With all of the releases prior to this I am shocked it took this long.
I wonder if they will, or maybe they already have, get rid of the sub ESPN sites like ESPN Dallas
First I would think they would start laying off many of the reporters that are based in specific cities for specific teams. Ed Werder mostly with Dallas stuff.
I am sure they can find a younger, hungrier reporter for MUCH cheaper in many of these cases.
Or they could just do away with those area specific reporters all together. That would be one step to cutting costs.
Next would to get rid of over priced big names like they are doing with Chris. Sure he helped make ESPN the empire that it is but I am sure he is being paid way too much
now and the younger audience is just not into him.
They also got too much money invested in College Football and I think some of the college conference networks have not panned out as a whole especially with the Longhorn network.