Donald Sterling, Clippers Owner, Banned For Life, Fined $2.5M

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Well, the league overlooked all that stuff for a couple decades, so why shouldn't we overlook it now?

This guy did some horrible, horrible things and the league (and his players and Doc Rivers) didn't care one bit. Heck, the NAACP was planning to honor the guy. Out of all the reprehensible things he did, I think his off-color remark is pretty tame.
Well, that was under David Stern's stewardship. Under Silver's stewardship, I guess they prefer not to look the other way.

I liken it to how Tagliabue was relatively lenient in player discipline...and Goodell came in with the iron fist.
Why are people focusing on trying to build a defense for him?


I really don't care if he did or didn't because it doesn't change the fact that he's a scumbag.

Can there not be a instance where we just universally agree that a guy is getting what he deserves and NOT look for insignificant means or technicalities to try and absolve the fool?
Irrelevant. They don't own teams. The fortunes of 100s of employees are not on their heads.

And I guarantee you, every single owner of every franchise on the planet has said worse than that in their own home.

Look, this guy should have booted long ago for a lot worse. But not this.

This will have unintended implications down the road.
Is there room for racist players in the NBA?

Well that depends, how does the person paying them feel about having racist employees?

yes, we WERE

I don't think you know what a conversation is. I'll give you a hint, next time you want to have a conversation with another human being, try not starting out by calling them an idiot.
Right. Use the part of your brain that does logic here. If this requirement is in fact true, anyone ever caught on tape can sue multiple sources for the release. Yet sources such as TMZ remain in business and hugely profitable. Hmm. Logic says you are wrong.
Actually, logic says you don't know what you are talking about. Sterling can indeed go after his (ex) girlfriend, but media outlets have much broader protection under Constitutional Rights - although that doesn't mean they are 100% indemnified. Here is what CNNSI has to say on the matter:

Under California penal law, it is a crime to intentionally record a confidential conversation without the consent of the person or persons being recorded. This type of eavesdropping also empowers victims of the unlawful recording to sue for money damages. TMZ's own exposure to liability is far less than the person or persons who made the recording. TMZ is a media company with broad First Amendment rights, especially on matters that are newsworthy. Still, media companies can be sued for publication of private facts, and Sterling, an attorney by trade, could consider legal action.

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The 31 year old woman who illegally taped her 80 year old boyfriend and then leaked those tapes to the media claims he knew he was being taped.

Anyone who believes that is welcome to purchase some very valuable swampland I am currently selling.

she better be right. If she did it without his consent, she is liable for any damages he incurs
The 31 year old woman who illegally taped her 80 year old boyfriend and then leaked those tapes to the media claims he knew he was being taped.

Anyone who believes that is welcome to purchase some very valuable swampland I am currently selling.

Just going by what was reported...
Why are people focusing on trying to build a defense for him?


I really don't care if he did or didn't because it doesn't change the fact that he's a scumbag.

Can there not be a instance where we just universally agree that a guy is getting what he deserves and NOT look for insignificant means or technicalities to try and absolve the fool?

Not absolving him. I just don't want to live in a country where a man can't express his opinion in his own home without fear.

We already have an IRS and JoP that are badgering citizens and media that don't share their politics.

And don't kid yourself, this is ALL about money. Advertisers (who grow increasingly disappointed with the NBA's pathetic TV ratings) were lining up to leave. THAT is what this is ultimately about.
And I guarantee you, every single owner of every franchise on the planet has said worse than that in their own home.

Look, this guy should have booted long ago for a lot worse. But not this.

This will have unintended implications down the road.
This is absolutely, 100% how I feel. This guy did far worse which the NBA (and his players and Doc Rivers) turned a blind eye to. And it's really just a matter of time before someone else says something just as stupid.
She was reportedly his "archivist" and has over 100 tapes of audio on him.
And you believe this why? Because she said so?

Seriously, brah..... I got some great Florida swampland I am selling for cheap dollars. Risk free investment. PM me for details.
I wish half this outrage would be directed at an owner recently saying a team dear to most of us is the #1 TV show, confirming his narcissism and craving for publicity trumps winning. It's not racism, but it's still contempt for the fans.

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. I was just explaining why Sterling most likely wants to keep the team.
This is absolutely, 100% how I feel. This guy did far worse which the NBA (and his players and Doc Rivers) turned a blind eye to. And it's really just a matter of time before someone else says something just as stupid.

I think the difference here is that you have actual evidence. In the other situations, he settled to cover himself up before it went all the way in court.
I think the difference here is that you have actual evidence. In the other situations, he settled to cover himself up before it went all the way in court.
Bullcrap. He was guilty of those crimes and everyone knew it. The NBA knew it, the media knew it, his players knew it and Doc Rovers knew it. But nobody cared.
Bullcrap. He was guilty of those crimes and everyone knew it. The NBA knew it, the media knew it, his players knew it and Doc Rovers knew it. But nobody cared.

You probably know better than me, but I never knew about that stuff until all of this came out. Regardless, everybody knows who Donald Sterling is now and it's a PR nightmare for the league. It's about time he got what was coming to him.
What's legal and what isn't legal gets significantly blurred when you start going to associations that are collectively bargained.

Adam SIlver also only said that he would be urged to sell, not that he would be forced. Not sure where you're getting that information from.

This is a LOT better for Sterling than the alternative, which is the NBA terminating the franchise, thereby barring him from even recovering any profits from any sale as well.

they have no legal basis to do that and would be tied up in the courts for a looooooooooooooong time. The NBA wants this to go away and the last thing they want is for this to go to court for a looooooooooooong time.
Right. Use the part of your brain that does logic here. If this requirement is in fact true, anyone ever caught on tape can sue multiple sources for the release. Yet sources such as TMZ remain in business and hugely profitable. Hmm. Logic says you are wrong.

Suit your self but everything I've heard being reported is that he has a very solid case legally against the women, with regards to the release of the taped conversations. Perhaps we are all failing to use the part of the brain that does logic? Perhaps if you illustrated that part of our brain, it would be easier?
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