Does Dak really care about the Super Bowl when he negotiates for every penny?

so ok, I give you brady. who else? how many Brady's are there in the league? did Mahomes do the team a favor with a 500M contract? could he have taken a 300M instead and really help the team. Wilson? Rodgers? etc.

everyone keeps pointing to brady, whose sugar mommy makes over a 100M a year...Brady could play for free and he would be a multi millionaire.....

Using Mahommes is not a good idea. He's been to 3 straight AFC championship games and 2 straight super bowls. He earned his contract, Dak didn't. And Brady was taking team friendly contracts long before his wealthy wifey came along. He wasn't married to her the first 10 or 11 years of his career, so what's the excuse for him taking team friendly contracts before she came along?
Was he greedy his first 4 years when by any measure he was seriously under paid?

What did he do it about other then fulfill his contract and what for his opportunity to be paid unlike Zeke.
I will ask you again...did Dak turn down offers? Last time I am asking. If you don;t answer...then.....we know anyway.
lets be honest, he will likely walk when his next deal comes up. We had better start looking in the draft for a QB to develop now. I think a guy like Sam Ehlinger or Shane Buchelle would be fine to take a chance on. If Dak doesnt get us where we need to be, I think it will be a mutual parting after his deal runs out.
Let's be honest indeed. Did Miami get rid of Marino after he didn't get them where they needed to be? Did Miami have "a mutual parting" after Marino's "deal runs out".

Did Buffalo get rid of Kelly when not winning 1, not winning 2, not winning 3, not winning 4 Superbowls? Did Buffalo have "a mutual parting after Kelly's "deal runs out".

Did Atlanta fire Ryan after blowing the biggest lead in Superbowl history? Still no "mutual parting" either.
Did Atlanta part ways w/Ryan after tossing a pick vs Egals in the NFC championship game? No "mutual parting" there again. In fact Ryan received a huge raise. The list goes on.

Stop the hate on a quarterback whose only been playing a tad over 4 years. Dak's the Dallas Cowboys franchise quarterback for years to come. BOOM!
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Brady takes it upon himself to make sure his FO is able to build a good team around him. No, it isn't Dak's job to do the same, but why can't he? Its because he's a greedy punk who is only thinking about himself. We'll see how well he does the next few years when the team around him sucks.
“A greedy punk?” Jeez you embarrass yourself every time you post.
I don’t hate Dak. I actually like Dak a lot, but I think he and his agent went for every penny in his newly signed contract. If he REALLY wanted to win, Dak would not have went for every penny he could get. He would have given us just a little bit of a home team discount to enable us to sign a top Defensive Free Agent or two. Being the Dallas Cowboys QB is worth millions in endorsements and the tax savings playing for the Cowboys is worth a lot of $ too.

Regarding he wants to win more than any fan. That’s a stupid comment. Every player in the NFL is different. We all know Tom Brady will do anything to win. Most players do not want to win as badly as Brady. Some players are fine raking in millions an playing on a mediocre team. After playoff losses, I have seen plenty of players smiling and joking around with players from the other team.
There are average Joes playing B ball at the park that want to win their games, as much as any player in the NFL wants to win his game. Just because someone is playing at a lower level because they do not have the skill or size, etc. does not mean they are not as competitive.
Let's be honest indeed. Did Miami get rid of Marino after he didn't get them where they needed to be? Did Miami have "a mutual parting" after Marino's "deal runs out".

Did Buffalo get rid of Kelly when not winning 1, not winning 2, not winning 3, not winning 4 Superbowls? Did Buffalo have "a mutual parting after Kelly's "deal runs out".

Did Atlanta part ways w/Matt Ryan after tossing a pick vs Egals in the NFC championship game? No "mutual parting" there either. In fact Ryan received a huge raise. The list goes on.

Stop the hate on a quarterback whose only been playing a tad over 4 years. Dak's the Dallas Cowboys franchise quarterback for years to come. BOOM!
I don't agree. Don't you think the Lawrence, Smith, Elliott, Cooper deals set a lot of this in motion? The Joneses are blinkers, any agent that lest them off hurts his own reputation. If you're an agent with a Cowboys star, you will get him into the top 3-5 or you will not grow your own business.

Every agent competing with France used the same approach with a player considering him because of this deal. Yes, but look who he was dealing with. They are the worst people at dealing with star players, why should the QB be any different.

There is also another piece to this that every agent in the biz was aware of regarding the cap. They had some inside dope on the TV deals so they knew the cap would be climbing at a greater rate than in the past. They're not just fighting for today's dollars but tomorrow's as well.

Check Prescott's deal against Allen, Mayfield, Murray and then we haven't seen the other shoe with Rodgers and Wilson drop yet either.
Years ago they did an experiment. They created a scenario where people believed they had the power to increase torture. The catch was, they were told to do so. Although no one was really being tortured, they had audio that made them believe they were. Many people thought it was OK that they were torturing people because they were being told to increase the torture, despite begging and pleading by the pretend torturee. Sick.

Pretending that you are only responsible for yourself and no one else around you is sick.
Let's be honest indeed. Did Miami get rid of Marino after he didn't get them where they needed to be? Did Miami have "a mutual parting" after Marino's "deal runs out".

Did Buffalo get rid of Kelly when not winning 1, not winning 2, not winning 3, not winning 4 Superbowls? Did Buffalo have "a mutual parting after Kelly's "deal runs out".

Did Atlanta part ways w/Matt Ryan after tossing a pick vs Egals in the NFC championship game? No "mutual parting" there either. In fact Ryan received a huge raise. The list goes on.

Stop the hate on a quarterback whose only been playing a tad over 4 years. Dak's the Dallas Cowboys franchise quarterback for years to come. BOOM!
He’s our QB for the next 4 years.

Hopefully he can lead us to a Super Bowl. We better draft some amazing defenders though because Dak can’t do it by himself, and we don’t have much money left for top tier defensive Free Agents.
I will ask you again...did Dak turn down offers? Last time I am asking. If you don;t answer...then.....we know anyway.

Your right he should have just taken what ever they offered him like every other player does, what was I thinking. Not even sure why the players need agents.
how do you know what his terms were? you speak as if you sat in the room when Jerry and France negotiated the contract.

Jerry could have signed him last year for cheaper. Jerry chose to play hardball. that's Jerry's fault.

Dak's agent's job is to get the biggest contract for his client. that's his job. I say France did his job.

and I didn't hear you complain about Martin's contract. or Jaylon. or Lawrence. or Zeke. or cooper. all of them could have taken less and helped the team. they are all amongst the highest paid in their positions.

I blamed Jerry.

I don’t care about what Dak wanted.. Jerry chose to play the game like the moron he is and now we have to wait until this deal expires before we can have hope again.

Enjoy the mediocrity.
It's a business! That doesn't mean he can't care about winning a Super Bowl. He has said clearly many times his main goal is to win Super Bowls.
Sure, Dak wants to win a Super Bowl, but his contract demands show that he puts his personal finances above his desire to win a championship. His actions are much more telling than his words.
I'm not embarrassed at all. But apparently you took offense to me giving my opinion, enough so that you had to chime in.
You wouldn’t say it to Dak’s face so what does that make you? Starts with a c and ends with a d.
Your right he should have just taken what ever they offered him like every other player does, what was I thinking. Not even sure why the players need agents.

That isn't what you said about Zeke. There's no difference when negotiating. You ask...and either accept or decline. Dak declined the same as Zeke did.

You are a hypocrite.
I blamed Jerry.

I don’t care about what Dak wanted.. Jerry chose to play the game like the moron he is and now we have to wait until this deal expires before we can have hope again.

Enjoy the mediocrity.
Jerry is to blame for giving in to Dak’s contract demands. Dak didn’t sacrifice a penny to help the team, but Jerry agreed with it. It is the fans that are the ones that are losing out. Dak got his money, Jerry is making his money and the fans gets season after season of subpar teams to support. Jerry is not going to change until the fans stop buying the tickets and gear.

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