ESPN: Prescott accuses woman of plot to extort $100M

One thing that was said was in order to file a police report there has to be evidence. Since a police report, criminal complaint, was filed then I’m assuming there had to be some sort of evidence. They’re not going to let somebody just walk in and say this person raped me 7 years ago and then take the complaint.
You are 100% right .......but ANY compliant and ANY citizen goes through an initial preliminary screening. This happens all the time but know this if the complaint involves a celebrity, person of significant interest or media sensitive, a bunch of red flags are going up throughout the department. They WILL investigate the validity of the complaint, just to cover their a......even with min or no real evidence a crime occurred, especially something as serious as rape/sexual assault.
Ask and you shall receive. LOL

at least he was never accused of what the choker is. Good job Tony. you can go Hollywood anytime.
yeah, he wasn't out at strip joints hoping to get lucky. what an idiot. You do stupid crap and you win stupid awards. good job choker.
Nah, Tiny Tony was only out going to open air rock concerts with his BFF, showing up all sunburned while losing a game against the Vikings, or being seen in L.A. at a club with his Hollywood bimbo during the week in the middle of the season and losing another game, or going to Cabo during the playoffs and saying he's not worried about "perception" or how if he failed to advance further in the playoffs, he would be satisfied with have lived a very good life. What a bumb. Good job, choker elite.
Nah, Tiny Tony was only out going to open air rock concerts with his BFF, showing up all sunburned while losing a game against the Vikings, or being seen in L.A. at a club with his Hollywood bimbo during the week in the middle of the season and losing another game, or going to Cabo during the playoffs and saying he's not worried about "perception" or how if he failed to advance further in the playoffs, he would be satisfied with have lived a very good life. What a bumb. Good job, choker elite.
yep, Tony can choke all he wants, he wasn't out winning stupid awards for being an idiot.
I'm just glad Tony's good guy act was real, sorry choker you fooled some people.

Tony wins again. :D
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yep, Tony can choke all he wants, he wasn't out winning stupid awards for being an idiot.
I'm just glad Tony's good guy act was real, sorry choker you fooled some people.

Tony wins again. :D
Dak has been falsely accused. Tiny Tony was actually out doing such ridiculous things during the season.

Tiny Tony wins the award yet again. Turd award. :D
Yeah, if its just one woman making allegations that is one thing, but if multiple women start coming forward with similar allegations, then this starts to become more serious.

That is what happened to Watson, at first it was just one massage girl coming forward with allegations that Watson made her massage his johnson, and everybody pretty much laughed and dismissed it.

Then another woman came forward, and another, and another, and another, and the whole thing just snowballed from there and all of a sudden nobody was laughing anymore and the media started asking Watson some very pointed questions.
Yeah the line in one of those articles stating that there is other women scares me. Now this is coming from the alleged victim’s lawyer who is not looking too competent . But he did say it and that’s a concern. I’m hoping this doesn’t open a can of worms. I’m hoping it’s one crazy woman who is bitter at Dak and no assault happened to anyone. I’m worried that this is a Watson type situation based on that one line in that article. I have a hard time believing Dak would do this but I also didn’t believe Watson did it either until the smoke just kept coming. I don’t want to believe Dak would assault someone and the idea of other possible victims means Dak could not be the guy I want him to be and more importantly more people have been traumatized. This whole thing sucks. That’s the only thing I can say right now.
Excellent advice.

Too many people nowadays are into "instant gratification" and dont take the time to think "is banging this chick really a good idea"?
Yes, my HS coach gave me a life lesson there that I’m grateful for. He was a good man and a good influence on me.
Yeah the line in one of those articles stating that there is other women scares me. Now this is coming from the alleged victim’s lawyer who is not looking too competent . But he did say it and that’s a concern. I’m hoping this doesn’t open a can of worms. I’m hoping it’s one crazy woman who is bitter at Dak and no assault happened to anyone. I’m worried that this is a Watson type situation based on that one line in that article. I have a hard time believing Dak would do this but I also didn’t believe Watson did it either until the smoke just kept coming. I don’t want to believe Dak would assault someone and the idea of other possible victims means Dak could not be the guy I want him to be and more importantly more people have been traumatized. This whole thing sucks. That’s the only thing I can say right now.
Should we hold vigils?
Save Dak or Dak don't Rape?
You buying that goodie-tooshie act of his man?
Don't he just uses goodwill to cover for his on-the-field egg-laying.
All Dakko wants is another massive deal for DAK!!!!
Let's all chill and let the Law decide what to do with Dak.
You are 100% right .......but ANY compliant and ANY citizen goes through an initial preliminary screening. This happens all the time but know this if the complaint involves a celebrity, person of significant interest or media sensitive, a bunch of red flags are going up throughout the department. They WILL investigate the validity of the complaint, just to cover their a......even with min or no real evidence a crime occurred, especially something as serious as rape/sexual assault.
True. I agree with how big of a profile this case is and how it’s got national attention then they are pretty much forced to do some investigation. The best case scenario would be a quick investigation that rules everything out. So the longer the investigation the more chance there’s something to investigate. The shorter the investigation the better cuz that means they looked into it, saw nothing, and then clear up everything. I’m hoping for a short investigation. Hopefully they will announce no one was raped. That’s the outcome I’m hoping for.

Then we just have to worry about Goodell’s politics.
Being a gentleman with his gf, opposed to breaking up on her birthday with his Hollywood toy. I'll take Mr Gentleman Dak.
Gentleman Dak.................LOL............Thanks for the laughs!
I hope he's not guilty or watch out A/C.................
Should we hold vigils?
Save Dak or Dak don't Rape?
You buying that goodie-tooshie act of his man?
Don't he just uses goodwill to cover for his on-the-field egg-laying.
All Dakko wants is another massive deal for DAK!!!!
Let's all chill and let the Law decide what to do with Dak.
I think we should hope that Dak didn’t rape anyone for the sake of the possible trauma that would occur if someone was raped. Right now his on the field suckage isn’t as big of a concern as the possibility someone’s life was ruined by him. His goodie goodie image has taken a hit with all this and I’m not falling for his good guy act. Hanging out at strip clubs and banging girls in the back of an SUV is not the guy I thought he was. But that’s just bad judgment, it’s not illegal, yet. We got to let the police and investigators decide if a crime was committed.

But my stance with Dak right now is under no circumstances do you extend him. His on the field play was bad against winning teams and playoffs. Now he’s got off the field drama that could incur a suspension from the NFL and possible assault charges depending on investigation. I’ve said this several times, if the Jones extend him now before this is completely resolved then they are truly the worst FO in the league. And what I mean by resolved is no legal charges, no other women coming forward and knowing what the nfl will do to him.
Gentleman Dak.................LOL............Thanks for the laughs!
I hope he's not guilty or watch out A/C.................

yep, I doubt he's guilty. He's more into Zeke, Sean Lee or Colins guy who bear hugged him from the rear.

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