ESPN: Prescott accuses woman of plot to extort $100M

As one of the few females on the site.

I'm going with who Dak, the man, has shown himself to be.

I always have an issue with delayed prosecution until I'm showed differently.

And if I'm shown differently, then I hope he's prosecuted to the fullest.

And if she's found to be lying, I hope she's prosecuted.

This is my stance on all these types of delayed prosecutions.
Drunken college, wait til you're old enough to go to college.

Don't buy into his act, we know you haven't, after accusing him of visiting a cancer center was just for show, discounting the fact that his mother died of cancer.
You can't match me when it pertains to these forums as manners and intellect are required.
Why don't you just go down to the beach and do what you are known for.......:omg:........I'm sure you will find an 80lb lightweight to kick sand on and feel good about yourself. :muttley:
As one of the few females on the site.

I'm going with who Dak, the man, has shown himself to be.

I always have an issue with delayed prosecution until I'm showed differently.

And if I'm shown differently, then I hope he's prosecuted to the fullest.

And if she's found to be lying, I hope she's prosecuted.

This is my stance on all these types of delayed prosecutions.
:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
Makes it that much harder for actual victims to step forward. :mad:
Everytime this comes up with an athlete fans shout, "if you're so innocent, you should sue!" Now, that he's doing that, it's a problem.

This is why famous people often times just settle.
As one of the few females on the site.

I'm going with who Dak, the man, has shown himself to be.

I always have an issue with delayed prosecution until I'm showed differently.

And if I'm shown differently, then I hope he's prosecuted to the fullest.

And if she's found to be lying, I hope she's prosecuted.

This is my stance on all these types of delayed prosecutions.
The logical approach.
You can't match me when it pertains to these forums as manners and intellect are required.
Why don't you just go down to the beach and do what you are known for.......:omg:........I'm sure you will find an 80lb lightweight to kick sand on and feel good about yourself. :muttley:
I didn't think you weighed 80 lbs! Dang, you're growing up fast
Any planes coming in?
As one of the few females on the site.

I'm going with who Dak, the man, has shown himself to be.

I always have an issue with delayed prosecution until I'm showed differently.

And if I'm shown differently, then I hope he's prosecuted to the fullest.

And if she's found to be lying, I hope she's prosecuted.

This is my stance on all these types of delayed prosecutions.
Did you have the same feelings when they did the same type of things to Brett Kavanagh and to the Duke LaCrosse team?

Time to be real....and consistent
Did you have the same feelings when they did the same type of things to Brett Kavanagh and to the Duke LaCrosse team?

Time to be real....and consistent
Sure did...

You don't know me in real life, but I never take a hard stance on these types of things. I need to see unless it's beyond obvious. There's nothing beyond obvious about this. Some people are scandalous liars...

The other side to this... You remember Darren Sharper? Nothing about him suggested he was a serial rapist, but he turned out to be one.

So you never know, until you know.
You remember Darren Sharper? Nothing about him suggested he was a serial rapist, but he turned out to be one.

So you never know, until you know.
Right. Until a prosecution happens I don’t feel it’s cool to label Dak a bad person or label the woman a bad person. Let’s let it play out. Whoever is lying will be exposed. Until then what I’m concerned about is how will Goodell deal with this because Goodell doesn’t operate with facts or consistency. Does he suspend Dak at all, pre draft, post draft?

The Cowboys might suffer from this chain of events regardless of truth. I don’t want to sound insensitive and only think about football but until facts are brought to the surface and the truth comes out the only thing we can discuss is how it affects the football team.

So right now as of today my concern is Goodell has some control over the Cowboys with a possible punishment. That could make our offseason be more complicated.

o yeah, back to Darren Sharper. Complete 100% shock about him. That’s the same feeling I would have about Dak. I just don’t see it so I would be shocked and very saddened if it’s true. It’s almost too hard to believe due to Dak’s behavior off the field.
Right. Until a prosecution happens I don’t feel it’s cool to label Dak a bad person or label the woman a bad person. Let’s let it play out. Whoever is lying will be exposed. Until then what I’m concerned about is how will Goodell deal with this because Goodell doesn’t operate with facts or consistency. Does he suspend Dak at all, pre draft, post draft?

The Cowboys might suffer from this chain of events regardless of truth. I don’t want to sound insensitive and only think about football but until facts are brought to the surface and the truth comes out the only thing we can discuss is how it affects the football team.

So right now as of today my concern is Goodell has some control over the Cowboys with a possible punishment. That could make our offseason be more complicated.

o yeah, back to Darren Sharper. Complete 100% shock about him. That’s the same feeling I would have about Dak. I just don’t see it so I would be shocked and very saddened if it’s true. It’s almost too hard to believe due to Dak’s behavior off the field.
I agree with yours and Woody's stance.

To me if more than one came forward it would start to look worse. That still wouldn't imply guilt but it would create smoke.
Victims need to come out on their own timeline, but a police report should be filed first.

If I was victimized in anyway by someone, I'd want their butt in jail first, money would be secondary.

As you alluded to, it just seems fishy going for all the money and no police report ever filed in 6 years.

I'm not smart enough to be a lawyer, but the last thing I would do is send a letter asking for 100 million dollars to keep the story "hush". As lawyer and the lawyers client, the intent of your actions go in a different direction IMO. Even if Dak we're to pay 100k to the woman, he then pretty much is admitting guilt of something. Might have been a better way to get blood out of the stone per Dak if I was a lawyer.
You nail it exactly.
Any attorney worth their salt would send a letter addressing an urgent legal matter asking to be contacted to avoid escalation.
There would NEVER be a request for settlement in dollars in writing until that was discussed and expected to be signed.
It would not go in MAIL, ever. But delivered to be signed in the attorney's offices.

The reality is this letter will get this complaint completely ignored by police.
Because it looks like a clear-cut extortion attempt.
This could have been a civil court suit or a criminal complaint.
It was neither.
"We stand by the truth," the statement read, in part. "Dak and his lawyers are trying to be bullies and play hardball and victim blame. We are not afraid of the truth."

Zehaie's statement continued: "Dak needs to be held accountable for his behavior. We are not afraid of him or his legal team."

Could be something or could be nothing.
Not good either way as he has a goodie-tooshie image to protect.
Quick somebody gets him hitting those cancer wards and homeless kitchens ASAP!!!!
I detest statements like this. Why would they need to be "afraid" of Dak? Is he a public menace? This is a lowbrow attempt to paint ALL MEN as potential "menaces" who secretly are trying to intimidate women they left 8 years ago. Nonsense and it only works on weak-minded men and/or entitled women. Legit victims of sexual abuse deserve a legal remedy...but scam artists who use canned language to take advantage of "public sentiment"...nah. I need evidence.
More than likely the woman isn't loaded, so any winnings wouldn't be much outside of a judgement that would be like getting blood from a stone.
Sounds good, but screams PR stunt to me.

However, this case and the sum they are after just seems shady.
Willing to forego criminal charges for 100mil. If he was guilty of this why not go for both?
Definitely seems like a case of here's a stupid number, give me 5-10mil and we'll go away.
He names her attorneys as part of the suit.
They would have some money and are bonded by the court.
The 1 million is actually quite achievable given the value of his brand if the court rules an attempt to damage it occurred.
So I just saw on the news that Dak’s accuser is seeking criminal charges and a police report has been filed. So an investigation will happen and we’ll have to wait to see what the investigation uncovers. But things just took a more interesting turn.

If he did it I hope they catch him. If he didn’t do it I hope his name is cleared and she gets in trouble for filing a false report. Either way this sucks. IDC about contracts or football on this one, I just hope the correct conclusion is made by the police.

I will say it again. I will be very shocked if Dak didn’t this. Absolutely nothing to do with football or his play when I think about it but I would be floored if it’s true. Not ruling it out for respect of the alleged victim but it just doesn’t seem like Dak. I’m hoping he’s not a guy that would do that.
I don't have much if an opinion on this. We will see how it all plays out. Dak may get suspended. Zeke got it and he didn't even do anything. One thing I do know is don't put these guys on a pedestal. Many football players are complete scumbags. I was shocked when I got to college how many and it was and I was at a small school many moons ago.
She probably learned it from Jerry....He been extorting Cowboy fans for decades :facepalm:

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