I dont think the jones boys wanted mike back, they wanted a change, but mostly they dont want to pay decent or high money for
a good HC.
The reason they shunned BB was because he was making 20 mil a year in NE, and no way the jones boys wanted to pay
him even half that.
Pete probably wanted at least 10 mil, Payton too plus they had to pay NO for him.
They jones boys are scrooges, and a coaches salary comes out of their pockets not the cap.
So they are so cheap they want to pay in the 3-5 mil range. I read that mike was making 4 mil a year, which is below the norm.
They think they are so great themselves, that any HC should be able to win a SB here. They think it is partly luck, and getting hot at right
time lol.
Any one of 500 coaches will do!!!!!!!!!!!
I would be curious to know what they are paying shot, and did pay mike, if anyone finds out .
it is odd, because JG mad 6 mil a year didnt he?