ESPN: Prescott accuses woman of plot to extort $100M

If this doesn't go to court, then I'd agree she is a POS.

The reality is anyone who files charges needs to be taken seriously.

That said, would this just become a civil matter if no charges are filed?

The woman's lawyers (if they were good) should have went over all the options and directions this could go once they sent that letter off with their client (particularly asking for 100 million dollars).

Will be curious to see how this plays out, but one thing I have learned is never to pass judgement UNTIL it plays out in court.

Without a police report, without a hospital performing a "rape kit" examination (which detects any residual semen which could be used for DNA analysis), with an email demanding $100 million dollars to keep it quiet, and by waiting for 7 years to bring the case, she is going to be S-O-(you know what) in the Texas courts accusing the QB of the Dallas Cowboys of sexual assault if it's just her word and that's it. She better have something evidence wise because nobody is going to believe Dak would do something like this unless you prove it to them and after 7 years that is virtually impossible.
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I'm having a hard time believing Dak is capable of such a thing. He's always been a good and respectful person. I hope this isn't true.

No way I believe for one second Dak did this unless I see hardcore proof, like DNA analysis....................if she doesnt have anything like that, I am voting not guilty.

His Story changed multiple times.............hmmmmmm not looking good???
Guess he needs to double up on his Cancer ward visits................ :eek:

So what if he had sex with her 7 years ago.................she just now decided it was rape???

Took 7 years???

And instead of going to the Police, the first thing she did was send an email asking for $100 million dollars? And we are supposed to actually believe this crap?
"get that money girl, you're only young for so long" "baby's mama, get that money too, you're only young for so long"
Without a police report, without a hospital performing a "rape kit" examination (which detects any residual semen which could be used for DNA analysis), with an email demanding $100 million dollars to keep it quiet, and by waiting for 7 years to bring the case, she is going to be S-O-(you know what) in the Texas courts accusing the QB of the Dallas Cowboys of sexual assault if it's just her word and that's it. She better have something evidence wise because nobody is going to believe Dak would do something like this unless you prove it to them and after 7 years that is virtually impossible.
Spot on IMO.

Here is the thing though... If this really happened per what the accuser is stating, Dak would most likely remember it. If it didn't happen, I don't see how Dak could really remember about the incident 7 years ago. If nothing happens to me out of the ordiany in my daily routine, I have a hard time remembering exactly what I did 2 weeks ago let alone 7 years.

So, if Dak claims he can't remember the EXACT details, not certain I can blame him and it implies guilt. This is why when one is victimized in some fashion, to address the wrong immediately.

Heck, I told my wife the other day that I REALLY do love my inlaws and consider them my own parents because I forgot that her parents lived with us in our basement for 9 months about 10 years ago when they moved down to NC looking to buy a home in retirement. I mean who would forget your inlaws lived with you over a half a year? Sidenote, I explained to our boys that when you marry a woman, you not only marry her, but her family as well, and remember that LOL
Spot on IMO.

Here is the thing though... If this really happened per what the accuser is stating, Dak would most likely remember it. If it didn't happen, I don't see how Dak could really remember about the incident 7 years ago. If nothing happens to me out of the ordiany in my daily routine, I have a hard time remembering exactly what I did 2 weeks ago let alone 7 years.

So, if Dak claims he can't remember the EXACT details, not certain I can blame him and it implies guilt. This is why when one is victimized in some fashion, to address the wrong immediately.

Heck, I told my wife the other day that I REALLY do love my inlaws and consider them my own parents because I forgot that her parents lived with us in our basement for 9 months about 10 years ago when they moved down to NC looking to buy a home in retirement. I mean who would forget your inlaws lived with you over a half a year? Sidenote, I explained to our boys that when you marry a woman, you not only marry her, but her family as well, and remember that LOL
Good points bro.:thumbup:
Good points bro.:thumbup:
Thank you.

I mean if for some reason a law enforcement agency asks you in an officiall manner exactly what you did and where you were at on October 5th 2019, who here could honestly answer exactly what they were doing?

I don't work a 8-5 job, and unless it's on my phone for a work appointment, I probably couldn't tell you unless it was a very important event on my end. I mean worse case, I'd have to go to my boss and ask him to look up my company truck GPS to tell me where I was at LOL

This is exactly why time is ticking when you decide to file a police report.

So many times the general public thinks that if you can't answer for your whereabouts if the police ask you, and or if you keep your mount shut and retain a lawyer that you must be guilty of something. ANYTHING you say can be used agasint you in a court of law, so exactly what you say darn well better be correct.

When I'm bored at night I'll watch a series about murder investigations. I'm amazed at the amount of people who go into an police interrogation room and just blab away without a lawyer present... BUT if you "lawyer up", you have to be guilty of something. You're not guilty, you're just smart.
"We stand by the truth," the statement read, in part. "Dak and his lawyers are trying to be bullies and play hardball and victim blame. We are not afraid of the truth."

Zehaie's statement continued: "Dak needs to be held accountable for his behavior. We are not afraid of him or his legal team."

Could be something or could be nothing.
Not good either way as he has a goodie-tooshie image to protect.
Quick somebody gets him hitting those cancer wards and homeless kitchens ASAP!!!!
The woman's attorney is inexperienced and is really blundering into this case. He went on radio and stated multiple times, "Dak raped my client". He never uses the word allegedly or that this is according to his client. He is in so much trouble if he cannot prove his claims. Not only can he be sued for defamation, but he could be disbarred. His very new career as an attorney could end in a clumsy attempt to extort Dak Prescott for a big payday.

Then, he threatened a criminal complaint. If Dak really raped his client, and she can prove it, he would have filed that complaint already because it would bolster his civil case. But what it looks like is her attorney wants to avoid any investigation because investigations are double edged swords. He would have to show what evidence he has and if he is bluffing, it would be revealed pretty quickly.

It looks to me like her attorney thought he could squeeze a settlement out of Dak and Dak called his bluff. Now he is nervous that if this goes too far his client will be discovered to be a fraud. I commend Dak for not giving in. Counter-suing her means Dak is not afraid of an investigation and discovery. Dak's attorneys can force her attorney to put up whatever evidence he has. I hope Dak has the stomach to sue her attorney for defamation when the time comes. These bogus allegations of rape hurt actual victims.
The woman's attorney is inexperienced and is really blundering into this case. He went on radio and stated multiple times, "Dak raped my client". He never uses the word allegedly or that this is according to his client. He is in so much trouble if he cannot prove his claims. Not only can he be sued for defamation, but he could be disbarred. His very new career as an attorney could end in a clumsy attempt to extort Dak Prescott for a big payday.

Then, he threatened a criminal complaint. If Dak really raped his client, and she can prove it, he would have filed that complaint already because it would bolster his civil case. But what it looks like is her attorney wants to avoid any investigation because investigations are double edged swords. He would have to show what evidence he has and if he is bluffing, it would be revealed pretty quickly.

It looks to me like her attorney thought he could squeeze a settlement out of Dak and Dak called his bluff. Now he is nervous that if this goes too far his client will be discovered to be a fraud. I commend Dak for not giving in. Counter-suing her means Dak is not afraid of an investigation and discovery. Dak's attorneys can force her attorney to put up whatever evidence he has. I hope Dak has the stomach to sue her attorney for defamation when the time comes. These bogus allegations of rape hurt actual victims.
There is a decent chance the judge who receives the extortion case files a motion to have the attorney brought before the Texas bar for punishment.
To have a case filed naming them directly them publicly accuse Dak of r*pe is retaliation and easily considered grounds for censure.
I was pre-law so just learned basic overviews and these are like simple 101 things. I am sure we have experienced attorneys on these board that would shred this stuff.
Damn guilty until proven innocent? Crazy…..

I’ll say this….typically guys or athletes or celebs pay to keep this stuff from making the news. You definitely don’t counter sue and waste money going to trial.
More like guilty by the court of public opinion that's pretty much common now so much media post shift without any credibility no proof try to smear a guy's reputation before anything comes out that's actually shows a monocle of truth...
Stop looking in the mirror and saying's not healthy. Just looking out for you.

Insert stupid laughing Puppy here.:muttley:
you guys talking football and dak.

I hope she wins to counter act the extortion Simple dak did on the franchise.

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