DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

Please remember to do it. There are more than a few Neanderthals on this zone that continue to think he
couldn't possibly do anything wrong (they still believe that women (*****es) should be chattel) and a few
slaps to keep them in line is just fine. The world is changing fast and soon their days will end but, not soon
enough to suit me.
The world isn't changing fast. People only are if you're famous where people can claim moral superiority over somebody like that means something. Most people aren't famous/rich so nobody cares don't be fooled. Also don't get where people get this emotional non sense logic that people think its cool to,hit women or people in general just because. People say this and for the most part there is no evidence that people on here condone such junk but some of y'all just run with this bogus view.
You predicted a win over Philly in the second game last season and tried denying it until I searched your posts and slammed you with it. :laugh:

That is the exception and not the rule. I rarely eat crow. Got any more examples? No, didn't think so.
No need, the DA decided they didn't amount to the charges filed. The story you are told when looking at those pictures is your imagination.

The charges were dropped because Holder made herself unavailable after being paid off. Hard to take someone to trial when their accuser refuses to testify.
These threads have been going on for 15 months and the vast majority of posters have read enough to know there are huge holes in the story of his accuser.

The only reason these threads are still active is because there is a half dozen "Neanderthals" that refuse to read the facts. And they won't because they have a pathological need to pretend to moral superiority.

The only Neanderthals are people like you that have zero clue about the justice system and who claim you know more than you do because you have to be right due to some kind of inferiority complex. Plenty of people have read the transcripts, etc and ALSO have seen what Hardy has said and how he has acted and logically put a lot together and concluded two messed up people, in a messed up relationship fought and messed up things happened. It's plain and simple. You are in a very small minority among people who know WAY more about the situation and who claim there is much more to it. Stop playing Encyclopedia Brown on a message board and just try common sense.
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That is the exception and not the rule. I rarely eat crow. Got any more examples? No, didn't think so.

You've been wrong so many times I've lost track. No one talks out their ace more than you now get going!
The charges were dropped because Holder made herself unavailable after being paid off. Hard to take someone to trial when their accuser refuses to testify.

You keep making statements that just are not supported by facts. A financial settlement was never proven.
She was so scared that she changed her story from "He picked me up over his head and threw me across the room" to "He choked me and threatened to kill me"?

Do you even read what you write?

Yes! Scared because they are nervous to talk about what happened and in this case the possibility that both happened. Again, stop victim blaming.
You've been wrong so many times I've lost track. No one talks out their ace more than you now get going!

So show me. You are the one stating wild claims as facts. There was never a confirmation of financial settlement. The pictures don't prove who caused the bruises.
You keep making statements that just are not supported by facts. A financial settlement was never proven.

So show me. You are the one stating wild claims as facts. There was never a confirmation of financial settlement. The pictures don't prove who caused the bruises.


The prosecutor also told Superior Court Judge Robert Sumner that Holder had agreed to a settlement with Hardy, which heads off any civil lawsuits she might file in connection with the case. No dollar amount was mentioned.

It headed off a civil suit because money was already granted...the amount was not mentioned
Hardy, who made $13.1 million last year while on the commissioner's exempt list, agreed to pay an undisclosed financial settlement to Holder, according to prosecutors.
The world isn't changing fast. People only are if you're famous where people can claim moral superiority over somebody like that means something. Most people aren't famous/rich so nobody cares don't be fooled. Also don't get where people get this emotional non sense logic that people think its cool to,hit women or people in general just because. People say this and for the most part there is no evidence that people on here condone such junk but some of y'all just run with this bogus view.

The world isn't changing fast. People only are if you're famous where people can claim moral superiority over somebody like that means something. Most people aren't famous/rich so nobody cares don't be fooled. Also don't get where people get this emotional non sense logic that people think its cool to,hit women or people in general just because. People say this and for the most part there is no evidence that people on here condone such junk but some of y'all just run with this bogus view.

The Neanderthal line is right over there to the left... Please join them at your leisure, fool.

A settlement yes, not a financial settlement. A settlement could be as simple as agreeing she goes away in exchange for no charges on her for false statements. You know this, after all you are in the legal profession, right?

It headed off a civil suit because money was already granted...the amount was not mentioned

This is a third party misquoting a DA's report of a settlement, not a financial settlement.
The Neanderthal line is right over there to the left... Please join them at your leisure, fool.
What are you talking about? That emo little child stuff isn't cool. Nothing I said is neanderthal so if you and your pal in emo @HoustonFrog have anything to say regarding what I said besides this junk say it but spare me the names for calling out your bogus views.
1) You have no clue what happened in that apartment. She is a mess. He has shown to be a mess and unreliable when it comes to his statements. We have no clue but we have had a judge find him initially culpable and the league and others find him in violation. Is it probably somewhere in between? Yes but there is no way he wasn't getting some punishment after what the league has been through

2) He hasn't helped himself. Twitter, his initial press conference talking about hot wives, being tardy weekly, slapping coaches clip board, this last interview...the guy makes #1 seem even more possible because he has zero self awareness and is all over the place.

3) I didn't even practice criminal defense but spent a tiny part in a DAs office where I saw everything from DWI to a little girl who had been touched inappropriately by her step-Dad and people are up in arms about crimes anywhere you go...MADD to victim rights group. The NFL is big business so they will protect the brand more than crazy individuals.

Well my experience is all criminal all NC and all local to Charlotte. I've processed everything from football players,nascar drivers, ceo's of major corporations and only this case has got this attention.
You keep making statements that just are not supported by facts. A financial settlement was never proven.

She got the crap beat out of her by a rich NFL player who drives a Bentley you honestly believe she would walk away from that and settle for something less than a financial settlement? Are you for real? lol
So show me. You are the one stating wild claims as facts. There was never a confirmation of financial settlement. The pictures don't prove who caused the bruises.

There was evidence of a settlement what do you think she settled for after getting the crap beat out of her an apology and a handshake? Get moving!
She got the crap beat out of her by a rich NFL player who drives a Bentley you honestly believe she would walk away from that and settle for something less than a financial settlement? Are you for real? lol

Hardy was never even charged with that claim. LOL, where do you get that stuff? The charge was misdemeanor domestic abuse which is not... "beating the crap out of someone". And yes, when she lied about it and the DA saw the lack of evidence he did encourage her to take the settlement of just walking away without charges against her for false statements.
A settlement yes, not a financial settlement. A settlement could be as simple as agreeing she goes away in exchange for no charges on her for false statements. You know this, after all you are in the legal profession, right?

This is a third party misquoting a DA's report of a settlement, not a financial settlement.

Why are you ignoring what they are saying
Charges against Hardy were dropped because, according to Murray, Holder refused to cooperate in the investigation after receiving a financial settlement from Hardy

Murray is the DA. That is 2 articles referencing it now.

Not only that but while the prosecutor was having trouble "finding" her, she just happened to be jet setting instead of being present at her club job after the settlement

Read more here:

Well my experience is all criminal all NC and all local to Charlotte. I've processed everything from football players,nascar drivers, ceo's of major corporations and only this case has got this attention.

Congrats on your DA work was small town Texas but local interest before civil lit work.,.. but I'm assuming it got the publicity because of the NFL's failings in other domestic matters so there was more interest in this.
Why are you ignoring what they are saying

Murray is the DA. That is 2 articles referencing it now.

Not only that but while the prosecutor was having trouble "finding" her, she just happened to be jet setting instead of being present at her club job after the settlement

Read more here:


You keep posting links to the reports that misquote what the DA actually said. The DA (Murray) never said it was a financial settlement and if you'll actually look at his direct quotes, you'd see this.

The reports of what the DA said always assume the settlement was financial so that's how they report it but that's not what Murray actually said.

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