Does Dak have a low football IQ?


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they say the opposing defense was weak. not our defense. so hopefully that clears it a bit.

they say the WR made a crazy play, because Dak is always inaccurate.

its the other team messed up, not that we did anything.

I am not arguing to be arguing. I have said, Dak is not elite and he will make mistakes. I have said we need a stronger team as a result to succeed, because he is not mahomes or brady. I don't get into lets scrutinize a single play to death and create generalization out of it.

I also don't get too high on great plays made and generalize those.
Thanks for the clarification. :thumbup:


Junior College Transfer
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If he does, why doesn’t the team put him in the right position to succeed? It was 1st and goal at the 6. Instead of taking a sack after the penalty, he should have threw it away. I’ve noticed Dak seems to do this often under pressure in the big games. I’m not even trying to hate on the guy right now. I just sometimes wonder if he has a low football IQ! This falls on coaching too.
Dak lacks accuracy.
His field of vision is narrow.
Holds the ball too long.


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Sure, sometimes QBs can get rid of the ball if their OT gives up pressure that fast. But I believe 99% of the time it is due to the QB looking in the direction that the pressure is coming from first.

Now you want to say Dak should have been looking that way first. Fine. I can live with that. I have no argument for or against since I don't know the playcall, progression, ect.

Again, it was a straight 4 man rush with everyone else dropping into coverage. The OLine CANNOT collapse that quickly in that situation.

Therefore if the QB was progressing through the play like he should have, and the pressure comes from the opposite side of where his progressions were, I think virtually every QB gets sacked in that situation 99.9999% of the time.

I do agree about the OL.


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That's great in theory and all, but pressure came pretty quick. Tough to throw the ball away in that situation and had he just gotten rid of it and ended up with an INT we would all be on here saying how you have to just take a sack in that situation and live for another play.

There are some things I would put on Dak, but he was not the main failure on that sack.
When you're at the 6 yard line, trivial to throw the ball away over everyone's heads out the back of the end zone.

I don't know why people keep pretending that throwing the ball away is terribly complicated. It isn't. It's QB 101.

The fact that Steele *also* failed on that play does not absolve Dak's failure. QBs generally have to throw the ball away *because* someone on the oline failed first.

Beginning of that play, and every play, a QB should be doing a situational assessment. In this situation, not taking a sack was the differential prescription. That's the failing that would be *extra* harmful in this situation compared to most plays. That's the adjustment you have to make to your *general* play in *this* situation.


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If he does, why doesn’t the team put him in the right position to succeed? It was 1st and goal at the 6. Instead of taking a sack after the penalty, he should have threw it away. I’ve noticed Dak seems to do this often under pressure in the big games. I’m not even trying to hate on the guy right now. I just sometimes wonder if he has a low football IQ! This falls on coaching too.
Daks hard to figure out. He can put together a great drive but can't finish it when it's for a TD to win the game. Daks just not that good. The league has about 5 really good QBs and 5 really bad QBs and Dak is one of those middle of the pack QBs.


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Thanks for proving that we are. ;) :grin:
While I'm sure that the threat of "dEtEnTiOn" or "GiViNg A bAd GrAdE" works great for you when one of your students challenge your warped world view, that crap don't cut it against adults.

So when you want to grow up and join the adults in real discussion, instead of trying to bully others into saying you are right as if they were one of your students, I'll be here.


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I still say Terrence Steele playing the entire game is an Unsolved Mystery . And that has nothing to do with Prescott .


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Daks success always relies on how much talent you can surround him with. He was lucky to walk into a playoff caliber team with the best RB in college at the time.
Daks biggest issue is when he plays good teams the speed of the game becomes too much for him when pressured. His brain short circuits and his release is so slow he can't even throw the ball away. He is a decent QB until the short circuiting begins and than there are about 20 other QBs in the league that you could replace him with that would do as good or better in that scenario. He always seems to invent new ways to lose big games.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
That's great in theory and all, but pressure came pretty quick. Tough to throw the ball away in that situation and had he just gotten rid of it and ended up with an INT we would all be on here saying how you have to just take a sack in that situation and live for another play.

There are some things I would put on Dak, but he was not the main failure on that sack.
You're making it too hard, see pressure coming throw it to the fans!!!! Same thing they do when in crunch time and limited time on the clock


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I think it’s ridiculous to assume any 10-year starting NFL QB has a low football IQ. Just saying…


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It’s hard to praise a guy that only wins the games that Cooper Rush is capable of winning.

If that was the case, why haven't Cooper Rush landed a starting job yet?? He's been in the league for 7 years. He's spent his career on and off of practice squads.

Let me guess..... you know the secret talents of Cooper Rush that 32 other owners, GMs and scouts haven't discovered in 7 years worth of film right??? Ohhhhhh.....

Shhhhh..... let's not let the secret of Cooper Rush out.