. It was enough to tarnish his name, get him suspended and cost him a lot of money. You can have his back all you want he's a scumbag who has no remorse for what he did. Go read the comments from some of his Carolina teammates no one is having his back.

What did he do to her? All that we know as fact that he did to her was pay her rent and she wanted him to keep doing it. The media hype did those things to him. Yes, he should be ashamed of himself for paying the crazy gold digger's rent.
Come on fella....Quit being so sensitive... You know exactly what you are so hurry up and get in that line over to the left there.
That's a nice little boy...!
Exactly just running on pure emotions no real stance. I know exactly what I am just wanted to see if you were just another phony out morals person and I found my answer. Trying to out moral people won't take you far though just some free advice.
Well my experience is all criminal all NC and all local to Charlotte. I've processed everything from football players,nascar drivers, ceo's of major corporations and only this case has got this attention.

Thanks for posting, its welcome to see some actual knowledge in these threads.

Not asking you to throw anyone you know under the bus, but do you think the publicity affected the course of the case?
Why must you demean? Disagree yes but be civil please.
Its ok the person you quoted has no real point but to out moral people so that's all they have. My point to,them is just because everybody doesn't agree 100 percent on his view doesn't mean they are on some beat women up is great vibe.
What did he do to her? All that we know as fact that he did to her was pay her rent and she wanted him to keep doing it. The media hype did those things to him. Yes, he should be ashamed of himself for paying the crazy gold digger's rent.

Look at the pictures that tells you what he did to her. The fact that he was paying her rent proves part of why she was seeing him was money. If she's a gold digger then how else was he going to settle with her without paying her money? Have fun coming up with an answer for that. lol
You keep posting links to the reports that misquote what the DA actually said. The DA (Murray) never said it was a financial settlement and if you'll actually look at his direct quotes, you'd see this.

The reports of what the DA said always assume the settlement was financial so that's how they report it but that's not what Murray actually said.

You don't get it!!! You just posted the same link I posted in the first response to you. It mentions a settlement that the DA spoke and says there is no financial amount stated....clue for there is an amount but none stated. The reason why a civil case would then go away is because there is money involved. This is what happens. When OJ was found not guilty, the Goldmans filed a civil suit where he was found guilty and were awarded millions. It happens all the time. If a civil suit is off the table and she is jet setting and not testifying it isn't from a simple promise, its from monetary funds. Some report amounts, some don't.

This says it best
It appears Hardy and Holder reached a settlement outside of court. In other words, the 26-year-old paid her off.

One certainly can't fault Holder for wanting to move on with her life, rather than having to relive the horrors of being thrown onto a bed with guns or being grabbed by the throat, as she recalled back in July. But does her absence following the settlement send the wrong message about victims of domestic violence, especially in cases involving athletes and high-profile celebrities? She got "paid off" as the New York Postput it and is now silent.
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More food for thought. Adam Schefter's opinion after speaking with Greg Hardy:

That's Schefter saying he found Hardy very believable, but isn't sure if he believes him or not and he's too chicken (and with good reason) to say so more directly.

It's pretty consistent with what Charles Haley had to say about Hardy last season on Talking Cowboys (I believe this was just prior to the 2nd PHI game). Reading between the lines, Charles suggested Hardy was struggling with the false perception that he'd hit the girl and that he was being advised to keep his mouth shut about it under the circumstances. (And, yes, this is just my interpretation of Haley's comments).

I've thought all along that there was a lot going on with Hardy's side of this story that's not getting fairly played, and I still think so. You'll remember, stash, that I was on the Hardy-to-Dallas train back when most posters thought it was a pipedream. That's back before the debates about what really happened in the DV accusation incident. I didn't have a problem with him coming in on a try-it deal, and I'm glad we did it. I think it was a smart risk.

At this point, whatever happened, and we obviously don't have any idea what happened, I'm not in favor of bringing him back. Whatever he did to ruin his welcome in Dallas, it's pretty obvious that he definitely wore it out somehow in less than a full season. Jerry intimating anything to the contrary is just doing a favor for Hardy's agent in terms of public PR. We've moved on, and if we've moved on this obviously, there has to be a reason for it.

Which also means, I hope, that me saying there's something to Hardy's position about the incident with Holder is not a 'homer' talking. I thought the same thing when he was a Panther, I thought it when he was here, and I think it now that he's in the rear view window.
Exactly just running on pure emotions no real stance. I know exactly what I am just wanted to see if you were just another phony out morals person and I found my answer. Trying to out moral people won't take you far though just some free advice.

You obviously have not read many of my posts on the Mr. Hardy issue. The NFL FO, The Dallas Cowboys, Several former NFL and current
NFL players, advertisers, women's groups and many others have decided in the court of public opinion which I share that Mr. Hardy does
not deserved to play NFL football again. Also none of the 31 other NFL teams seem to be interested in the football god either. I don't need
court transcripts and newspaper articles to tell me he's not a nice person. His actions this last year on and off the field convict him on its
face. By the's just fine for you, Kaiser and mrtxstar to disagree all you want.
What are you talking about? That emo little child stuff isn't cool. Nothing I said is neanderthal so if you and your pal in emo @HoustonFrog have anything to say regarding what I said besides this junk say it but spare me the names for calling out your bogus views.

Please leave me out of your petty b.s. I've never sat her and played a moral card or done what you and the teeny minority or doing which is basically "you are wrong, and Hardy is a good guy, learn to read." My stance has always been that its not black and white and two messed up people got into a fight and things got rough. No matter what you read this bears out in some way. Both parties have been all over the place with their thoughts and stances with Hardy apologizing on Twitter one day and deleting it and saying he was wronged the next. It's pure common sense if you add how the guy has acted since last year to it all. So run a long and grow up and let the adults talk. There more to the story on both sides and no one is superior since no one knows!
Look at the pictures that tells you what he did to her. The fact that he was paying her rent proves part of why she was seeing him was money. If she's a gold digger then how else was he going to settle with her without paying her money? Have fun coming up with an answer for that. lol

Financial favors stop when you get greedy and go crazy for being cut off.
At this point, whatever happened, and we obviously don't have any idea what happened, I'm not in favor of bringing him back. Whatever he did to ruin his welcome in Dallas, it's pretty obvious that he definitely wore it out somehow in less than a full season. Jerry intimating anything to the contrary is just doing a favor for Hardy's agent in terms of public PR. We've moved on, and if we've moved on this obviously, there has to be a reason for it.

I think the team has moved on and I believe what CASmith wrote about Hardy checking out when the team losses piled up.

I also think we take a DE in the 1st - 3rd round, this is a deep class and will have a great shot at getting great value at the position. But if we don't and Hardy says he will come back on a very low, incentive based contract I do think he would be resigned. The odds of that are minimal, but I do think its possible.
You don't get it!!! You just posted the same link I posted in the first response to you. It mentions a settlement that the DA spoke and says there is no financial amount stated....clue for there is an amount but none stated. The reason why a civil case would then go away is because there is money involved. This is what happens. When OJ was found not guilty, the Goldmans files a civil suit where he was found guilty and were awarded millions. It happens all the time. If a civil suit is off the table and she is jet setting and not testifying it isn't from a simple promise, its from monetary funds. Some report amounts, some don't.

This says it best

One certainly can't fault Holder for wanting to move on with her life, rather than having to relive the horrors of being thrown onto a bed with guns or being grabbed by the throat, as she recalled back in July. But does her absence following the settlement send the wrong message about victims of domestic violence, especially in cases involving athletes and high-profile celebrities? She got "paid off" as the New York Postput it and is now silent.

"No amount" mentioned doesn't mean there was one. It means just the opposite, IMO and my opinion is always as just good as yours.

One certainly can't fault Holder for agreeing to a settlement which requires her to silently walk away with no charges against her after making false statements about domestic abuse from a man that she was attempting to blackmail into continuing to pay her rent. The DA did her a huge favor.
Please leave me out of your petty b.s. I've never sat her and played a moral card or done what you and the teeny minority or doing

So what was this? Only an hour ago:


The only Neanderthals are people like you that have zero clue about the justice system and who claim you know more than you do because you have to be right due to some kind of inferiority complex.

Stop playing Encyclopedia Brown on a message board and just try common sense.[/quot
Financial favors stop when you get greedy and go crazy for being cut off.

It took financial favors to keep her from testifying. If he was confident he did nothing wrong and that it could proven he wouldn't have paid her a dime and taken his chances in front of a jury. Going to trial and being found not guilty would have vindicated him.
I think the team has moved on and I believe what CASmith wrote about Hardy checking out when the team losses piled up.

I also think we take a DE in the 1st - 3rd round, this is a deep class and will have a great shot at getting great value at the position. But if we don't and Hardy says he will come back on a very low, incentive based contract I do think he would be resigned. The odds of that are minimal, but I do think its possible.

This is just pop-psych on my part, but I think the pictures of the bruising coming out and the stirring up of the story all over again by the Philly writer at the end of the year last year threw Hardy into a tailspin. I think he's possibly even a manic/depressive personality, and that the long time off and the quick start he got off to reversed itself as the losses piled up. Then that story broke, and he just sort of unraveled at the end of the year there and probably didn't handle a lot of things well.

Reading into things hugely again, the Dez tweet at the end of the year re: Hardy makes me suspect the two of them commiserated at some point about the perceptions that media can enforce on a player and how difficult that can be to deal with. Both of those guys know what that looks like, guilty or not.

But, whatever. the issues of what really happened that night aside, Hardy brought the rest of this all down on himself. Media overreaction or not, he baited them by doing and saying stupid things all season. And he's baiting them now with this story. He's have been much better off keeping a lid on the DV situation ("I don't agree with the media characterization of some of what went on that night, but I'm putting that story in the past, period.") and then coming clean about how he didn't handle things great in Dallas under the circumstance and that he's committed to being a better teammate somewhere next season. What he did, instead, is bring the spotlight back on the DV incident and reinforce the obvious fact that he's stubborn and not willing to change in order to earn yet another chance in the NFL. Dumb move by him and by Rosenhaus.
Please leave me out of your petty b.s. I've never sat her and played a moral card or done what you and the teeny minority or doing which is basically "you are wrong, and Hardy is a good guy, learn to read." My stance has always been that its not black and white and two messed up people got into a fight and things got rough. No matter what you read this bears out in some way. Both parties have been all over the place with their thoughts and stances with Hardy apologizing on Twitter one day and deleting it and saying he was wronged the next. It's pure common sense if you add how the guy has acted since last year to it all. So run a long and grow up and let the adults talk. There more to the story on both sides and no one is superior since no one knows!
Leave yourself out of it then and I wouldn't have tagged you. Don't co sign somebody's beyond silly post and expect not to be involved. Show me where I said Hardy is a good guy. This is exactly what I'm talking about with the all emo posters they make up stuff that wasn't said or implied at all. You should also take your own advice mr grown up because you do know that "grown ups" don't have to make up stuff esp when we are on a messageboard where everybody can see what the other has posted right?

You obviously have not read many of my posts on the Mr. Hardy issue. The NFL FO, The Dallas Cowboys, Several former NFL and current
NFL players, advertisers, women's groups and many others have decided in the court of public opinion which I share that Mr. Hardy does
not deserved to play NFL football again. Also none of the 31 other NFL teams seem to be interested in the football god either. I don't need
court transcripts and newspaper articles to tell me he's not a nice person. His actions this last year on and off the field convict him on its
face. By the's just fine for you, Kaiser and mrtxstar to disagree all you want.
What does any of this have to do with what I said? You really have no point just want everybody to agree with you and they don't so your hyped up. Its ok you can call me names to make it all feel better.
One certainly can't fault Holder for agreeing to a settlement which requires her to silently walk away with no charges against her after making false statements about domestic abuse from a man that she was attempting to blackmail into continuing to pay her rent. The DA did her a huge favor.

Every defense attorney recommends to clients that they make a De Minimus settlement offer for the civil side of a criminal charge even if its a slam dunk to beat the criminal charge. Offering the accuser 25K to go away will save you at least a half million dollars in legal fees for going to trial in a civil case.

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