ESPN Lays Off Ed Werder

I think there is far too much tinfoil hat theories going on...

They paid, big, big, big money to lock up TV deals. They are have large payroll expenses. People are switching over to other means of watching TV as a way of cutting costs/difference in viewing shows. They are losing subscribers and thus losing profits. I would much rather get into a TV show and be able to watch several episodes in a row on Netflix than wait for a 1 hour show once a week full of commercials. Younger generations rather binge watch a show than "tune in next week."

true millenials are ruining tv for all of us
I hate every thing about what ESPN has become in the last 2-4 years. They became political and left the actual sports behind a little to much.
One of the reasons I stopped watching. When I watch ESPN I want to hear sports. The only time I ever watch anymore is for live sporting events and even then I have the urge to mute the button.
There is no 3 source minimum you speak of. In journalism, the truth will set you free. Sometimes that only takes one source. Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth.

I will add the use of unnamed and anonymous sources is one of the biggest downfalls of journalism today.

When report rumors that can't be verified fact, there is. Or at least there was when I took journalism classes in college.

The downfall of journalism is not the use of anonymous sources. You need anonymous sources in journalism because there's always important news and information that you can't get from a source that will go on the record.

The downfall of journalism is the lack of accountability with regards to the integrity of the reporting. You can have a well sourced news story from 10 different sources close to the situation and they can be wrong. And if they are anonymous sources, the reporter has the right to not give them up.

However, when the reporter keeps getting reports wrong there should be a measure where the bosses see this and start to question the reporter's ability to report a story accurately. The reporter in turn should be examining his sources that gave him bad information and be more skeptical about using them again.

And if the reporter continues to write inaccurate stories, then the bosses have the right to ask for his sources and investigate what went on. Then the next time a story comes along, the reporter gives up his sources ahead of time so there is a check in the system to make sure that he's not using the same lousy sources.

I'm suffering with cable but don't know how to cut the cord without losing my shows. I'd love the cut the cord! Right now I got premium cable, roku w Netflix. There's some good shows on syfy, history, discovery, animal planet, and some others I don't wanna miss. Any advice would be appreciated

I felt the same way. I was very reticent to cut the cord initially as I was used to watching certain programs, but didn't want to pay $100+ each month when I only watched a few channels. All I can say is after a month or so you get used to not having cable and won't miss it. Several of my friends also cut the cord and had a similiar experience. I don't know anyone who cut the cord and then changed their mind and went back. If worse comes to worse you can always sign up for Slingbox which has about 20 channels for only $20 a month. But I never did that because there is already more free or low cost content out there than I could ever watch in a lifetime.

Now I spend more time on the Internet, on forums like this, which I much prefer over watching tv. Also, if you cut the cord and feel you made a mistake the cable or satellite company will give you a great deal to sign back up. You really have nothing to lose.
Not sure if anyone posted this yet .. but not interested enough to read through the entire thread to find out :)

Here are a lot of the people who were fired today at ESPN:
If I needed more evidence I haven't watched ESPN TV or visited their website is the list of names being let go were as unfamiliar to me as any other names from a random company announcing labor reductions. I recognized a couple of names and they were the long time people from when I did watch ESPN. At least publicly their responses were classy and they praised their time at ESPN. I was hoping for a couple of tweets to lash out at ESPN.
Sure but editors do talk and the sources I rely on cite the initial report so it's moot at least for me. I make a point to read the original source material.

The lack of basic critical thinking skills in the US population is a huge problem.

I get what you are saying in the age of overcommericalization, conglomeration, 140 characters and instant access on the web but I still have no issue finding good print or other forms of the written word. I avoid visual media outside of original source material like the plague.
I get what you're saying. There are still journalists out there doing good work, I didn't mean to condemn the entire industry, especially since I still draw a paycheck.

The problem is the good stuff has almost become the exception, when it used to be the rule.
Still can't believe they fired Trent Dilfer he was pretty good IMO

Probably the only guy willing to tell it like it is. Totally expecting sock puppets for Monday night football from now on....

Sure some millennial is gonna see this and think it might actually work...
They'll all be replaced by younger millenials who think mixing politics with sports is as natural as breathing.
I noticed they laid off Jay Crawford also but decided to retain Chris Mortensen.

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