It is the sports version of MTV. Focuses far too much on the "Entertainment" part of their name and forgot what got them on the map in the first place.
To illustrate that fact, they actually cover professional wrestling (well, actually only the WWE) now.
That and they keep adding female hosts (or anchors?) that are moderately attractive from far away and wear tight dresses. Ala Hannah storm before she got to the point where you can call her age.
I like attractive women, but I don't need them to talk about sports or sports news. Actual female hosts like that one from NFL live is actually good and informative but doesn't get camera time because she isn't 25.
Seriously, there a lot of female hosts that I've never seen before and don't recognize but you better believe they are wearing stilettos and a form flattering outfit.
CNN does this too, but those women actually seem interested in politics, like Erin Burnett or that blonde, I think her name is Brooke come to mind.