Ellis and Parcells in shouting match?

However galling it may be for Parcells to have his authority "questioned" by an otherwise stand-up member of the squad, there are more appropriate ways to handle things than to immediately resort to intimidation tactics. As someone else suggested, I can't see Landry doing something like that.

You should read the book "My Heros Have Always Been Cowboys" by Peter Golenbock. Pay special attention to the chapters of how a rookie head coach Landry took care of business when the skeptical veterans he aquired were calling his flex defense a gimmick.

Unless you were a Pro Bowl caliber player, Landry didn't even bother getting into shouting matches or psychological intimidation, you were just cut. If a player threw a sweaty jersey in Landry's face, he would not have had a job 5 minutes later.
InmanRoshi said:
You should read the book "My Heros Have Always Been Cowboys" by Peter Golenbock. Pay special attention to the chapters of how a rookie head coach Landry took care of business when the skeptical veterans he aquired were calling his flex defense a gimmick.

Unless you were a Pro Bowl caliber player, Landry didn't even bother getting into shouting matches or psychological intimidation, you were just cut. If a player threw a sweaty jersey in Landry's face, he would not have had a job 5 minutes later.

Thanks for the tip: think I may pick it up. Sounds like I may have Landry all wrong. Dressed up in that suit and fedora, he always looked like the very picture of calm and reason.
Mash said:
here we go.......We all complained the Ellis never had any support....now he gets in a shouting match with Parcells and Ellis is a bum who wouldn't start on a good defence......

I'm not a big fan of Ellis....but the years of reading post on how Ellis needs better players around him instead of the likes of Wiley and Ek and there were even posts on that he was better the Kearse.

Now he is a bum because he questioned Big old Bill..........oh my....
Um--I'm seeing just the reverse in the majority of posts. A report from NEWEY fer Chrissake & all of a sudden it's back to "Bill is packing the team with his old guys," "if we can't keep guys like Ellis then Bill needs to go," "Bill is driving out all the good players," "Bill is stubborn & old." Yup, Parcells just childishly drives away all those players who are surefire Hall of Famers (remind me quickly--how many of the ones he's gotten rid of who are even still playing in the league, much less starters?) if they have a disagreement. And he's never ever had heated discussions with anyone ever before.

Jesus H., people. The report is from Newey!!!! I mean, c'mon--Newey?!?! We're treating it like it's the Oracle of Delphi. And all of a sudden Ellis is gone from the team? The world is ending; Parcells is driving away all the future Hall of Famers; run for the hills now!!!

Christ it's as bad as sitting in here DC & listening to the political wanks carry on about Valerie Plume. Get a life. Sit under the air conditioning with a glass of lemonade. Go to the beach. Read a book. Chill. It's a stupid rumor, so who cares?

Please please please, let TC arrive quickly -- & then Fall -- so that we can actually start focusing on news & not BS rumors.
tyke1doe said:
All you need to know about this defense is that 40-minute McScramble by McNabb last year on national television. If you ask me, nobody on the defensive line should complain about any changes. That was just down right embarrassing.

lol...absolutely one of the plays a lot of folks will remember for a long time, and it certainly helped justify a change.

also doesn't help by allowing a certain rookie qb from ny beat us. granted we had some very major injuries, but man, last years defense was so painful to watch regardless.
MichaelWinicki said:
And if this nonsense did happen I at least give Ellis credit for not running to the media to voice his compalaints.

He went straight into Purcells office... kicked him right in the sack and said, "OK... do you understand that layman?"




That slays me.

MichaelWinicki said:
Is it true Parcells pulled a knive on him? And then Ellis gave him a superplex off the desk.

I bet it is because if I post it on a forum like this it must be true...
Well, I heard that Newey said that Parcells pulled a gun, then Ellis went for his Uzi, so Bill wrestled it away & sprayed a few rounds around Valley Ranch screaming, "I'll play the f****** 3-4 if I f****** want to!! Old guys! Old guys! Bring me more old guys!! Screw Roy & Terence & Jason & DeMarcus & Marcus--I'm going with the old guys!!!" Then he cut Ellis on the spot, & just for giggles, went in & cut Jerruh as well for drafting Ellis in the first place. Word is, he's going to have Wellington Mara in by Monday to take over the team, since he's serious about stocking his team with Bill's old guys. Then he called La'Roi & cut him too, & is will be cutting Dat the minute he sets foot at VR. THEN he went looking for Newey & JJT, because he wants to replace them with Mike Lupica & Mike Francesca.

It comes from Newey, so it must be true.
A few random thoughts.

First off I do not accept this report at face value without some additional confirmation- I'm not saying it's false but I have my doubts that this isn't being embellished/overblown.

If Ellis were traded you go from having a nice mix of vets and rookies on the d-line with the potential for great flexibility to hoping a rookie who had recent surgery for a detached retina and a knee or maybe a 7th rounder is ready to start in his place. Color me less than enthused by that prospect.

Having said that I'm not in the least surprised Ellis isn't liking a change from a defense he knows and fits better in to the 3-4, especially with the Canty handwriting on the wall. It's easy as a fan to say get with the program but not so easy if you're Ellis and you're about to take a stats plunge at the wrong side of 30.

The economics of the NFL make draft choices worth gold but that doesn't mean getting a possible 3rd round pick for Ellis is a good deal for Dallas in terms of winning football games, certainly not in the short haul. For example, the Packers drafted Kenny Peterson as a DE/DT 3 years ago. He had been in some mock drafts as a late 1st rounder but slipped to the 3rd. He has yet to record an NFL sack and is backing up the illustrious Aaron Kampman.

Ellis isn't going to dictate what BP does on defense nor should he. For all the "square peg- round hole" talk last year's defense was terrible and a good part of it was the lack of a pass rush. Ellis is a good not great player and Bill has an obligation to the team to go with what he knows works. Ellis can choose to make himself a distraction and get traded but he hasn't done that yet IMO. Until/unless he does I think the strong likelihood is he's here for the season and then moved for the best offer.
Kittymama said:
Well, I heard that Newey said that Parcells pulled a gun, then Ellis went for his Uzi, so Bill wrestled it away & sprayed a few rounds around Valley Ranch screaming, "I'll play the f****** 3-4 if I f****** want to!! Old guys! Old guys! Bring me more old guys!! Screw Roy & Terence & Jason & DeMarcus & Marcus--I'm going with the old guys!!!" Then he cut Ellis on the spot, & just for giggles, went in & cut Jerruh as well for drafting Ellis in the first place. Word is, he's going to have Wellington Mara in by Monday to take over the team, since he's serious about stocking his team with Bill's old guys. Then he called La'Roi & cut him too, & is will be cutting Dat the minute he sets foot at VR. THEN he went looking for Newey & JJT, because he wants to replace them with Mike Lupica & Mike Francesca.

It comes from Newey, so it must be true.

Heck I'm still trying to figure out how Newey was in Parcells office along with Ellis when this took place.
Why the hell is Ellis unhappy? Unlike Glover, HIS playing time is not at stake, simply because there's no one on the roster to replace him. Fergy will take snaps away from Glover. Not so for Ellis. So why the hell is he *****ing? Just shut up and PLAY.
bbgun said:
Why the hell is Ellis unhappy? Unlike Glover, HIS playing time is not at stake, simply because there's no one on the roster to replace him. Fergy will take snaps away from Glover. Not so for Ellis. So why the hell is he *****ing? Just shut up and PLAY.

Doomsday101 said:
Heck I'm still trying to figure out how Newey was in Parcells office along with Ellis when this took place.
I'm constantly amazed at the things Newey apparently has seen--judging from the rumors he floats. He's the one who told us about the shouting match with Mo Carthon (in Bill's office, if I recall correctly) & how Mo & Bill weren't speaking any longer. The same Mo that Bill spoke very fondly of a day or two later, saying how much he'd miss him but was glad he was getting such a good opportunity in Cleveland. And the shouting match with another assistant (can't remember which one).

Why do I start feeling that Newey is the Jayson Blair of sports? It seems like every story he "breaks" has the exact same story line--"Bill got into a shouting match with [insert name here] & then [repeat the name here] stormed out of Bill's office."
Kittymama said:
I'm constantly amazed at the things Newey apparently has seen--judging from the rumors he floats. He's the one who told us about the shouting match with Mo Carthon (in Bill's office, if I recall correctly) & how Mo & Bill weren't speaking any longer. The same Mo that Bill spoke very fondly of a day or two later, saying how much he'd miss him but was glad he was getting such a good opportunity in Cleveland. And the shouting match with another assistant (can't remember which one).

Why do I start feeling that Newey is the Jayson Blair of sports? It seems like every story he "breaks" has the exact same story line--"Bill got into a shouting match with [insert name here] & then [repeat the name here] stormed out of Bill's office."

I know what you mean, which is why I was looking for another source on this and of course there is none. I don't doubt that Ellis would perfer the 4-3 but heck newly aquired Jason Ferguson said he like the 4-3 better as well but we still signed him. Like most around here I can't wait till training camp gets here to help put to rest some of the non-sense that is taking place.
Kittymama said:
I'm constantly amazed at the things Newey apparently has seen--judging from the rumors he floats. He's the one who told us about the shouting match with Mo Carthon (in Bill's office, if I recall correctly) & how Mo & Bill weren't speaking any longer. The same Mo that Bill spoke very fondly of a day or two later, saying how much he'd miss him but was glad he was getting such a good opportunity in Cleveland. And the shouting match with another assistant (can't remember which one).

Why do I start feeling that Newey is the Jayson Blair of sports? It seems like every story he "breaks" has the exact same story line--"Bill got into a shouting match with [insert name here] & then [repeat the name here] stormed out of Bill's office."
So if you don't see it with your own eyes, it couldn't have happened?

Did you ever think that Newy could have talked to Greg?

He's not some Florio type who just makes stuff up. The guy is a sports director for a network station in a major media center.

Maybe this is no big deal in the end, but I don't think this is a fabricated story. I bet you a nickle it's in the papers tomorrow.
Chocolate Lab said:
So if you don't see it with your own eyes, it couldn't have happened?

Did you ever think that Newy talked to Greg? He's not some Florio type who just makes stuff up. The guy is a sports director for a network station in a major media center.

Maybe this is no big deal in the end, but I don't think this is a fabricated story. I bet you a nickle it's in the papers tomorrow.

As she said he also reported about Carthon and Bill and evidently that did not take place as was reported. I don't know exactly what happened but I also do not buy into everything that is reported until other reports can verify the story. I guess you could call me a media skeptic and there is a good reason to be skeptical when past stories have been proven to be false.
anyone can tell you that to leak inside information from valley ranch of this type, if true - well, to borrow a line from 12 Monkeys that person would be "shaved, sterilized, and destroyed." and like another poster said, if parcells got rid of everyone he got into a shouting match with, he wouldn't be coaching. ellis is probably unhappy - yes we all know. will he do his job? of course. will he fit into a 3-4 scheme? maybe, maybe not. if he does desire to be traded, its not like we wouldn't get something for him. he is a talented player.
overall this story, while it piques interest, is really not big news, true or not.
Chocolate Lab said:
So if you don't see it with your own eyes, it couldn't have happened?

Did you ever think that Newy could have talked to Greg?

He's not some Florio type who just makes stuff up. The guy is a sports director for a network station in a major media center.

Maybe this is no big deal in the end, but I don't think this is a fabricated story. I bet you a nickle it's in the papers tomorrow.

Who exactly is this person and what in heavens name is a "Newy"?
Kittymama said:
Well, I heard that Newey said that Parcells pulled a gun, then Ellis went for his Uzi, so Bill wrestled it away & sprayed a few rounds around Valley Ranch screaming, "I'll play the f****** 3-4 if I f****** want to!!

It comes from Newey, so it must be true.

actually this couldn't be further from the truth. after washington's taylor and the arrington party fiasco, valley ranch has been careful to ban all handguns, to include semi/automatic weapons.

i'm hearing reports now from observers who witnessed the whole incident unfold...that bill first pulled out a butcher's knife while ellis went for a pair of nunchuks hidden inside his socks. bill, knowing ellis was extremely adept at using this deadly weapon wrestled it away & flailing wildly and screaming, "ellis is as sure as gone...ellis is as sure as gone!"

okay...next topic, please.
Dye said:
actually this couldn't be further from the truth. after washington's taylor and the arrington party fiasco, valley ranch has been careful to ban all handguns, to include semi/automatic weapons.

i'm hearing reports now from observers who witnessed the whole incident unfold...that bill first pulled out a butcher's knife while ellis went for a pair of nunchuks hidden inside his socks. bill, knowing ellis was extremely adept at using this deadly weapon wrestled it away & flailing wildly and screaming, "ellis is as sure as gone...ellis is as sure as gone!"

okay...next topic, please.

You are right....Only Old Barry was allowed to carry handguns at valley ranch and selected airports. :eek: :p:

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