ESPN Lays Off Ed Werder

ESPN is laying off over a 100, so no, he did not do something special other than being there a long time and probably being paid too much.

If you're not creating a brand that makes money and you have a high salary, you're good as gone.
Espn's been axing a lot of folk, lately. Sportscenter is at its lowest ratings ever. They're reeling due to the cord cutters.

Werder should be fine. I assume he's in some sort of sports writers/reporters union and will get picked up somewhere.

They should go to basic cable then.
The only show I watch is Mike and Mike and their splitting that up. Back on the day it was my sports source, now I just get that on the Internet.
MSESPN is dead.

Too liberal.

Bruce Jenner got an espy for courage award for cutting his dick off. Everyone can see what a joke they've become.

Pretty funny... the ignorance of this post. Still trying to figure out what more conservative sports coverage means. Can you articulate what you would prefer along this line of thought?
If people ever heard Werder on with Galloway and company on local espn radio here in Dallas they would change their tunes. He's hilarious and lives here in Flower Mound.
Maybe he can replace Broaddus on the Cowboy Report.
So they got rid off Werder and kept Stephan A Smith...............Sounds logical.
I thought it was weird when I saw Adam Scheffter doing sideline reporting at a NBA game. Now I see why he's doing it. Smh

Charles Barkley was right about the way they work those ESPN employees.

That was funny what Kenny Smith said

"You go to sleep you see those guys, you wake up you see those same guys". :laugh:
That's because most people have access to the games they want to watch and don't need a highlight show. When ESPN exploded onto the scene and gobbled up market share, there was no Sunday Ticket and no Extra Innings and there were even fewer national games for both of the big two leagues. Same thing for CFB.

There was also no DVR.
Good point.

For some reason I still like highlights. Especially, for keeping up with baseball, a game I don't watch on tv much. I also watch NBA gametime everyday via dvr. The NFL network shows about 4 plays from the game then runs their stupid mouths for 10 minutes on Mondays after games. Those four morons are nobody's to the game. I can't imagine that's appealing to anyone. However, if they show highlights, at least, I'll watch.

I think it's a programming mistake to not show them.
Good maybe we'll get back to just Sports Center and Australian Rules Football

When I actually enjoyed the channel
So they got rid off Werder and kept Stephan A Smith...............Sounds logical.

Smith brings in some ratings, like it or not. Werder was let go because he makes a lot of money as a reporter given his tenure and they can find somebody else for cheaper.

Jemele Hill still having a job is puzzling since her show ratings are abysmal.

Call me old school, but I find women telling me about a sport they never played insulting. I am all for the hot girl on TV. But when you tell me about how the guard picked up the stunt with that glazed look in your eye as the producer is talking into your earpiece, just turn the camera back to the guy who played the game, and give me a leg shot of the hot girl as you go to commercial.

Have I successfully insulted every woman on this planet yet?
But you will take the same information from a man that's never played the sport?

...And how can anyone forget this beauty from Cowboy Chris? Hilarious.
Stephen a, Michael smith and jamelle hill can't be fired

HR would be called immediately.
Oh the outrage. The rare double standard that negatively affects white men.

Seriously, you sound really ignorant. Please stop, you have no information, and are quite offensive along the way. Fire a white guy, it can't possibly be because they are bad at their job or severely overpaid, must be reverse racism.

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