See, you just can't help yourself.
You know those people who "know better than you do"? They make mistakes all the time with personnel. All teams do. This one more than most. Hence the losing, if you're willing to pull your cranium out of the sand and acknowledge it.
Ya know why our defense sucks historically? Because it's filled with bad players. Ya know why it's filled with bad players? Because those people "who know better than you do" made a multitude of mistakes in personnel over the years that's led to this mess. They had guys on the roster. They must have felt good about them. They know better. Turns out they didn't. These guys suck.
Spare any educated fan of your Joe Fan nonsense. I have a legion of rational fans reading this and nodding their head in agreement. The fact that he's on the roster should literally mean nothing to anyone. And I mean positively or negatively.
My comment about Romo was in terms of doing it now. ASAP. Not wait until he has no throws left in his arm.
And if it's such a no brainer to do as I suggest, it would be the first time your GM, a guy who "knows better than you do" will have acted proactively with the QB position. In fact, his failure to do so was a significant reason why the team took a nose dive.
You don't even know and/or understand your team's (Go Cowboys!) history.
Find Romo's replacement now. Vaughn is an unknown and a lottery ticket. He has no pedigree. Address the situation like he's not even there.
Someone can know more than I do, and still not know enough, Risen. Or they can know plenty and there's simply not enough information available to make a good decision. Personnel in the NFL comes down to Parcells old 'Whatever you do is wrong. Time is short. Now, choose' dictum. You've only got so many spaces to carry players in, and some of them aren't going to pan out. It's the nature of the business, but it doesn't mean you're behaving rationally by simply ignoring the information that they have at their disposal. Or that you can't look at what they do or do not do with personnel during a season and get some vague sense of what that information might be.
And you're still missing the actual point. I'm not saying the QB is good because he's still on the roster. All I've said is that all we know about the guy since camp is that the team likes him better than several other rookies they've waived in his place. And that, for a backup QB who's not going to take any snaps this season, that says something about how they have him graded. They might be wrong, but the fact that they have relatively high regard for him as a QB3-level player rather than having low regard for him (and hence they'd likely have cut him when we needed a roster spot for a DL or CB this season), does, in fact, tell you something.
Of course, it only tells you something if you're willing to admit that our pro scouting department has access to data about the player that you do not. The fact that you won't admit that simple, obvious fact is, of course...absurd.
Your clarification about Romo and doing it now is also a gem. Anybody *not* in favor of handicapping Romo with someone with significant potential, please, raise your hands. Anybody? That's what I thought.
Now, all of you who feel that way, go over there and stand in the corner with everybody who *doesn't* think Vaughan is an unknown and that we still ought to be looking for a quality young alternative.
These two groups, Risen, are the people you've managed to enlighten today with your insights. I'm sure they'd all like to thank you if any of them actually existed.