E-Lie Throws Another League Leading INT - Now 11 More Than Romo


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Prove you didnt say it. I dont need to prove anything you've posted.

You're the one who made claim so you have to prove it. If someone is accused of something it's up to the accuser to prove it. What's being proved is you're a you know what.


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You're the one who made claim so you have to prove it. If someone is accused of something it's up to the accuser to prove it. What's being proved is you're a you know what.

I didnt make any claims. I simply referred to something you've posted. You posted it. Its out there. You deny it and say I need to prove it. Ha Ha.

Do I need to prove water is wet?

Do I need to prove the sky is blue?

For a master debater that kicks other posters to the curb all the time you are suffering here bro. Suffering badly. Its you thats been exposed.


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I tried to hit Like to most of KJJ's posts in the last 2 pages. As a Giants fan, you would expect me to side with Eli right? No. Romo is the better passer. Romo can make throws Eli can't. Pure talent says Romo is better than Eli. BUT Eli has that IT factor.

He carried Giants to the playoffs almost singlehandedly in our 2011 run. In regular season, our D sucked.

In 2007 playoffs, Eli beat down NFC's #1 ranked Cowboys on the road. Then he went and beat Favre in Lambeau Field on the road in zero degree wind chill weather. Then he beat an 18-0 team in the Superbowl. In 2011 he beat defending champ Aaron Rodgers on the road and beat a strong 49er team as well.

Those 2 rings aren't just rings.

In those 2 Superbowl runs, Eli's team won 5 road games in all which they were the underdogs.

Do any of you think Romo could do the same in any of those Superbowl runs?

Eli's problem is consistency. He is not elite. Elite QB's don't start the season 0-6. But this doesn't mean he is not a darn good QB. This doesn't mean his 2 rings are worthless.

I thank KJJ for seeing the big picture here.


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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I tried to hit Like to most of KJJ's posts in the last 2 pages. As a Giants fan, you would expect me to side with Eli right? No. Romo is the better passer. Romo can make throws Eli can't. Pure talent says Romo is better than Eli. BUT Eli has that IT factor.

He carried Giants to the playoffs almost singlehandedly in our 2011 run. In regular season, our D sucked.

In 2007 playoffs, Eli beat down NFC's #1 ranked Cowboys on the road. Then he went and beat Favre in Lambeau Field on the road in zero degree wind chill weather. Then he beat an 18-0 team in the Superbowl. In 2011 he beat defending champ Aaron Rodgers on the road and beat a strong 49er team as well.

Those 2 rings aren't just rings.

In those 2 Superbowl runs, Eli's team won 5 road games in all which they were the underdogs.

Do any of you think Romo could do the same in any of those Superbowl runs?

Eli's problem is consistency. He is not elite. Elite QB's don't start the season 0-6. But this doesn't mean he is not a darn good QB. This doesn't mean his 2 rings are worthless.

I thank KJJ for seeing the big picture here.

No disputing that...period. But if you like KJJ's picture he painted it is not a full picture without the entire scope of Eli's runs. If you can take a long look in the mirror as a Giants fan you must admit this. Eli was the benefit of one of the greatest defensive runs in NFL history. Combining both Super Bowl runs your defense gave up an average of only 15 points per game. There are some incredible stats about QB's who win and lose playoff games based on points allowed. (See a guy here named Percy - he will blow you away).

You must also add to Eli's resume the dropped pick six by Terrance Newman in the first Super Bowl run against the Cowboys late in the game that would've ended the Giants season. You can then add the drop by Rodney Harrison that would've ended the Super Bowl. And you can then add the three passes in the NFC Championship game against the 49ers that were so poorly thrown TWO defenders knocked each other off the ball on each throw.

Colin Cowherd, whenever he discusses Eli always states he is the combination of good AND fortunate, more so than any multiple Super Bowl winning QB in NFL history and he is right. The defense and the throws are not disputed nor are the results. The Giants won the games.

BTW - I've never gotten the whole 'like ' thing. Seems kind of vain to me. But - I was fair with you so if you like the truth, you will "like" this post - I guess.


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I thank KJJ for seeing the big picture here.

And I thank you for clearly showing that KJJ and Giants fans are one and the same..



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This guy must have been praying during that "clutch" last ditch drive play where E-Lie heaved the ball up for grabs and Tyree made that purely unlucky catch.



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As a Giants fan, I am on your side regarding Romo being the better passer. But you gotta admit that if you replaced Eli with Romo, Giants wouldn't have those 2 rings.


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As a Giants fan, I am on your side regarding Romo being the better passer. But you gotta admit that if you replaced Eli with Romo, Giants wouldn't have those 2 rings.

I dont know. Its hard to say. Im not so much a Romo loyalist as I just see the fallacy of labeling E-Lie as something he isnt. But I was happy when E-Lie won both of those Super Bowls. It was great to see the Pats lose, especially the year they were undefeated going into that game.


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SB rings and last ditch drives to win big games has Joe Montana considered by many the greatest QB to ever play the game. Only 2 QB's Montana and Eli have driven their teams down the field on last ditch drives to win a SB and Eli has done it twice.

That's way off . I can think of Brady and the qb of Super Bowl 3 that have done it too . You get that fake info from nfl network ?


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I honestly don't see why people here on a COWBOY message board are going to such lengths to stick up for a divisional rival's QB. Especially when half of you don't even stick up for your own team's QB, heck some of you guys bash him more then our rival QBs. It's sad really, though I can't say I'm really surprised either.

I don't see why people are trying to compare TEAM accomplishments between the two, why not compare .. You know ... INDIVIDUAL accomplishments? This is a Eli vs. Romo thread after all, and not a Giants vs Dallas thread. Though it doesn't shock me, if you guys were to compare both QB's individual body of work, then it would heavily favor Romo. But we can't do that here because this is a Cowboy board and most people here genuinely dislike Romo, even more so then our rivals.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I didnt make any claims. I simply referred to something you've posted. You posted it. Its out there. You deny it and say I need to prove it. Ha Ha.

Do I need to prove water is wet?

Do I need to prove the sky is blue?

For a master debater that kicks other posters to the curb all the time you are suffering here bro. Suffering badly. Its you thats been exposed.

You didn't refer to something I posted you took one of my comments and twisted it into something I never said. This has been your MO ever since you arrived on this board. You can't refute anything I actually said so you twist my comments. You don't like me or Eli. LOL


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You didn't refer to something I posted you took one of my comments and twisted it into something I never said. This has been your MO ever since you arrived on this board. You can't refute anything I actually said so you twist my comments. You don't like me or Eli. LOL

You've watched to many Bill Clinton reruns of "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or him talking about what "is" means. But you're not in his league. And you fail just as miserably.



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I honestly don't see why people here on a COWBOY message board are going to such lengths to stick up for a divisional rival's QB. Especially when half of you don't even stick up for your own team's QB, heck some of you guys bash him more then our rival QBs. It's sad really, though I can't say I'm really surprised either.

What's wrong with attempting to take a analytical approach and forgetting your allegiances while we are doing it?

When I see posters who post with that mantra embedded in their analysis, I find it the most interesting. I can go down to the shop anytime and yuck it up and talk about how great my team is, how great the players are, and how much the opposition stinks.


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I love discussion about ELI (The player I hate most), and Romo (The player I've defended for years until last).....WHO CARES who is better, who runs better, who throws better, who is more clutch, who's a better athlete...........The bottom line is this. ELI has TWO FREEKIN RINGS AND ROMO HAS uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Regardless of who gets the blame for Tony's failures or his bad luck, he has NOT put this team in position to compete when it matters most.