ESPN: Prescott accuses woman of plot to extort $100M

I think that only they can answer that question and we shouldn’t speculate.
It's like Watson... If more girls come out I'd be more in her camp. But if not? What was so special about her that he never did it to any other girl? Like I said. If Dak did it. He's going to have to pay. But if he didn't....she deserves to get what she gets also. What price do you put on a person's reputation???
It's like Watson... If more girls come out I'd be more in her camp. But if not? What was so special about her that he never did it to any other girl? Like I said. If Dak did it. He's going to have to pay. But if he didn't....she deserves to get what she gets also. What price do you put on a person's reputation???
I think it’s best to not be in anybody’s camp and just let it all play out.
True, but if it's that bad now -why not then???? I'd think you'd be more pissed about it then than now....7 months -maybe..7 years???? Really???? If Dak did it-so be it. But if she's lying I hope they put her away and thrown the key in the Pacific...
That is actually the rub.
She is not criminally liable until she files a police report.
Once she does that IF determined to be false it would be a crime apart from Dak's lawsuit.
This attorney is putting her at immense risk.

She has near zero chance at settlement, is being sued herself and risks jail time to file a complaint with police.
The other option is the civil suit minus any police report ever existing which is usually a non-starter but might be her only real option now.
I'm in any Cowboys camp until proven other wise.... Even Jerry 's when he was going through his court case...And nothing came of it...
Yeah I don’t believe either one of the situations is one you’d want to be on the wrong side of ….

That’s why it’s best to not choose a side in things like this.
Yea...and it's called assassination of a person's character. Your word versus hers....In this country -good luck-pathetic!!
Some of the people that cheered this on because of who it would destroy ,never gave a thought to how it may one day affect their sons, brothers and husband but now these same people are feeling the sting from it.

I believe in due process and EVIDENCE and now the chickens are coming home to roost.......they wanted this type of playing field and now they can deal with it.

Without a police report, without a hospital performing a "rape kit" examination (which detects any residual semen which could be used for DNA analysis), with an email demanding $100 million dollars to keep it quiet, and by waiting for 7 years to bring the case, she is going to be S-O-(you know what) in the Texas courts accusing the QB of the Dallas Cowboys of sexual assault if it's just her word and that's it. She better have something evidence wise because nobody is going to believe Dak would do something like this unless you prove it to them and after 7 years that is virtually impossible.
That’ll be the deciding factor in this. DNA won’t prove anything one way or another. DNA is there with consensual sex. So any evidence she would have is if she went to the hospital after and was examined. If she was examined and there was physical signs of rape and they did a rape kit and the doctor said it was rape in the report then Dak has a problem. So it is possible to prove a rape happened 7 years ago if she went to the hospital immediately and was examined and doctor’s report states injuries consistent with forced sex. A doctor’s report and Dak’s DNA with that report would be “evidence “ .

One thing that was said was in order to file a police report there has to be evidence. Since a police report, criminal complaint, was filed then I’m assuming there had to be some sort of evidence. They’re not going to let somebody just walk in and say this person raped me 7 years ago and then take the complaint.

I have worked with victims of sex offense for 17 years now and in my state this is how it’s done. If a complaint isn’t made within 24-48 hours or a week at the most then they won’t deal with it unless there’s some paper trail involved.

It’s very concerning to me all around, for Dak and the alleged victim, than the police took the criminal complaint 7 years after the fact. That’s a red flag that she sought medical attention and a doctor made a report stating the woman was sexually assaulted.
The woman's attorney is inexperienced and is really blundering into this case. He went on radio and stated multiple times, "Dak raped my client". He never uses the word allegedly or that this is according to his client. He is in so much trouble if he cannot prove his claims. Not only can he be sued for defamation, but he could be disbarred. His very new career as an attorney could end in a clumsy attempt to extort Dak Prescott for a big payday.

Then, he threatened a criminal complaint. If Dak really raped his client, and she can prove it, he would have filed that complaint already because it would bolster his civil case. But what it looks like is her attorney wants to avoid any investigation because investigations are double edged swords. He would have to show what evidence he has and if he is bluffing, it would be revealed pretty quickly.

It looks to me like her attorney thought he could squeeze a settlement out of Dak and Dak called his bluff. Now he is nervous that if this goes too far his client will be discovered to be a fraud. I commend Dak for not giving in. Counter-suing her means Dak is not afraid of an investigation and discovery. Dak's attorneys can force her attorney to put up whatever evidence he has. I hope Dak has the stomach to sue her attorney for defamation when the time comes. These bogus allegations of rape hurt actual victims.
Yes, this guy is really amateur. If this is an extortion case then I hope Dak’s lawyers see that this guy never practices law again.
I don't believe it either. I could see him up in the mountains with his buddy camping in a tent, but this, no way.
Doesn’t seem to fit his character I don’t believe it. But I reserve the right to change my opinion if evidence is submitted to support it.
Doesn’t seem to fit his character I don’t believe it. But I reserve the right to change my opinion if evidence is submitted to support it.
I’m having a hard time believing it but stranger things have happened. My gut tells me no but I’m hoping due process clears it up.
Just a question here - First of all, I sure hope and believe that Dak wouldn't do what she is accusing him of but is there a scenario that this would be conduct detrimental to the team and if so, could the Cowboys get out of his contract with no penalty to the team per the cap and dollars?
The character that he shows in the media?

You don’t know him lol

Yes, the character that we see.

Never claimed I did, so don’t be ridiculous.

I’ve had a friend go through a similar situation that robbed him of 9 months of his life since he decided to fight it with his evidence.

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