Edge retires from WWE.

RoyTheHammer;3911477 said:
Really? If you thought for a second that Rhodes and Dibiase were more entertaining than Beer Money, i have to question if you even watch the shows, or if you just go by names and whats written, because they were the epitome of boring. Nothing set them apart at all.. nothing.

Cody and Ted were best when they were first on and with Randy Orton...there is a difference to them as single wrestlers and I prefer them together myself...just my opinion.

Not a fan myself either of Beer Money..not a hater..they are just sort of meh to me. Hos is right; they really are just riding the bandwagon Austin created..redneck beer drinker. It worked for him for years. Guess it works for them too!
DallasGirl50;3911543 said:
Cody and Ted were best when they were first on and with Randy Orton...there is a difference to them as single wrestlers and I prefer them together myself...just my opinion.

Not a fan myself either of Beer Money..not a hater..they are just sort of meh to me. Hos is right; they really are just riding the bandwagon Austin created..redneck beer drinker. It worked for him for years. Guess it works for them too!

Their entire gimmick isn't quite the same as Austin. Its a little bit of a variation of that persona. To be honest.. they are more like the APA back in the day. Its not a bad gimmick. Tough guys who kick *** and take names and don't give a darn about anything or anybody. That's what wrestling should be all about. Not this PG kiddie crap.
RoyTheHammer;3911570 said:
Their entire gimmick isn't quite the same as Austin. Its a little bit of a variation of that persona. To be honest.. they are more like the APA back in the day. Its not a bad gimmick. Tough guys who kick *** and take names and don't give a darn about anything or anybody. That's what wrestling should be all about. Not this PG kiddie crap.

The APA comparison is much better than the Austin one.
Just read that the person behind "The Network" in the current TNA story isn't going to be Dixie Carter. Im actually intrigued by who it could be now since it doesn't appear to be her or Heyman. Hope they don't drop the ball again.. and it damn well better NOT be Hogan, Bischoff, or Russo.
RoyTheHammer;3911570 said:
Their entire gimmick isn't quite the same as Austin. Its a little bit of a variation of that persona. To be honest.. they are more like the APA back in the day. Its not a bad gimmick. Tough guys who kick *** and take names and don't give a darn about anything or anybody. That's what wrestling should be all about. Not this PG kiddie crap.

Well there is only one Austin. Problem with Steve was that he was that redneck away from the ring..liked to mistreat his ladies. Got him into some trouble...

I think he got himself together though..

Most gimmicks are repeat stuff after all the history of wrestling..you see the same stuff from federation to federation. I guess that's why Taker has always been my favorite. He's unique..only one Taker.

The swerve wrestling has taken doesn't bother me..I can always change the channel if I don't like it anymore.
Romo 2 Austin;3904917 said:
And wwe has pushed former TNA star Ron killings (r truth) into the main event at extreme rules, fantastic people can finally stop saying that TNA performers are always lower card in WWE and considering Killings was a upper midcarder in TNA and now main eventer in WWE shows the idiots that say "wwes worst better than Tnas best" are just homers/

Guess not ...... :laugh2:
big dog cowboy;3911684 said:
That kind of went sideways didn't it.

For real. Not sure what the point of that even was. Morrison doesn't deserve to be in it either though. That whole opening skit was one fourth of the ENTIRE program.. and most of it bored the hell out of me. Two guys who are relative nobodies taking up 30 minutes of the program. The match was terrible and got very little response (besides boos) until John's finisher. The best part of the entire 30 minutes was Truth's 3 or 4 moves that he put on Morrison after the match that took 10 minutes to execute.

It also took him 20 minutes to get anything from the crowd. I thought it was hilarious that he kept asking for water or smokes and no one obliged haha.
RoyTheHammer;3911796 said:
For real. Not sure what the point of that even was. Morrison doesn't deserve to be in it either though. That whole opening skit was one fourth of the ENTIRE program.. and most of it bored the hell out of me. Two guys who are relative nobodies taking up 30 minutes of the program. The match was terrible and got very little response (besides boos) until John's finisher. The best part of the entire 30 minutes was Truth's 3 or 4 moves that he put on Morrison after the match that took 10 minutes to execute.

It also took him 20 minutes to get anything from the crowd. I thought it was hilarious that he kept asking for water or smokes and no one obliged haha.

I kept waiting for HHH to come out and rescue is from the rating killers as he calls them. :laugh2:
big dog cowboy;3911821 said:
I kept waiting for HHH to come out and rescue is from the rating killers as he calls them. :laugh2:


Honestly.. the way things are going right now, the WWE is going to have to start doing every show the way they did their biggest PPV. Just throw HHH/Taker/Austin/ and Rock out there in random spots to boost the ratings. That's all they have left.

They have talent, they just don't know who to push apparently. Orten and Punk should be wrestling for the title right now, not some nub who runs around chanting "IM AWESOME! :)" with his official coporate chair grabber Gilligan by his side.

Orten, Punk, Ryan, Shameus, Swagger, Ziggler.. these are the guys that should be competing for the titles. (and not the US title)

The rest of these silly monkies are embarassing.
Got a buddy who is a wrestling fan. Told him some of the comments being shared on here. He said the stuff being said about Miz, Zigglar, and other WWE stars is the same stuff that people were saying about Mr. Kennedy or Anderson when he was in WWE and now he is main eventing TNA PPVs.

He has a point.
Hostile;3911867 said:
Got a buddy who is a wrestling fan. Told him some of the comments being shared on here. He said the stuff being said about Miz, Zigglar, and other WWE stars is the same stuff that people were saying about Mr. Kennedy or Anderson when he was in WWE and now he is main eventing TNA PPVs.

He has a point.

That's an extremely vague post there sir.. mind clearing up exactly what you mean?

What "stuff" about Miz and Ziggler?
Don't think i've ever seen someone as out of place as Sin Cara is in the WWE.
The guy is a total freak of nature so what an awesome idea it was to have him just stand outside the ring while Cena does his 4 moves over and over again for the majority of the match.

He's the one reason i even watch Raw these days and they shove Cena down our throats when he finally has a match :bang2:
Romo 2 Austin;3911043 said:

Well it is pretty much Hostile, Big Dog, myself, Zrin and Roythehammer. Between us 5 someone is online the forums pretty much 24/7 so the threads just won't die.

There should be a wrestling zone section of the site since it does not really fall in Sports or Off Topic.
zrinkill;3912055 said:
There should be a wrestling zone section of the site since it does not really fall in Sports or Off Topic.

With the way its being discussed in the Sports Zone it certainly seems to have enough interest to warrant it.
RoyTheHammer;3911928 said:
That's an extremely vague post there sir.. mind clearing up exactly what you mean?

What "stuff" about Miz and Ziggler?
I don't think it was vague at all. The variosu wrestling alliances always have guys they are developing and when Mr. Kennedy was in WWE there were people saying the same things about him as they do now about Miz and Dolph, et al.

Now, like Miz he is main eventing a PPV for one of the wrestling alliances. At one time Austin was a mid carder. Edge was a mid carder. Jericho was a mid carder. I even remember when the now deified Shawn Michaels was a mid carder and kicked his best friend Marty Jannety on the Barbershop for his first heel turn towards being a main event guy.

Guys pay their dues. Seems to me like a lot of "fans" are impatient and expect all of these guys to walk down the ramp as Flairs, Austins, and Rocks right out of the gate. That's silly.

Shelton Benjamin was a great wrestler, but a so so guy on the mike. There was a guy out of Canada years ago named Lance Storm who in the ring was really gifted, but had the personality of paint chips. They tried to give him a persona but the fans never bought him. I will be shocked if anyone knows where he is wrestling now or if he still is at all.

Mr. Kennedy got a few small title shots in WWE but I don't remember if he ever held a belt or not and don't care. He has moved to TNA, changed his name, still doing the same microphone shtick and has added a little Stone Cold disrespect of authority and now he is a main eventer. I don't see that as any different than Miz in WWE.

The fans react to Miz. He pushes their buttons. He paid his dues. That's why he is holding a belt right now and John Morrison, a more exciting in ring performer, isn't.

I see very little difference in how Miz and Anderson are being handled. I see very little difference in their in ring skills. I see huge differences in their shticks.

I think a lot of the hatred of Miz and Del Rio stems from people not liking their shtick more than anything else. Just my opinion.
Hostile;3912134 said:
There was a guy out of Canada years ago named Lance Storm who in the ring was really gifted, but had the personality of paint chips. They tried to give him a persona but the fans never bought him. I will be shocked if anyone knows where he is wrestling now or if he still is at all.

He is running a wrestling academy now.
Hostile;3912134 said:
I don't think it was vague at all. The variosu wrestling alliances always have guys they are developing and when Mr. Kennedy was in WWE there were people saying the same things about him as they do now about Miz and Dolph, et al.

Now, like Miz he is main eventing a PPV for one of the wrestling alliances. At one time Austin was a mid carder. Edge was a mid carder. Jericho was a mid carder. I even remember when the now deified Shawn Michaels was a mid carder and kicked his best friend Marty Jannety on the Barbershop for his first heel turn towards being a main event guy.

Guys pay their dues. Seems to me like a lot of "fans" are impatient and expect all of these guys to walk down the ramp as Flairs, Austins, and Rocks right out of the gate. That's silly.

Shelton Benjamin was a great wrestler, but a so so guy on the mike. There was a guy out of Canada years ago named Lance Storm who in the ring was really gifted, but had the personality of paint chips. They tried to give him a persona but the fans never bought him. I will be shocked if anyone knows where he is wrestling now or if he still is at all.

Mr. Kennedy got a few small title shots in WWE but I don't remember if he ever held a belt or not and don't care. He has moved to TNA, changed his name, still doing the same microphone shtick and has added a little Stone Cold disrespect of authority and now he is a main eventer. I don't see that as any different than Miz in WWE.

The fans react to Miz. He pushes their buttons. He paid his dues. That's why he is holding a belt right now and John Morrison, a more exciting in ring performer, isn't.

I see very little difference in how Miz and Anderson are being handled. I see very little difference in their in ring skills. I see huge differences in their shticks.

I think a lot of the hatred of Miz and Del Rio stems from people not liking their shtick more than anything else. Just my opinion.

I don't think you understand completely. Most of us who don't like Miz, we don't hate him at all. We just can't stand watching such a pathetic character week in and week out. There's absolutely nothing entertaining about him.

Ziggler on the other hand, is a guy who to me, should be getting a bigger push, and should be written a different angle than the one he's in with Vicki the Loudmouth. There's no reason to pair up such a talented wrestler with her and keep him in that stupid gimmick. He's got the right persona and intensity to be a main event type of guy.

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