Enough already on this HENSON dude


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Oh look! @ post#198 .. Hostile fueling the flames, beating the proverbial dead horse in a HENSON thread, a one, and a two, and a three, LOOK AT ME!


Guy - why are you still talking about this schmuck?


rock music matters
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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

enough of this bill parcells media feud crap
enough of this TO rules stuff
enough of this TO sucks stuff
enough of this we need an OL talk
enough of this jerry and bill are feuding garbage
enough of this who was your favorite cowboy in 1972 who's name started with an N

you're on a cowboys board and you're gonna see it all and exasperation isn't gonna help you any.


rock music matters
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CactusCowboy said:
Holy crapola, I just logged on and see all of these replies, none of which change my mind. First Drew could not figure out how to take the ball correctly from center, then he was apparently so bad the coaching staff decided to change his delivery, now he is in the NFLE and as I mentioned before cannot even seperate himself from the other teams QB's.

Wake up people, Drew will NEVER be a starting QB for an NFL team unless there are injuries.

You guys keep saying he just needs reps. How many years of reps does he need?

wake up - YOUR opinion isn't gonna be shared by all no matter how vehimantly you shout it.


rock music matters
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HeavyHitta31 said:
What are you talking about? Henson has shown no capacity for development. He throws well one game, then comes out and fumbles the ball, throws INTs, and completes 50% of his passes the next.

As for the preseason, well, I'll let the stats speak for themselves:


Drew Henson QB Rating: 44.5
Tony Romo QB Rating: 93.6

That hardly shows a QB who is improving. You can throw out that new throwing motion garbage all you want, the fact is, Tony Romo, an undrafted FA, totally and completely outplayed Drew Henson.

wouldn't his rating in NFLE show what, almost tripling it?

your hate boner is active again.


The Duke
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Austin28 said:
Oh look! @ post#198 .. Hostile fueling the flames, beating the proverbial dead horse in a HENSON thread, a one, and a two, and a three, LOOK AT ME!


Guy - why are you still talking about this schmuck?

I understand you can't read so give a listen. Or are your ears no good too? Ask someone else to for you if that's the case. The Head Coach does not agree with you.

That's my trump card.

What's yours? Oh that's right, you haven't got one. I return you to your regularly scheduled whine.

big dog cowboy

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HeavyHitta31 said:
What are you talking about? Henson has shown no capacity for development.
Oh brother. Just when you thought you read it all. Clearly the Cowboy front office doesn't have the same assessment of Henson you do.


The Duke
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Austin28 said:
Typical cliche response - nothing more.

Well, here are the 3-4 defense and the 2TE set. I wouldn't argue with them there.

I imagine that while you spend every living moment of your life pretending to be a football guru/toughguy on the internet, that their probably doing more productive things with their lives.

I dunno though, Hos. Over 20K posts and counting. You could be a Hall of Famer.

Need a Kleenex?

That's the saddest slop I've ever read, and believe me I've read plenty. All you've got is a post count that means nothing? Spare me the lame attempt at witty repartee. It's beyond your synapses.


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dallasfaniac said:
I'm am not going to take the time to go through all of this garbage, simply reading the first post I can tell you that the guy is gonna get his butt reamed because it was a total bonehead post. I don't know what the ensuing arguments were etc. but let me put this out there if it hasn't already.

If you extrapolate Hensons stats out for the entire NFLE season, his stats would be better than both Kurt Warner's and Brad Johnson's stats when they were over there. Both Warner and Johnson wear Superbowl rings.

Heck if you extrapolate his stats out over a 16 game season his stats would be similar or better than Matt Hasslebecks.

But hey, extrapolate all you want, it doesn't make it so. The only thing that we can go by is that both Parcells and Jones have said that he is improving and they seem pleased. If you argue otherwise, then you are biased or stupid, take your pick.

I will take biased......:)


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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bbgun said:
And as usual you do a lot of post-padding while managing to say nothing.

If I cared about post counts, that criticism might sting...

As it is, it doesn't... do try again, though...

In the meantime, I'll eagerly await your FIRST substantive contribution to our dialogue... good thing I'm patient, I've been waiting quite a while, and haven't seen it yet...

Loved your fatuous Staubach analogy. "Golly gee, if Roger could do it .... !"

What's fatuous about responding to a hater who's dismissing Henson out of hand because of his age by pointing out that one of the greatest quarterbacks in Cowboys' history didn't ascend to the starting job until he was kind of old (by NFL standards) his own self??

In fact, it is a LOGICAL argument... your inability to grasp the logic is an indictment of your own stupidity, not an indication that the argument is fatuous...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Austin28 said:
I imagine that while you spend every living moment of your life pretending to be a football guru/toughguy on the internet, that their probably doing more productive things with their lives.

Yeah, they're posting on other message boards... ROTFLMAO...

Before you get defensive on me, know that I like BnA pretty well, and he seems to like me... it wasn't always that way, but we got past our initial animosity... I also don't have any real problems with Nors... I thought he'd left the board because he was tired of all the flak he was catching, it was only today that I found out that both he and Ben had actually been banned...

I dunno though, Hos. Over 20K posts and counting. You could be a Hall of Famer.

Takes a special kind of stupid to criticize an admin for his post count... as an admin, he is one of the people most directly responsible for ensuring this board is a lively place, IOW he has an obligation to kick-start the dialogue whenever possible...

I can't resist noting that if you ever get close to 20,000 posts, you'll still be a cosmic joke...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Austin28 said:
Oh look! @ post#198 .. Hostile fueling the flames, beating the proverbial dead horse in a HENSON thread, a one, and a two, and a three, LOOK AT ME!


Guy - why are you still talking about this schmuck?

Probably for much the same reasons YOU are, hypocrite-- the subject interests him...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hostile said:
Need a Kleenex?

That's the saddest slop I've ever read, and believe me I've read plenty. All you've got is a post count that means nothing? Spare me the lame attempt at witty repartee. It's beyond your synapses.

I have to correct you there, Hos... after reading the drivel from this putz, I'm reasonably certain that he has at most ONE functioning synapse, so your use of the plural there is grammatically incorrect...

Think about it, you know I'm right... LOL...


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silverbear said:
What's fatuous about responding to a hater who's dismissing Henson out of hand because of his age by pointing out that one of the greatest quarterbacks in Cowboys' history didn't ascend to the starting job until he was kind of old (by NFL standards) his own self??

In fact, it is a LOGICAL argument... your inability to grasp the logic is an indictment of your own stupidity, not an indication that the argument is fatuous...

Oh dear. Did you get tired of boring people to tears on Usenet? I'll just have explain this to you like you're my six-year-old nephew: Staubach's tenure (i.e. a long layoff followed by a HOF career) was very, very special. Almost unheard of. Asking Henson to replicate this feat is like asking for lightning to strike twice, in the same place, at the same time. Staubach was the NFL version of a mega-lottery winner. Yes, statistically, Henson could win the lottery too, but the odds are drastically against him. That's why it was stupid and disingenuous of you to invoke Roger's name. You're imparting false hope.

Have fun guzzling the Henson Kool-Aid.



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bbgun said:
Oh dear. Did you get tired of boring people to tears on Usenet? I'll just have explain this to you like you're my six-year-old nephew: Staubach's tenure (i.e. a long layoff followed by a HOF career) was very, very special. Almost unheard of. Asking Henson to replicate this feat is like asking for lightning to strike twice, in the same place, at the same time. Staubach was the NFL version of a mega-lottery winner. Yes, statistically, Henson could win the lottery too, but the odds are drastically against him. That's why it was stupid and disingenuous of you to invoke Roger's name. You're imparting false hope.

Have fun guzzling the Henson Kool-Aid.



I can list many QBs that did not become full time or effective starters until their late 20's or early 30's, so your little counter point is as pointless as the original age argument.

That list includes several super bowl QBs and a couple of league MVPs, too.;)


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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bbgun said:
Oh dear. Did you get tired of boring people to tears on Usenet?

Oh, do I know you from the newsgroup?? Could it perhaps be that I stepped on your dainty toes over there, too??

I'll just have explain this to you like you're my six-year-old nephew:

He probably talks down to YOU...

Staubach's tenure (i.e. a long layoff followed by a HOF career) was very, very special. Almost unheard of. Asking Henson to replicate this feat is like asking for lightning to strike twice, in the same place, at the same time.

I never said it wasn't, I simply used Roger as an EXAMPLE of an older quarterback finally ascending to the starter's job and finding success in the NFL... I used him because he was a Cowboy, and we're all Cowboys fans in here, but there are others... Warren Moon and Kurt Warner come to mind...

There is another parallel between Henson and Staubach, both of them came to pro football later than most players do, so as others have said, they couldn't be characterized as "football old"...

You're imparting false hope.

No, I'm simply pointing out that Henson's age doesn't automatically disqualify him from eventually finding success in the NFL... you're just to logically challenged to understand the argument...

It's actually you who are somewhat desperately trying to stomp out any semblance of "hope"...

Have fun guzzling the Henson Kool-Aid.

Have fun stickin' pins in your little Henson voodoo doll...


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Hos, Bear, BZ, GBrittan and a host of others I thank you...this has been a most enjoyable read... A picture comes to mind of white blood cells attacking a virus... but if this was a boxing match the ref would have stepped in long ago... these poor pathetic masochistic creatures had no coherent thoughts from the get go and now they just lay there making guttural noises... :(


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Zaxor said:

Hos, Bear, BZ, GBrittan and a host of others I thank you...this has been a most enjoyable read... A picture comes to mind of white blood cells attacking a virus...

So, you're saying I'm part of the board's immune system??

Thanks-- I think... :)


Virtus Mille Scuta
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silverbear said:
So, you're saying I'm part of the board's immune system??

Thanks-- I think... :)

LOL my pleasure my friend..I hope you are doing well :)