Twitter: Emmitt not happy about Zeke release

Well I wasn't happy when Emmitt decided to go to a division rival because Parcell's would not let him play dominoes in the training room.

I was also not happy when Roy Williams broke Emmitt's shoulder because he was talking trash all week before the game.
THEY WERE BOTH SLOW when they left the team, let it go emmitt, you know how it is
Emmitt was simply expressing his discontent. No big deal. And even though I agree with you, what bothered me about the Cowboys moving on from Emmitt was that they replaced him with someone worse. Troy Hambrick was probably worse than Emmitt today, let alone when Emmitt was in decline.
Emmitt was simply expressing his discontent. No big deal. And even though I agree with you, what bothered me about the Cowboys moving on from Emmitt was that they replaced him with someone worse. Troy Hambrick was probably worse than Emmitt today, let alone when Emmitt was in decline.
Yea that alone discounts the any RB can replace any other RB arguement.
I mean they ain’t a charity ya know? Maybe zeke could’ve practiced some self preservation. Or less alcohol to help his body recover
I agree with you there.

IMO, Zeke has a substance abuse problem. Likely alcohol and something else. Goes all the way back to his days at Ohio State and his current comments in interviews last year that he's a "tequila guy."
He's a moron. He always was a moron. It's why his career as an analyst was so brief. We were all dumber for listening to him.

But Jane trying to lecture us on a men's locker room takes the cake. She doesn't have the slightest clue of what she's talking about.
No doubt. I agree with you on all accounts. I'm not opposed to listening to women about sports, but none who've had cosmetic plastic surgery hold any weight with me.
Emmitt is getting senile or the cte with delusional thinking.
Since when do teams keep players out of love or loyalty??
If that were true romo and witten would still be starters.

And tell emmitt elliot already got his money!


First of all he got his money and then some

2nd - “he played hurt all last year” is what I hear after every season he plays. He is always playing hurt or maybe he just isn’t that good anymore

3rd I’m not feeling bad for a person who made millions pkaying a sport and gets cut. He will never have to work again nor should his kids
He was the top paid RB by a long shot, now the team doesn't care? lol Emmitt lost his mind. And I love Emmitt as a player, but in this situation he's way off base.
One of the reasons Emmitt couldn't hack it as a media analyst,,, the dude is a gaffe machine, mixed metaphors and brain farts right and left. Being in front of the camera ain't for everyone.
Why are you bashing Emmit for something that has nothing to do with Emmit's comments supporting Zeke?? Just a cheap low class attempt to attack someone's intelligence. Emmitt Smith does more for the community then someone who takes cheap imbeccelic shots at an All-Time Great.
Can’t really disagree w Emmitt here

NFL is not the law
Like Tyron, I’m sure Zeke had a chance to stay, but his value to us is less than the money we owe him upon release. I don’t blame him for taking the money instead of taking a huge incentive laden new contract. But Emmitt has to know that Jerry gave him a chance and made him rich. Tyron swallowed his pride and signed a contract where he gets paid his value with incentives for much more if he stays healthy and on the field.
Its all about choices.
..this is on Zeke. Take a few dollars cut. IF he plays his cards right. He wont have to work for rest of life.
Emmitt Smith is the last person who should comment on this issue. He stayed here three years too long.

Go away, Emmitt. Back to your trash pile.
Emmitt is the greatest player in Cowboys history, and I saw Roger's career.

I was at Texas Stadium when he broke the record that will never be broken again.

So let the man talk.

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