Enough already on this HENSON dude


...Abbey someone
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Have ya ever gotten really comfortable leaning back in a chair...and leaned a bit more and at the last split second caught yourself just before the chair tipped over. OOooof, what a feeling.

Sometimes posting in a thread can be the same way. Ya lean right over the written guidelines about personal attacks...and catch yourself just before earning a vacation from the site.

Oooof, what a feeling.



Virtus Mille Scuta
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Juke99 said:
Have ya ever gotten really comfortable leaning back in a chair...and leaned a bit more and at the last split second caught yourself just before the chair tipped over. OOooof, what a feeling.

Sometimes posting in a thread can be the same way. Ya lean right over the written guidelines about personal attacks...and catch yourself just before earning a vacation from the site.

Oooof, what a feeling.



Zippy Speedster

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CactusCowboy said:
He has had his chances, I see no improvement. He cannot even seperate himself from the better NFLE QB's. I do not dislike the person, just am being realistic. Romo is the backup and this guy from Yale may have a chance to be third string. If we can get anything for Henson I would do it now.

Just because you have the body and skills, it does not always translate into an NFL QB, just ask Mr. Leaf.

AMEN dude!! This is the first Henson-Thread that I'm not immediately :lmao: :lmao2: :laugh1:

As for many of the rest of you, if he could hit the side of a barn three times in a row...he'd be ready to leave NFLe in many of your opinions and start here. Is it his eyes? :) Well it must be some "endearing" quality. ;)


Well-Known Member
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Juke99 said:
Have ya ever gotten really comfortable leaning back in a chair...and leaned a bit more and at the last split second caught yourself just before the chair tipped over. OOooof, what a feeling.

Sometimes posting in a thread can be the same way. Ya lean right over the written guidelines about personal attacks...and catch yourself just before earning a vacation from the site.

Oooof, what a feeling.


Very tactfully done.......:cool:


Star Power
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Hostile said:

Choose the Friday May 5, 2006 Press Conference and listen. At 37:21 of the PCBill is asked if Drew Henson has shown him anything. At 38:03 Bill Parcells says, "it lookslike he has made some improvement there."

Please someone tell me again that they see no improvement, because I could use a good laugh.

Hos, that's coachspeak. Coaches never mean what they say. It's like this indecipherable gobbledygook to the masses, and requires special training (years and years) to understand the subtleties. The all-knowledgable media, through their own good nature (and not influenced at all by their own self-serving aims, of course), has taught us this gem of wisdom.

"It looks like he has made some improvement there," could mean many things. For example, what is he referring to when he says "there." It's so vague. Also, he says "some." That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement, does it? And, "looks"? Seems a little uncertain and hesitant to me.

Come on Hos, you know coaches don't mean what they really say when your brain is muddled by agenda.


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"Asking Henson to replicate this feat is like asking for lightning to strike twice, in the same place, at the same time. "

Actually there is scientific proof that lightning can strike multiple times in the same location, during one thousandths of a second. In case you wanted to use this example in the future, just know it might not hold the same water you once thought it did. Good Day.:)


The Duke
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SultanOfSix said:
Hos, that's coachspeak. Coaches never mean what they say. It's like this indecipherable gobbledygook to the masses, and requires special training (years and years) to understand the subtleties. The all-knowledgable media, through their own good nature (and not influenced at all by their own self-serving aims, of course), has taught us this gem of wisdom.

"It looks like he has made some improvement there," could mean many things. For example, what is he referring to when he says "there." It's so vague. Also, he says "some." That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement, does it? And, "looks"? Seems a little uncertain and hesitant to me.

Come on Hos, you know coaches don't mean what they really say when your brain is muddled by agenda.
I don't know SoS. The Head Coach pretty clearly says he sees improvement. I got 5 or 6 yahoos on here telling me they don't. It's about weight. His opinion weighs more. Kind of a simple math concept really.


The Duke
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silverbear said:
I have to correct you there, Hos... after reading the drivel from this putz, I'm reasonably certain that he has at most ONE functioning synapse, so your use of the plural there is grammatically incorrect...

Think about it, you know I'm right... LOL...
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Zaxor said:
LOL my pleasure my friend..I hope you are doing well :)

Fine as a frog hair split 4 ways... how 'bout you, how are things over in Germany??


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Juke99 said:
Have ya ever gotten really comfortable leaning back in a chair...and leaned a bit more and at the last split second caught yourself just before the chair tipped over. OOooof, what a feeling.

Sometimes posting in a thread can be the same way. Ya lean right over the written guidelines about personal attacks...and catch yourself just before earning a vacation from the site.

Oooof, what a feeling.

Y'know, I've never really worried about that, even though I am one of the most vulgar and confrontational folks around... the reason for that is I have found that one or another of the board's moderators will inevitably PM me when I'm gettin' out of line, and so long as I listen to them, I'm in no real danger...

Which is not to say I haven't found myself writing a rather incendiary post, then when proofreading it before posting it, decided on my own that maybe I ought to tone it down a little... :D

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Hostile said:
The Head Coach pretty clearly says he sees improvement. I got 5 or 6 yahoos on here telling me they don't. It's about weight. His opinion weighs more. Kind of a simple math concept really.
That really takes the bite out of some of the arm chair GM's around here.

Unless (heaven forbid) that have their own personal agenda. :laugh2:


The Duke
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silverbear said:
So, are you Catholic, or have you been listening to some Jimmy Buffett lately??

Jimmy Buffet Cheeseburgers in Paradise as a matter of fact. Nice catch.


Well-Known Member
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Hostile said:

Jimmy Buffet Cheeseburgers in Paradise as a matter of fact. Nice catch.
I like mine with lettuce and tomato....heinz 54 and french fried potatoes.....a nice kosher pickle and a cold draft beer :D


Double Trouble
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Yeagermeister said:
I like mine with lettuce and tomato....heinz 54 and french fried potatoes.....a nice kosher pickle and a cold draft beer :D
Heinz 54?


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hostile said:

Jimmy Buffet Cheeseburgers in Paradise as a matter of fact. Nice catch.

If you saw the Parrothead's Club magnet on the back of my Cherokee, you'd understand...

I've also got a "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Jimmy Buffett" bumpersticker among the 20 or so I have taped to my fridge door...

Been a parrothead since back in the late 70s... I was at a party, somebody put on his "You Had To Be There" concert album, and the first song I heard was "A Pirate Looks at Forty"... when I heard these words:

I've done a bit of smuggling
I've run my share of grass
I made enough money to buy Miami
But I pissed it away so fast

I was hooked... the next song up was "God's Own Drunk", and that sealed the deal...

Best of all, I quickly learned that Jimmy wrote songs that are both fairly easy to play, and in a key that I can sing comfortably... I'll bet I have 10 or 12 of his songs in the repertoire; the first time my second ex-fiancee got me up to sing with the house band at the bar she worked at, I had them hooked about 8 bars into "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw"... LOL...


rock music matters
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silverbear said:
So, are you Catholic, or have you been listening to some Jimmy Buffett lately??

enigima. hos is more into the headcase dance music. : )


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Yeagermeister said:
I like mine with lettuce and tomato....heinz 54 and french fried potatoes.....a nice kosher pickle and a cold draft beer :D

Back when I was a young assistant pro here in the Shenandoah Valley, two of my golf buddies used to stop by the pro shop right at closing time, and we'd sneak in a quick 9 before dark... we'd put a LITTLE money on the line, and if I was putting a beating on them, they'd get together and harmonize on that song, at the top of their lungs... neither one of them could sing a lick, and it was howlingly funny, which of course put me off my game...

My revenge was a well-timed chorus of "There's a Skeeter On My Peter (Knock It Off)", which is sung to the tune of "She'll Be Comin' Around the Mountain"... that would always crack them up...

We almost never played as well as we were capable of playing, but Gawd, did we have fun... sure am glad the course was always all but deserted... LOL...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Hey, have any of you parrotheads ever read Jimmy's collection of short stories, "Tales From Margaritaville"?? I didn't particularly like his two novels, but those short stories are some really good stuff...

The first one, titled "Off To See The Lizards" (many if not all of the stories had their titles borrowed from one of his songs), was about high school football down in Florida...

If you haven't checked that one out, by all means do so... you can thank me later...