Emmitt Smith taking a shot at Dak now


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There was also no rule allowing the QB to get rid of the ball with no call for intentional grounding, at least for the first SB.

Rushers could still flatten the QB after he threw the ball if they were within a step or two.

Dak would have never survived Aikman's early years and even at least the first SB run.

#22 knows this better than anyone.
Dak wouldn’t start in that era and wouldn’t be a back-up. Look at his INT to Cooks and Gallup. DBs were allowed to battle WRs then and it’s why the WRs in that era were generally the taller guys, even if they didn’t have top flight speed…. Dak had trouble getting the ball to Dak.. imagine him trying to fit it into the tight spaces that Aikman constantly did for Michael Irvin..


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dak does whatever the play call is, no matter what, he could think well passing here is stupid, so I will just hand it off lol, but he
is afraid to do that , even though mike could not do anything to him if he did.
Also dak may not be on field pressure situation smart enough to know 3 runs were the right calls.

Sometimes if coaches call something stupid, as a qb you have to over ride what they call.
There were plenty of times he audibled out of a play and many of those times were disastrous.

Gangsta Spanksta

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If this guy can make over 250 million $ as a QB in the NFL there is hope for all I guess???

Maybe I should start pointing to the sky as you never know do you now?
This is the face some would chisel over Emmitt face on the Cowboy's Mount Rushmore?


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I love how yhe Dak worshippers blame the defense for letting the opposition to walk down the field and score, but never blame the AWFUL defenses that allow scrubby Dak and his wildly talented roster to March down the field and score..

We told you folks that Dak is going to have to get into a shootout in he playoffs, as defenses are going to have an off game, and he’s going to suck it up…. Giving the opponent a head start by gifting them pick 6s and INTs in scoring territory and we also know Dak can’t play catch up..


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He could’ve brought up the playoff game when Dak needlessly took a sack with plenty of time to throw it away, taking us out of FG range for absolutely no reason.

Daks lack of headiness is something you’ll never see in a stat sheet, but glares at those who watch him him play

Gangsta Spanksta

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Nope....if you think 90s mentality football or business could fit in the 21st Century you are a Fraud!!

Remember when Emmitt Smiths Defense couldn't stop a run??

Dak Haters selling Whales Oil... :lmao2: :lmao2:
Anyone who thinks that Dak being a big part of losses in critical playoff games is as an heroic effort by him as Emmitt playing with a separated shoulder in what is considered one of the NFL most gutsiest performances, is the real fraud. Anyone who would pick Dak over Emmitt on their playoff team...


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Emmitt has got it all wrong. He is the one not remembering what happened and on what plays/downs. Here, take a look...

Yes, the Cowboys passed 3 times in a row, but they did so because as usual they had absolutely no run game. Plus, on those 3 straight pass plays, the 1st and the 3rd passes were actually completions, so the clock ran on those plays. It was not the 3rd pass play where Dak threw the ball out of bounds like Emmitt clearly either forgot or remembered wrong. It was the 2nd pass where the pass went out of bounds. Even then, the Cowboys made a FG to go up by 7 points with 1:45 left in the game. Had the Cowboys ran the ball for no gain on that 2nd down, the Lions still had 1 timeout left. Yes, the completion pass by the Cowboys on the following 3rd down play would have ran 34 seconds off the clock, leaving 1:11 left in the game, but it would have likely still been enough for the Lions to drive 75 yards for a score.

I’m not understanding how you are defending this. 1:55 left and Detroit has 1 TO. You run a 4s run play, that’s 1:51, then you run two more 4s run plays and let the play clock hit zero bc you’re in punt range. Then your punt is 8s. There’s 15s left on the clock for them to drive the field from at best the 20 with 0 timeouts needing a TD.

There’s literally no analytics or common sense that would tell you to do anything else after that 1st down. Dak should’ve taken a sack if McCarthy forced a pass play, or acted more like Romo and just audibled into a run himself


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Emmitt said he was through with Dallas. He said he didn't know if Dak had reached his ceiling.... But was happy with the Zimmer hire. Very happy.


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Anyone who thinks that Dak being a big part of losses in critical playoff games is as an heroic effort by him as Emmitt playing with a separated shoulder in what is considered one of the NFL most gutsiest performances, is the real fraud. Anyone who would pick Dak over Emmitt on their playoff team...
I'd expect a Dak Hater to have low level comprehension.....no one is picking Emmitt Smith over Prescott.

I am calling out 90s players projecting their Era onto today's player.....Emmitt sure did teach Zeke how to hold out.... :lmao2:

Dak Haters will never be fruitful:lmao::lmao:

Gangsta Spanksta

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I'd expect a Dak Hater to have low level comprehension.....no one is picking Emmitt Smith over Prescott.

I am calling out 90s players projecting their Era onto today's player.....Emmitt sure did teach Zeke how to hold out.... :lmao2:

Dak Haters will never be fruitful:lmao::lmao:
"no one is picking Emmitt smith over Prescott" Making a point about comprehension and then not proof reading your own post?


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:lmao2: :popcorn: "no one is picking Emmitt smith over Prescott" Making a point about comprehension and then not proof reading your own post?
Ignoring the content and moving the Goalpost....Dak Haters Drivel!!

Please tell Emmitt to explain to us how Jerry would have kept that HOF studded team in free agency?

Or maybe how many games White House characters would have missed in today's social media!!!

One things for sure....Emmitt's speech patterns has improved :espn::lmao2:

Gangsta Spanksta

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Ignoring the content and moving the Goalpost....Dak Haters Drivel!!

Please tell Emmitt to explain to us how Jerry would have kept that HOF studded team in free agency?

Or maybe how many games White House characters would have missed in today's social media!!!

One things for sure....Emmitt's speech patterns has improved :espn::lmao2:
You make no sense. moving the goal post? I gave you an opportunity to clarify your point, pointing out that I thought that you didn't quite say what you intended to. Emmitt still played with more heart than Dak has on lesser teams than we had this year. Dak is never going to be a Hall of Famer, for the reason that he is not going to produce in the playoffs. Emmitt has the Heart of a Champion, while I don't believe Dak does.


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You make no sense. moving the goal post? I gave you an opportunity to clarify your point, pointing out that I thought that you didn't quite say what you intended to. Emmitt still played with more heart than Dak has on lesser teams than we had this year. Dak is never going to be a Hall of Famer, for the reason that he is not going to produce in the playoffs. Emmitt has the Heart of a Champion, while I don't believe Dak does.
Blah blah blah.....if only Prescott could play with a broken ankle like Emmitt played with a dislocated shoulder...

Dak Haters.....the Heart Connoisseurs :lmao2:


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"no one is picking Emmitt smith over Prescott" Making a point about comprehension and then not proof reading your own post?
I have this guy hidden. It would help if you did too. He’s one of the worst posters on here and thinks laughing emojis equals being smart. He will also get personal in private messages. It will help your experience here! Your points make sense so it’s falling on deaf ears.


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The 90s SB Cowboys were loaded at every position with the best players in the NFL. Even their backups were good enough to be starters on any other team.
I didn't mention talent, I was referring to heart & fight. No team in the current NFL is as loaded with talent as some teams in the past. But a lot of teams currently have more championship fortitude than our roster.