DMN: Sporting News writer: Greg Hardy has rendered himself 'almost untouchable'

it only has power if we let it. trouble is, we do. when the MOB starts changing facebook pics to show support, you can get railed on if you don't.

information has always been powerful. these days it comes faster than ever before and that can be the issue. how *we* filter it.

you can always go along with mob. or you can think for yourself. that power of choice has not been taken from us yet regardless of the excuses that continue to pile up to blame our actions on society.

I don't wish to get into politics here because of forum rules though the Hardy issue is directly related to the move afoot to rid this
country of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The unfettered move to "All Democracy - All the time" gives rise to internet justice
and the mob rules mentality. The time in which you get to take your issue before a court of law may soon be coming to an end
in America. The power of the Mob/Media compact is going to ruin Mr. Hardy and in short time could ruin you and I too.
It doesn't follow that he's guilty because he has no teams interested. He's got no teams interested because of his performance last season alone. It's got little to do with guilt or innocence re: the DV charges.

He'd be on a roster right now without the DV case.
He'd be on a roster right now without the DV case.

That's true, too. The DV was sufficient to bench him at the peak of his game. His actions last season were sufficient to (probably) turn off other teams who'd otherwise be willing to take a chance on a good player with a tarnished reputation.
Lee Harvey Oswald maintained his innocence and had no clue as to why
he was being arrested, yet the entire world still to this day puts the killing
of Kennedy on his shoulders, when facts contrary to the evidence proves
other wise, so don't go believing everything you read and hear out there
- next comment

Are you serious? :laugh:

keeping in mind what I just posted above, yes the evidence does point to a crime
committed, It doesn't however point to 1 man who had done it? as everyone has
falsely claimed. Which leaves a lot of suspicion as to what the real facts are? we
will certainly never know the real truth because the media will never tell us the real
facts. So we need to look at this from a different perspective,

The case against Hardy is weak -

here is what we know, under the law in any domestic violence crime being
investigated by the police, always favors the female in the incident, so if she
said he did it, The police have to take her word for it especially when or IF
no one else seen or heard anything, This does not mean neccesarily that
he is guilty. The law is imperfect, justice (blind) 2) the severity of the abuse
warrants it's a felony crime. However the state doesn't have any evidence
to prove the attack took place inside the alleged home, just her repeated
words of he did it, He did it, he said/she said the state had to provide the
burden of proof and failed to do so without her which tells me that it could
have taken place anywhere. So the D.A. dropped the case which tells me
she lied and got a guilty conscious and came clean about what really took
place that night and nothing more became of the matter

until the NFL went ahead and suspended him anyways and now here
we are rehashing a story that just proves how fraudulent the world really

It really doesn't matter Hardy put himself in a situation that got him in trouble and there was enough evidence that a crime was committed that it forced him to have pay her off to keep her from testifying against him and it got him suspended for 4 games. He said he didn't touch her but says he did some things wrong but won't say what it was. He was given an opportunity by the Cowboys last season when it was reported that only 7 teams showed interest in him. Instead of coming in and being on his best behavior he made insensitive 911 comments that angered everyone, was late for meetings, had a physical altercation with a coach during a game, didn't produce up to expectations, created tension in the locker room and was a distraction. Now here we are in April and he still hasn't been signed by anyone. Hardy has no one else to blame for the situation he's in but himself. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut, show up for meetings on time, produce on the field and be a good teammate and it would have gone a long way in repairing his reputation. He would likely have a nice fat contact right now had he adhered to all that. None of that happened because he's an idiot!
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Yes I am serious the majority of what you hear reported isn't true, but if you are that naive
to the reality going on around you, then I can't continue with you any further
I don't wish to get into politics here because of forum rules though the Hardy issue is directly related to the move afoot to rid this
country of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The unfettered move to "All Democracy - All the time" gives rise to internet justice
and the mob rules mentality. The time in which you get to take your issue before a court of law may soon be coming to an end
in America. The power of the Mob/Media compact is going to ruin Mr. Hardy and in short time could ruin you and I too.

then don't let it.
After reading the age thread, the conspiracies in here make far more sense.

Carry on. It's great entertainment.
He'd be on a roster right now without the DV case.

Not DAL though. He would be on CAR or JAX after signing a huge contract after 2014.

DAL would never pony up retail on a FA DE. He still is a great value right now.
Yes I am serious the majority of what you hear reported isn't true, but if you are that naive
to the reality going on around you, then I can't continue with you any further

All the reports are saying the same things and you think the majority of what's being reported is wrong? Do you have any proof you can provide that the majority of what's being reported is wrong?
Nobody's ever tried to make that claim, before or after he signed here, so whatever point you're trying to make with this line is irrelevant.

Then whatever claims you're trying to make are ones that happened before he signed in Dallas and ones that this team was OK with.

Not hard at all when you've got a preconceived stance on the subject. Then you'll fill in whatever blanks there are with whatever helps you reach your desired conclusion.

I will break it down real easy for you since you seem to be struggling with it so much.

The negative PR from signing Hardy is only worth it if he is putting up big numbers.............he doesn't put up big numbers, so he is no longer worth it.

As far as Hardy goes, even he is suggesting something happened................"I didn't say that I didn't do anything wrong........"

That is like being half-pregnant, either you are or you are not...............either Hardy beat up her up or he didn't..............If I was accused of beating up a woman and I was innocent, I would be on every network TV hours a day screaming that this is a setup and I didn't touch her.

I dam sure wouldn't go on ESPN and have a sit down chat with Schaffer and say, "I didn't hit nobody, but I am not totally innocent either".

What the hell does that mean?......He either picked her up and body slamed her on the bed on top of guns or he didn't.........this is not multiple choice.
I don't wish to get into politics here because of forum rules though the Hardy issue is directly related to the move afoot to rid this
country of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The unfettered move to "All Democracy - All the time" gives rise to internet justice
and the mob rules mentality. The time in which you get to take your issue before a court of law may soon be coming to an end
in America. The power of the Mob/Media compact is going to ruin Mr. Hardy and in short time could ruin you and I too.

Hardy elected not to take his case to court, there was no infringement on his constitutional rights. He decided to take his 5 game suspension and not go to court, Tom Brady on the other hand decided to go to court and not accept his punishment.

So I don't get what you are trying to argu here. Hardy could have done the same thing as Brady and gone to Federal court to got an injunction against the league's suspension and he elected on his own not to do it.

Not sure how you get out of that that his constitutional rights were violated. And as far as the NFL goes, it is a privately owned corporation and can hire, fire, or suspend their employees as they see fit as long as it does not violate the law. Kinda like how Subway ended their relationship with Jared Fogle when the allegations of having sex with minors surfaced. As a private corporation, they did not want the publiciy of being associated with someone accused of what Jared was accused of. They did not wait for him to be convicted, they fired him from being their spokesman long before an actual conviction or plea bargin came.

You seem to be confusing the actions of private corporations like the NFL and Subway, with someone's constitutional right to have their day in court.
I will break it down real easy for you since you seem to be struggling with it so much.

The negative PR from signing Hardy is only worth it if he is putting up big numbers.............he doesn't put up big numbers, so he is no longer worth it.

As far as Hardy goes, even he is suggesting something happened................"I didn't say that I didn't do anything wrong........"

That is like being half-pregnant, either you are or you are not...............either Hardy beat up her up or he didn't..............If I was accused of beating up a woman and I was innocent, I would be on every network TV hours a day screaming that this is a setup and I didn't touch her.

I dam sure wouldn't go on ESPN and have a sit down chat with Schaffer and say, "I didn't hit nobody, but I am not totally innocent either".

What the hell does that mean?......He either picked her up and body slamed her on the bed on top of guns or he didn't.........this is not multiple choice.

I was at a bar and seen a woman scratch a man down his face and evidently rake is eye ball to the point there was blood in his eye. His immediate reaction was a push to get her away from him, in the process she falls over some stools hit her head on the bar and the floor. How wrong was this guy?
"I didn't hit nobody, but I am not totally innocent either"

She forced her way into his house - he never should have allowed that. He yelled at her - should not have done that. HE called the cops on her that night - maybe he should not have done that. MAYBE he grabbed her roughly after she started tearing up the place... There is A LOT he could have done differently but his stance is that nothing he did nothing illegal, maybe wrong choices, but not illegal. The fact that her attorney told her to drop the case because she had perjured herself already by changing her story time after time and was facing prison time if she got on the stand and did it again tells a lot.
"I didn't hit nobody, but I am not totally innocent either"

She forced her way into his house - he never should have allowed that. He yelled at her - should not have done that. HE called the cops on her that night - maybe he should not have done that. MAYBE he grabbed her roughly after she started tearing up the place... There is A LOT he could have done differently but his stance is that nothing he did nothing illegal, maybe wrong choices, but not illegal. The fact that her attorney told her to drop the case because she had perjured herself already by changing her story time after time and was facing prison time if she got on the stand and did it again tells a lot.

Nothing is ever black and white there is always gray, and the fact that everyone takes such an absolute view on the matter is scary. That is why I posted that scenario that happened in the bar. To see what the verdict was in that case.
I'm exhausted with all the hardy Demonization, it's ridiculous. I just read another article on Bspn talking about our draft options and says thank goodness Hardy doesn't have a job. These people need to get over themselves. Thousands of other NFL players have done way worse including probably those in the media vilifying him. Puuuulease. I don't hear anyone saying Chris Brown shouldn't be allowed to make music anymore. Hardy has been a victim of selective mob justice.
"I didn't hit nobody, but I am not totally innocent either"

She forced her way into his house - he never should have allowed that. He yelled at her - should not have done that. HE called the cops on her that night - maybe he should not have done that. MAYBE he grabbed her roughly after she started tearing up the place... There is A LOT he could have done differently but his stance is that nothing he did nothing illegal, maybe wrong choices, but not illegal. The fact that her attorney told her to drop the case because she had perjured herself already by changing her story time after time and was facing prison time if she got on the stand and did it again tells a lot.

He already explained that his mistake was being in a position that this could even take place. He broke up with Holder after she met his family at the ProBowl in Jan but he still responded to her booty calls. Once he met her in the parking garage of her work while she was on a break.

She was getting more and more irrational and if he was concentrating on football or even at his music studio instead of in the club with Ms Fatal Attraction this would not have happened. She even went after him in public the week before and threatened to hurt herself if he left. That is why he says he did wrong.

You don't date crazy.........nothing good happens in the club after midnight
My point is that there are some things that you do not confess to unless you are guilty. By Hardy not taking this thing to court and accepting the 5 game suspension, he is in affect admit guilt. That is why Tom Brady refused to just accept his punishment, because it was his reputation on the line. He knew that if he admitted to having anything at all to do with tampering with game balls, his reputation was ruined and he might not even make the Hall of Fame, at least not a first ballot.

So Hardy in affect, GIVES THE PERCEPTION HE IS GUILTY by accepting his punishment and with many things in life, perception becomes reality. If he truly is innocent, he made a horrific mistake in not fighting it because his reputation is forever ruined. He will always be considered a woman beater, no matter what really happened
My point is that there are some things that you do not confess to unless you are guilty. By Hardy not taking this thing to court and accepting the 5 game suspension, he is in affect admit guilt. That is why Tom Brady refused to just accept his punishment, because it was his reputation on the line. He knew that if he admitted to having anything at all to do with tampering with game balls, his reputation was ruined and he might not even make the Hall of Fame, at least not a first ballot.

So Hardy in affect, GIVES THE PERCEPTION HE IS GUILTY by accepting his punishment and with many things in life, perception becomes reality. If he truly is innocent, he made a horrific mistake in not fighting it because his reputation is forever ruined. He will always be considered a woman beater, no matter what really happened

Right and there is much more too the "perception" too. Again, we don't know what happened in that apartment...only 2 people REALLY do..maybe 3 and there is another who thinks they do or got an idea. Either way, we have heard different stories. And despite me not liking a lot of the media at times and what the league does through the Commish, everyone came to a conclusion through details we probably have not seen ourselves. I don't think that bench judge took the position lightly despite what message board pundits say. I don't think the pics were doctored so she got bruised up somehow. I would have much more respect if the guy straight out fought it tooth and nail from Day 1 and respectively tried to get the story out. What bothers me about him is he seems on the fence and then in his presser and tweets and interviews he comes across as not maintaining innocence but almost like he is laughing at the charges and throwing it in people's faces. I just don't feel sorry for those who don't help themselves and who, in fact, make it worse. They are in no way related crime wise but its like OJ "finding the real killer" and then golfing and making the fake stabbing motion in an its laughable. Despite Holder being cooky and on drugs, abuse is serious, and he took the wrong tact from Day 1. I'll put it this way, if there was never video of Ray Rice but he acted contrite like he has the last 2 years, he'd still be playing or getting shots. Hardy doesn't even have video and is not getting calls, which makes me believe that there is more to the story and guy because you know teams that need a pass rusher are doing their due diligence.

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