Ok so the chronic back injury makes injury prone to his back, but not the back bone is that correct? The BONE part was pure bad luck correct?
Correct. His problem he has had in no way shape or forms makes his bones more likely to break.
And the way his style of play makes him more susceptible to hits, but taking more hits doesnt make him more susceptible to injury?
I don't believe his style of play really makes him more susceptible to hits. His injuries have not come on any of his crazy plays where he's spinning out of the pocket, with the exception of the disc issue, and he wasn't hit there. Most of his injuries have come from when he was in the pocket. Most of the time his style of play prevents hits more than subjects him to more. The problems this team has had with blitz pickup at times has really left him vulnerable though.
Broken hand - standing in the pocket.
A break is not unusual for the hit sustained.
Broken collar bone - delivering a strike from the pocket (missed block by RB). Full weight of defender on his shoulder.
A break is not unusual for the hit sustained.
Broken rib - Delivering a strike from the pocket.
A break is not unusual for the hit sustained.
Broken hand - Hand is hit while throwing from the pocket.
A break is not unusual for the hit sustained.
Disc issue - ccurred while escaping a defender - not the result of a hit.
This is not typical - No subsequent injuries or missed time (after last game that season) as a result.
Traverse process - standing in the pocket - took a knee to the back when trying to brace for the hit.
A break is not unusual for the hit sustained
Collar bone - Going for a loose ball. Full weight of defender landing on his shoulder.
A break is not unusual for the hit sustained
Collar bone - in pocket (wasn't fully healed).
Hit not as strong as previous hits, but bone was not healed and more likely to break.
Compression fracture - Attempting to make the safe play. Exited pocket to open area and went to slide well before reaching defenders - crushed from behind (Thanks Doug).
Break is not unusual for the hit sustained.
So basically it doenst matter how old or young you are, or what position you play or how you play the game. The only thing that matters in injury is luck and the simple fact that football is a tough sport?
If you don't believe chance plays a role in anything, then there's nothing to debate (on any topic, especially football). Look at each case individually. Are there any that stand out where it seems unlikely or implausible that someone would suffer a break in those circumstances? If you don't even want to consider the question because nobody should know, then you probably shouldn't try to act like you have any idea about his health and ability to go on in the future.