Do you think he Cowboys will be good next year


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Next year? Let's see a show of hands for those that picked PHL, MIN, LAR and NO to win their divisions. How many picked DAL, SEA and GB to miss the playoffs?

New season every season and new had been redefined.
Except for a handful of organizations that make the playoffs almost every year. WE use to be one of those organizations. From the mid 60’s to the mid 80’s and in the 90’s we made the playoffs almost every year. Sad, the way we have fallen from the most successful organization( playoff WINS) to a below average organization. Every since Jerry made a statement about putting on a good show after we lost a game, I have had very little confidence Jerry will do what it takes to put together a winning organization. If Jerry really wanted to win he would fire Garrett immediately!! He won’t though. It’s all about the show with Jerry. Jerry until we start winning back to back playoff games the show suck_.


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16-0, followed by 3 wins in the playoffs, to cap the NFL's first perfect season since the 1972 Dolphins.
Then we all woke up and Garrett was the owner/Head coach with 20 straight losing seasons(a new NFL record surpassing Cleveland). The year 2038.


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this is a poorly worded question. no offense.

are the cowboys going to have a better record? hard to say

are the cowboys players going to be better, i think most will make the team better.

are the cowboys going to be better and overcome Garrett and Linehan? i dont know to be honest. Those two coaches are going to be the lynchpins to success.

do i think the new coaches will contribute to the Cowboys being better? yes i do, will that be enough no.

do i think the Cowboys will have a better offseason than last year? i think it will be even keel, good moves with bad moves.

do i think the cowboys will be better in the long run? no, i think later than sooner Garrett will have to be replaced and thats going to set things back a while.

do i think the cowboys will be better? results, short term yes, long term no.
I like a lot of your analysis, but if we lost Garrett today I don’t think that would set us back at all. We all know about Garrett’s basic and simple game plans, lack of common sense adjustments during the games( chip for your sorry backup tackles moron-Atlanta game)and his terrible clock management( last 2 games vs GB gave them to much time). We must have a new coach if we want to compete for Superbowls. We already know what Garrett is, mediocre. Mediocre does not compete for Superbowls!!


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What sucks is if they have a good year it ensures more Garrett

I’d rather start 0-5 if it meant no more jackass


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Garrett was up by 24 points vs GB a few years ago and found away to screw that up. The arrow is pointing sideways for this team.

When you have to reach all the way back to ancient history, you're staring too hard in the rear view mirror.

And yes, I DO get the irony of my back-to-back posts. :lmao:


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When you have to reach all the way back to ancient history, you're staring too hard in the rear view mirror.

And yes, I DO get the irony of my back-to-back posts. :lmao:
That 24 point collapse to GB with Romo in his prime was an epic collapse. It wasn’t that long ago and it was, just one, of the MANY examples of Garrett’s lousy coaching. If you remember he refused to run the ball in the 2nd half.


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I'm hopeful the Cowboys will be better than they were in 2017, although how much better is questionable.

A devastating surplus of suspensions, injuries and distractions definitely offered us no favors last season.

We had a few major injuries, but in comparison to the rest of the league, we were healthy.


Taco Engineer
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I like our young secondary a lot. I think our defense overall will be as good and maybe better than this season.
I'm hopeful that our offense will be better but realistically I have my doubts. There are a lot of unknowns.


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I like our young secondary a lot. I think our defense overall will be as good and maybe better than this season.
I'm hopeful that our offense will be better but realistically I have my doubts. There are a lot of unknowns.

Prescott could use 2017 as a learning experience and be better for it in the long run. But there are no guarantees that will happen. It's a wait and see thing.


Taco Engineer
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Prescott could use 2017 as a learning experience and be better for it in the long run. But there are no guarantees that will happen. It's a wait and see thing.
I'm not worried about Prescott.


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I like a lot of your analysis, but if we lost Garrett today I don’t think that would set us back at all. We all know about Garrett’s basic and simple game plans, lack of common sense adjustments during the games( chip for your sorry backup tackles moron-Atlanta game)and his terrible clock management( last 2 games vs GB gave them to much time). We must have a new coach if we want to compete for Superbowls. We already know what Garrett is, mediocre. Mediocre does not compete for Superbowls!!

yea, im not disagreeing, i just didnt want to pile completely on, but you are correct. I dont think it would be the only thing to set us back, but i think it might be a whole year to implement and get the coaches on teh same page. i should have worded it better.


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Do you think he Cowboys will be good next year

Is 8-8 considered good?


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Prescott could use 2017 as a learning experience and be better for it in the long run. But there are no guarantees that will happen. It's a wait and see thing.
The season goes as Prescott does. If he can bounce back and have a good year, make defenses respect his arm, then this can be a playoff team. If not, then it's QB hunting time - chasing after the unicorn again.


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Im an idiot and Jerry loves me, because I think we will be good every damn year.

This year really hurt me though. Im not sure why exactly, maybe it was because I had higher than normal expectations. Maybe it was watching Dak, Dez and the oline fall apart. Maybe it was the piss poor coaching.

All I can say now is I really dont know next year. I expect nothing from these coaches, consequently I also expect nothing from Dak and the pass game.

All and all next year will come and I will be excited and optimistic but I will not be confident. It will take awhile before that happens again.

The positive is that we are always better after a down year.


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Im an idiot and Jerry loves me, because I think we will be good every damn year.

This year really hurt me though. Im not sure why exactly, maybe it was because I had higher than normal expectations. Maybe it was watching Dak, Dez and the oline fall apart. Maybe it was the piss poor coaching.

All I can say now is I really dont know next year. I expect nothing from these coaches, consequently I also expect nothing from Dak and the pass game.

All and all next year will come and I will be excited and optimistic but I will not be confident. It will take awhile before that happens again.

The positive is that we are always better after a down year.

What's the point of being a fan if you don't expect the best every season? I don't understand how pessimists ever enjoy anything.


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What's the point of being a fan if you don't expect the best every season? I don't understand how pessimists ever enjoy anything.

True, it has to be painful going into the season expecting the worst, doesn't seem fun to me.