Does Dak really care about the Super Bowl when he negotiates for every penny?

people forget brady's first two contracts were amongst largest in the league at the time. subsequently he took less and he is been in the league now over 20 years, which is highly unusual. plus his wife makes 100M a year....Brady could play for free and he would be a millionaire.
Even his early contracts were least to some degree. And those deals were flat out paltry compared to today's.
He never maxed out....earlier or later.....nor before or after he married the supermodel.

Again, I don't put him on some pedestal for doing it, but there is no doubt that he gave discounts varying from small to huge his entire career.

I do agree, however, that it should be easier to give discounts later in a career if you didn't blow it all as some do.
so winning the superbowl wasn't Mahomes goal? or Russel wilson? or Aaron Rodgers? or anybody else that got a large contract? so anybody who gets a large contract doesn't care about winning?

I have news for you, those guys won a SB BEFORE they got the big contract so they actually earned it unlike your hero
Holding out is when you have a contract like Zeke did, Dak did not have one and never held out he honored his contracts and would have been a free agent if not tagged, it is completely different if you can not see that again not sure how to help.

Dak averaged about $1M a year in his first 4 years, probably not a player in the league more underpaid during that time frame, But still honored his contract.
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Why does it have to be one or the other? It doesn’t. Dak wanted the contract he earned and he also wants to win a Super Bowl than anyone of us on this board.
But riddle me this batman.. what has he earned? He hasnt won crap.
can we question their desire or want to also?
you know damn well none of'm are working for free.
but Dak is supposed to.

Bust his a** his whole life... behind a physical game like this too! Now all that hard work bout to pay off and he ain't supposed to cash that check... not in the real world.
It's amazing how so many fail to make the connection that regular business also deal with their version of a "Salary Cap" called a budget.

Until one of them are willing to take much less pay so that their employer can hire more people, I can't help but think they are massive hypocrites.

Remember, EVERY time you take that raise, that means there is less money for your current, and/or potentially future, co-workers.

Just sayin'.
If it's good for the goose ...
He’s not. He’s just any other player on their 2nd contract trying to get paid because he played for over 4 years being paid like a 4th rounder who plays like a 1st rounder. He’s not hurting the team AT ALL. That’s just something you haters spew. His cap hit this year is 22 million and next year its 31 mil while the salary cap is going to sky rocket. You guys are blinded by your hate. It’s quite sad.
Sure, Dak wants to win a Super Bowl, but his contract demands show that he puts his personal finances above his desire to win a championship. His actions are much more telling than his words.
Well stated!
Brady takes it upon himself to make sure his FO is able to build a good team around him. No, it isn't Dak's job to do the same, but why can't he? Its because he's a greedy punk who is only thinking about himself. We'll see how well he does the next few years when the team around him sucks.
so brady is responsible for his team's salary cap structure. lets not forget that Brady's first two contracts weren't a gift to the team, they were among the highest and he has been in the league for 20+ years now. plus his wife makes 100M a year....and show me who else is Brady? you ask Dak to be Brady. give me Bilicheck and an owner like Kraft, then we can talk...until then, Rodgers, Russell, Cooper, Lawrence, etc. are all greedy..

I find it funny, everyone's only point of reference for this is Brady...who is an exception than the rule....
Thank you, little girl...I love you too.
ahhh, here we go....when somebody feels like they are losing an argument, inevitably the first move is to insult because they know they are losing and continue to lose the line of argument, so their goal become changing the narrative of the argument to insults and escalate..

so when did you feel you lost the argument? my thinking is was your first response....
Using Mahommes is not a good idea. He's been to 3 straight AFC championship games and 2 straight super bowls. He earned his contract, Dak didn't. And Brady was taking team friendly contracts long before his wealthy wifey came along. He wasn't married to her the first 10 or 11 years of his career, so what's the excuse for him taking team friendly contracts before she came along?
so Mahomes doesn't fit your argument and you want to exclude that from discussion? and Brady's first two contracts were among the highest in the league.....his wife has been making money for a long while now you want to exclude another case because it doesn't fit the narrative of your argument...
I blamed Jerry.

I don’t care about what Dak wanted.. Jerry chose to play the game like the moron he is and now we have to wait until this deal expires before we can have hope again.

Enjoy the mediocrity.
enjoy the mediocrity because of Jerry. that's been the story of cowboys for 25 years+ since Jimmy Johnson. so why the hate towards Dak?
“You Dak haters,” then you say “and your labeling,” sad you do the labeling. You are so funny I get a good laugh from from the top 10 joke. 5 seasons and nothing to show but bloated stats. Dak is a good QB not a top 10 QB who is paid like a top 2, dream on Dak is taking this team nowhere.
so you label and its OK. I lavel and you get mad and throw a hissy fit?

why do you hate Dak so much. did he or his family do anything to you personnally. your posts sound awfully personal in nature.
ahhh, here we go....when somebody feels like they are losing an argument, inevitably the first move is to insult because they know they are losing and continue to lose the line of argument, so their goal become changing the narrative of the argument to insults and escalate..

so when did you feel you lost the argument? my thinking is was your first response....
Hey, quit being mean to Rocky.

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