I’ve gained admiration for fuzzy, he attempts to reason his thoughts out in a rational way. I can absolutely understand how he compares the treatment of one animal to another. I may not agree with his total thought process; however I do understand his reasoning.
Why do I think dog fighting is wrong? I believe it’s wrong because of the bloodlust involved in the act. This action is despised by me because of the evil implications surrounding the act itself and the influence it might have on weak minded people. The only reasonable rationalization for having a dog fight is to satisfy certain individuals’ lust for blood. This in itself is worrisome.
It isn’t the dog in itself that has me bothered. If they were killed for food the way we kill other animals for food I would be able to accept the act. In India cows are sacred; here they are used for food. In other countries dogs are food, here they are pets. Don’t get me wrong, I have two dogs that I love dearly. Yet, if one of them attacked an individual I would not hesitate putting my animal down. It would devastate me, but I wouldn’t take a chance in my dog hurting another person.
As a society, when we kill an animal we attempt to kill the animal in the most humane way possible. Killing animals for food, clothing, testing or protection is acceptable to me because it does benefit the society we live in. Killing animals just to kill is unacceptable to me. I would place dog fighting in the final category.