ESPN: Prescott accuses woman of plot to extort $100M


I'm merely the messenger . It seemed to be OK when they went after that certain guy in 2018, the same ones that cheered it on back then don't like it now when it's used againt THEIR guy now.
Game Set Match

“What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”
Just a question here - First of all, I sure hope and believe that Dak wouldn't do what she is accusing him of but is there a scenario that this would be conduct detrimental to the team and if so, could the Cowboys get out of his contract with no penalty to the team per the cap and dollars?
No. When the Randy Gregory contract dispute happened and he didn’t sign because of a behavior clause in his contract Mike Fisher stated that clause is in every contract except one: Dak Prescott. According to Fish the standard clause in contracts that would null the contract or cause repayment of signing bonus if player was suspended or disciplined by the league was omitted from Dak’s contract. Fish said that was the first time he’s seen it omitted from a contract since covering the team. At the time I didn’t think much of it cuz I didn’t even fathom a behavior issue from Dak.


This event allegedly happened in 2017 and Dak negotiated the behavior clause out of his contract in 2020.

I really hope this situation gets resolved quickly and before they extend him. If they extend him without a resolution to this issue then Jerry and DNA boy are the absolute dumbest FO people in the league and they deserve to never win another football game again.
May or may not be true who knows, but it’s funny how some of these women wait until someone they are accusing gets a big payday or it suits them to bring these incident up
May or may not be true who knows, but it’s funny how some of these women wait until someone they are accusing gets a big payday or it suits them to bring these incident up
dont do that dude

people prociss trauma different it can take a long time for people to be ready to come forward

i not saying what happen or did not happen but saying stuff like that is gross

this is not the first time dak will get paid also so it do not even make sense to say
May or may not be true who knows, but it’s funny how some of these women wait until someone they are accusing gets a big payday or it suits them to bring these incident up
Don't go by timing on this one. He got a big payday several years ago. The timing of this could prevent another big payday.
I'm going to reserve judgement on this one. I'll let it play out. It's definitely really bad PR for him. The 100m asking price is a bit curious as well. Does he even have that much laying around?

I'm sure the NFL will launch an investigation as well. More crap in the future.
dont do that dude

people prociss trauma different it can take a long time for people to be ready to come forward

i not saying what happen or did not happen but saying stuff like that is gross

this is not the first time dak will get paid also so it do not even make sense to say
Lol she went straight to the money first, wanted 100 million in hush money. That move alone shouldn't give her the benefit of the doubt to anybody. If she had sought criminal charges and said that she's not willing to settle out of the court then that would be a whole different story
That’ll be the deciding factor in this. DNA won’t prove anything one way or another. DNA is there with consensual sex. So any evidence she would have is if she went to the hospital after and was examined. If she was examined and there was physical signs of rape and they did a rape kit and the doctor said it was rape in the report then Dak has a problem. So it is possible to prove a rape happened 7 years ago if she went to the hospital immediately and was examined and doctor’s report states injuries consistent with forced sex. A doctor’s report and Dak’s DNA with that report would be “evidence “ .

One thing that was said was in order to file a police report there has to be evidence. Since a police report, criminal complaint, was filed then I’m assuming there had to be some sort of evidence. They’re not going to let somebody just walk in and say this person raped me 7 years ago and then take the complaint.

I have worked with victims of sex offense for 17 years now and in my state this is how it’s done. If a complaint isn’t made within 24-48 hours or a week at the most then they won’t deal with it unless there’s some paper trail involved.

It’s very concerning to me all around, for Dak and the alleged victim, than the police took the criminal complaint 7 years after the fact. That’s a red flag that she sought medical attention and a doctor made a report stating the woman was sexually assaulted.
That is a good point is my understanding that she never went to the hospital and had an exam, but if she did and the doctors noted "potential rape" from injuries similarly seen with forced sex, then that is an entirely different matter.

But why would you go to the hospital and have an exam from potentially being raped and not go to the Police at the same time? Then 7 years later you decide to bring the case, but instead of going to the Police you send an email asking for $100 milllion dollars?

That is going to be hard for her to explain, makes her look like she is just a gold digger like these people that make up allegations against celebrities just to get paid off to stay quiet.
dont do that dude

people prociss trauma different it can take a long time for people to be ready to come forward

i not saying what happen or did not happen but saying stuff like that is gross

this is not the first time dak will get paid also so it do not even make sense to say
Here is the problem.

It took her 7 years to process the trauma from being raped and when she finally came to terms with it, the first thing she did was not go to the Police, instead she sent Dak an email saying, "pay me $100 million and I will keep quiet, and this little problem will go away".

No, she does not get the benefit of the doubt here....................unless I see hardcore, air-tight proof that Dak did this, I will not believe a word of it.
I'm going to reserve judgement on this one. I'll let it play out. It's definitely really bad PR for him. The 100m asking price is a bit curious as well. Does he even have that much laying around?
Just the way this whole thing started out seemed fishy IMO.

Someone mentioned the womans lawyer. He graduated law school in 2022.

Either he is the worlds smartest lawyer or the worlds dumbest on the way he set this whole situation into play with basically an extortion letter (no other way to put it).

When you decide to get involved in a VERY high profile public case, you darn well better have your ducks in a row and plan for all possible contingencies.

I'm a pretty dumb guy, but sending off a letter asking for 100 million dollars on something that happened 7 years ago without a report ever been filing on it really doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do to start this thing going.
i don't believe it, now if it was Sean Lee complaining about his camping trip with him, that would be more reasonable.
Just the way this whole thing started out seemed fishy IMO.

Someone mentioned the womans lawyer. He graduated law school in 2022.

Either he is the worlds smartest lawyer or the worlds dumbest on the way he set this whole situation into play with basically an extortion letter (no other way to put it).

When you decide to get involved in a VERY high profile public case, you darn well better have your ducks in a row and plan for all possible contingencies.

I'm a pretty dumb guy, but sending off a letter asking for 100 million dollars on something that happened 7 years ago without a report ever been filing on it really doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do to start this thing going.
Very good points, and I agree completely. Unless there is some piece of evidence that makes all of that irrelevant. Otherwise it's just as you say.
Dak would know all about that. The greed part, at least.
not gonna disagree with you on that, but that’s not related to this thread.

Nothing illegal or morally wrong about Dak trying to earn the biggest paycheck he can; it’s a business. If you and me apply for a job or get an annual review, we’d fight for a better salary right?

What this woman doing (assuming she is lying, which is highly likely) is extortion and slander.

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