Enough already on this HENSON dude


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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And as long as I'm tellin' Buffett stories, perhaps the best concert I've ever attended was one of his, at the Merriwether Post Pavilion outside of DC... we had tickets inside the pavilion, not out on the lawn, and me and my roommate were double dating these two pretty parrotheads who worked at the golf club... ordinarily, the lawn is where I prefer, but I was tryin' to impress that young lady, so I splurged...

We indulged in some herbal recreation on the drive down there, but knew better than to try to smuggle anything in... I wound up sittin' on one end, Tim was on the other end, with the girls between us, when this mountain man-looking old hippie sat down beside me... long, graying hair, a full beard halfway down his chest, bib overalls and no undershirt...

He also had this old-fashioned shopping bag, with the handles on it... when the lights went down, he reached inside that bag, and came out with a jar of 'shine... well, I did my level best not to stare at him, but he nudged me with his elbow, and offered me a taste... I asked him if it would be cool to share with Tim, knowing the girls wouldn't go near that stuff... he said sure, so we passed the jar...

When the next song commenced, he came out with this rather large, intricately carved Meerschaum pipe, which was already packed with some recreational herb... he fired that sucker up, grinned at me and passed it along-- I guess he recognized that I was already fairly stoned...

And that's the way the concert went-- one song, we'd hit the 'shine, the next we'd hit on that pipe... by the time that concert was over, I was tore up from the floor up, LOL... my date drove home, stopping along the way at Jack In the Box for tacos and the best onion rings I've ever eaten anywhere... talk about JUST the ticket for a severe case of the munchies...

I'm sure Jimmy would have approved... my only regret is that it never occurred to me ask the name of our benefactor... I thought about asking him how he got away with smugglin' all that past the security, but for some reason, we never really got around to talkin' much at all... all I'll say is, in the words of Jimmy his own self, "it was a pleasure and a h*ll of an evening"...

The challenge now is for one of you parrotheads to tell me what line that song came from... here's a hint-- one of the other, more memorable lines was "I woke up on the steps of a whorehouse"...


The Duke
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silverbear said:
If you saw the Parrothead's Club magnet on the back of my Cherokee, you'd understand...

I've also got a "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Jimmy Buffett" bumpersticker among the 20 or so I have taped to my fridge door...

Been a parrothead since back in the late 70s... I was at a party, somebody put on his "You Had To Be There" concert album, and the first song I heard was "A Pirate Looks at Forty"... when I heard these words:

I've done a bit of smuggling
I've run my share of grass
I made enough money to buy Miami
But I pissed it away so fast

I was hooked... the next song up was "God's Own Drunk", and that sealed the deal...

Best of all, I quickly learned that Jimmy wrote songs that are both fairly easy to play, and in a key that I can sing comfortably... I'll bet I have 10 or 12 of his songs in the repertoire; the first time my second ex-fiancee got me up to sing with the house band at the bar she worked at, I had them hooked about 8 bars into "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw"... LOL...
Great JB story.

The lady who works in my office had a teacher who was wild about Jimmy Buffet. On her tests she always had questions that were about his song lyrics as extra credit. In other words, if you knew your Jimmy Buffet you could get extra credit.

Jimmy's best known song is of course Margaritaville. On one test the question was...

"In the song Margaritaville, what was Jimmy searching for?'

Of course the answer is, "my lost shaker of salt."

She answered, "his lost jigger saw."


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Hostile said:
Great JB story.

The lady who works in my office had a teacher who was wild about Jimmy Buffet. On her tests she always had questions that were about his song lyrics as extra credit. In other words, if you knew your Jimmy Buffet you could get extra credit.

Jimmy's best known song is of course Margaritaville. On one test the question was...

"In the song Margaritaville, what was Jimmy searching for?'

Of course the answer is, "my lost shaker of salt."

She answered, "his lost jigger saw."

Our football coach taught history and asked what is the color of the nike stripe on my shoe? :D

Bob Sacamano

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Double Trouble said:
Henson's 26 and won't turn 27 until next year. If you want to bring up age as an issue, you should get it right.

Henson's played well most games, and has been consistently getting better until this past week, when he was injured. How anyone can assert otherwise is beyond me.

Romo's always looked more comfortable? Pray tell when Romo looked comfortable. To my knowledge, Romo has taken one snap in a regular season game. If you're referring to the pre-season, I've rarely seen a 1st year QB look as comfortable as Henson did as a rookie. Last season, with a new throwing motion and hampered by an injury, he did not look comfortable.

Having doubts about a player is one thing, but fabricating events like those in this post suggests a personal dislike for the player.



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Anyone seriously pinning their hopes on Romo or Henson will be extremely disappointed.

Bob Sacamano

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HeavyHitta31 said:
What are you talking about? Henson has shown no capacity for development. He throws well one game, then comes out and fumbles the ball, throws INTs, and completes 50% of his passes the next.

As for the preseason, well, I'll let the stats speak for themselves:


Drew Henson QB Rating: 44.5
Tony Romo QB Rating: 93.6

That hardly shows a QB who is improving. You can throw out that new throwing motion garbage all you want, the fact is, Tony Romo, an undrafted FA, totally and completely outplayed Drew Henson.

how many years from now are you going to look back on the '05 preseason? it's the year 2006 of our Lord, and another preseason is on the horizon, so why don't we wait till then before we say who has improved and who hasn't

btw, all we have on Henson is his experience thus far in NFLE and which Parcells has said he's shown improvement

Bob Sacamano

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dallasfaniac said:
I'm am not going to take the time to go through all of this garbage, simply reading the first post I can tell you that the guy is gonna get his butt reamed because it was a total bonehead post. I don't know what the ensuing arguments were etc. but let me put this out there if it hasn't already.

If you extrapolate Hensons stats out for the entire NFLE season, his stats would be better than both Kurt Warner's and Brad Johnson's stats when they were over there. Both Warner and Johnson wear Superbowl rings.

Heck if you extrapolate his stats out over a 16 game season his stats would be similar or better than Matt Hasslebecks.

But hey, extrapolate all you want, it doesn't make it so. The only thing that we can go by is that both Parcells and Jones have said that he is improving and they seem pleased. If you argue otherwise, then you are biased or stupid, take your pick.

:hammer: good GAWD that was a fantastic post!

Bob Sacamano

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Hostile said:

Choose the Friday May 5, 2006 Press Conference and listen. At 37:21 of the PCBill is asked if Drew Henson has shown him anything. At 38:03 Bill Parcells says, "it lookslike he has made some improvement there."

Please someone tell me again that they see no improvement, because I could use a good laugh.

*tisk* *tisk* HOs, Henson lover, you're conveniently leaving out the part where BIll said he hasn't paid any attention to the weather conditions, the most telling sign of all on how he views Henson's current NFLE experience

Bob Sacamano

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silverbear said:
Don't waste your time trying to employ LOGIC on this one, summer... he's a hater, and not interested in facts...

I don't view making someone look stupid as wasting my time ;)


Regular Joe....
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summerisfunner said:
*tisk* *tisk* HOs, Henson lover, you're conveniently leaving out the part where BIll said he hasn't paid any attention to the weather conditions, the most telling sign of all on how he views Henson's current NFLE experience

Actually, I think he said something to the effect of, "I have no idea what the weather conditions are." Not that he hasn't paid attention. Small but telling fact IMO.


Regular Joe....
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summerisfunner said:
:laugh1: no

I think that there's a difference between not being able to tell what the weather conditions are and not being interested at all. At least, from my perspective.

Bob Sacamano

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I think that there's a difference between not being able to tell what the weather conditions are and not being interested at all. At least, from my perspective.

there might be a difference, but that's not what i'm laughing at, it's the part about it being a telling sign


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Hostile said:

I understand you can't read so give a listen. Or are your ears no good too? Ask someone else to for you if that's the case. The Head Coach does not agree with you.

That's my trump card.

What's yours? Oh that's right, you haven't got one. I return you to your regularly scheduled whine.

...But weren't you saying last year that the coaches were saying he was improving. My memory recalls that you'd pick up every little tid bit of information and just go ape chat at the mention of Henson's name.

I think you even lost a bet last year listening to what the coaches were saying a little too much ... and not enough to the "boneheads" here.

Do you use the same logic when the coach, especially Parcells, says things are going to be all peachy with TO?

Don't you think the coaches might be saying that because they want things to go smoothly with the media, so things do get blown out of proportion and become a distraction to the team ... ?

While you're nodding your head 'yes' to everything the coaches say and interpreting it as fact, the rest of us will just wait, watch and see what happens.

Romo ended up wearing the #2 crown last year; you wore the avatar as a result, remember?

That's my trump card.

Realistically, the game has yet to be played as far as 2006 is concerned .. and you're shouting TRUMP CARD!

Do you want to make a friendly bet for this year, regarding the #2 spot?


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blindzebra said:

I can list many QBs that did not become full time or effective starters until their late 20's or early 30's, so your little counter point is as pointless as the original age argument.

That list includes several super bowl QBs and a couple of league MVPs, too.;)

Do you have a reading disability? I specifically said "long layoff." Staubach and Henson were completely away from the game for several years. Thus far, only Roger has cleared that hurdle. Guys like Moon and Warren weren't away from the game, so using their names is pointless.


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Zaxor said:
LOL my pleasure my friend..I hope you are doing well :)

Wow, talk about your hypocrites ..

I wonder if this guy has an agenda?

Let me guess Zaxor, we should give Bledsoe the hook and start Henson ....

Bob Sacamano

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bbgun said:
Do you have a reading disability? I specifically said "long layoff." Staubach and Henson were completely away from the game for several years. Thus far, only Roger has cleared that hurdle. Guys like Moon and Warren weren't away from the game, so using their names is pointless.

but how many players beside Roger, Hutch and Henson were away from the game for a year or more, have tried to come back and be a franchise QB?


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Austin28 said:
Romo ended up wearing the #2 crown last year; you wore the avatar as a result, remember?

That's my trump card.

Realistically, the game has yet to be played as far as 2006 is concerned .. and you're shouting TRUMP CARD!

Do you want to make a friendly bet for this year, regarding the #2 spot?

Make sure the bet is detailed and the parameters are clearly spelled out:lmao2: