Et Tu Sturm


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What a crock.

Turpin was not open. Schoonmaker got open very late. He was covered early. Dak had to get rid of the football quickly because of constant pressure. Heck, the pocket was collapsing around him from the snap of the ball. Plus, the Cowboys were down by over 3 TDs at this point late in the game, so there was no way they were coming back.

Dumb analysis which does not show what was professed.
Heck, the pocket was collapsing around him from the snap of the ball.

Watch video again. That pocket was perfectly clean. Outstanding pass protection on that play.


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no, he didn't win in every way. Cowboys won with defense. when defense couldn't hold an opponent to less than 20. we lost. every way would be like a shoot out, ala Dallas beating seattle 41-35.
and money has nothing to do with anything....its the go to comment from all Pure Dak Haters like yourself. money thing is done. its 53 on the roster. the best 11 on offense. the best 11 on defense and games are played.

and I have heard this same at the pace argument from both sides of the aisle from 2020 before Dak got injured he was passing at an average of 407 yards per game, over a 16 game season it would have been over 6500 yards shattering all time record by a the same time at that pace, we would have set the absolute worst defensive record in every statistical that pace!!!... and in 2024 at this pace our defense is going to give up 467 points, good for being 31st in the league last year.... does that work for you? I am pacing things and projecting as you did.

don't flatter yourself. I tend to call out bullshiet around here and you tend to put a lot of it out there, so you get called out a lot....stop the bullshiet and you won't get called out...see how it works?
If the defense won, then apparently that can’t win with Dak, so Rush is the true inspiration of this team.. Rush won in every way, just like when he threw for close to 400 yards against the Vikings the year before, including his plus 70 yard TD to Wilson on a dime. He also was able to get the ball to Amari for 8 receptions for well over 100 yards and the game winning TD, while all the Dakazoids were blaming Amari..

As far as Dak and his 2020 garbage time yards.. against prevent defense while getting blown out with 7 TOs in 4 and a half games.. like the packers game.. even Jerry was saying those 2020 numbers were in this context. But yeah, continue on with thinking he would continue that pace, unless of course your argument is they’d continue to get blown out. I will give you this though, like I’ve told the rest of his fanboys. Dak may be the greatest garbage time stat padder in the history of football. So there is that..

Bro, you don’t calling out nobody, you just been following me around desperately trying to prove how great Dak is, only fit you know yo waffle around about how you never said he wasn’t “elite”..
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Dak’s tendencies in blowout games is to pad stats against garbage prevent. Dakazoid’s tendencies in such scenarios is to use that as a Dak flex.

If Dak Prescott completed the pass to either Schoonmaker or Turnip would Dak Haters narrative be?

A. Garbage Stats

B. Dak Can Read Defenses

C. Doesn't matter the Goalpost moved based on the context

Dak Haters are weirdos :lmao2: :lmao2:

But when a team decides not to play prevent in garbage time, Dakazoid’s then say it was meaningless and none of it mattered…
Dak Haters say Prescott can't read defenses on INTS that they would call Garbage Stats IF Mathieu's didn't make a HOF play....and Lamb caught pass

WEIRDOS..... :lmao:


Double Trouble
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where are they open? I didn't see it? or do you maginfy the space between those guys with a magnifying glass so it looks bigger?

if you actually put your bias aside and actually look at how the play unfolded, the throw was to CD, except the defender in the middle left his WR after the throw and kept going and ended up doubling up on CD
if you looked at when the QB actually gets ready to throw, both CD and Schoon are on teh 35 yard line and schoon is covered. him being open after the throw is meaningless. at that point CD is actually the most open WR, with plenty of space in front of him, if the throw gets there (which it didn't). if anything, he should have lofted it over, as opposed to throw it hard at him....

sorry dude, this was a big fat fail of reading how an offensive play unfolded. you just peed your pants (perhaps sharted).
:laugh: Both are open by 3 yards, Ms. Prescott. If your son could read a defense he would have seen the LB and DB on the 2 aforementioned players were beaten easily.


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If the defense won, then apparently that can’t win with Dak, so Rush is the true inspiration of this team.. Rush won in every way, just like when he threw for close to 400 yards against the Vikings the year before, including his plus 70 yard TD to Wilson on a dime. He also was able to get the ball to Amari for 8 receptions for well over 100 yards and the game winning TD, while all the Dakazoids were blaming Amari..

As far as Dak and his 2020 garbage time yards.. against prevent defense while getting blown out with 7 TOs in 4 and a half games.. like the packers game.. even Jerry was saying those 2020 numbers were in this context. But yeah, continue on with thinking he would continue that pace, unless of course your argument is they’d continue to get blown out. I will give you this though, like I’ve told the rest of his fanboys. Dak may be the greatest garbage time stat padder in the history of football. So there is that..

Bro, you don’t calling out nobody, you just been following me around desperately trying to prove how great Dak is, only fit you know yo waffle around about how you never said he wasn’t “elite”..
again, defense averaged 13 points a game. but you have attributed that to Rush...some how...

Rush didn't win in every way. he could not win a shoot out. he won or the team won agains the rams..apparantley throwing for 95 yards is so impressive you win in every way category. and you, yes you who calls out Dak's throws and analyzes it for 18 pages or more. did you see Rush throwing to cooper, in double coverage and it bounced up from the defenders hands? you, yes you who keeps track of almost interceptions and preseason and practice QBR...did you see that lucky throw and bounce? or was that somehow by the grace of God designed?

I never blamed Amari for anything. I was upset when the freaking moron GM got rid of him for a 5th round pick no less. a year after he gave him a top 5 contract.....the idiot.

and now, you want to call it garbage time...I projected season totals as you did. now you throw a hissy fit. it was totals, garbage or no garbage, but apparantley you want to move the goal post...again.

I call bullshiet when I see it. don't flatter yourself. you will disappear after a win, only to come thumping your chest after a loss and analyze 3 playes in 43 pages...... your routine is well established, well known around these parts. every body knows what you are.

How is Dalton by the way? heard your red headed hero is now starting in Carolina....

America's Cowboy

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where are they open? I didn't see it? or do you maginfy the space between those guys with a magnifying glass so it looks bigger?

if you actually put your bias aside and actually look at how the play unfolded, the throw was to CD, except the defender in the middle left his WR after the throw and kept going and ended up doubling up on CD
if you looked at when the QB actually gets ready to throw, both CD and Schoon are on teh 35 yard line and schoon is covered. him being open after the throw is meaningless. at that point CD is actually the most open WR, with plenty of space in front of him, if the throw gets there (which it didn't). if anything, he should have lofted it over, as opposed to throw it hard at him....

sorry dude, this was a big fat fail of reading how an offensive play unfolded. you just peed your pants (perhaps sharted).
Exactly! 100% correctly read, analyzed and explained.

Well done @CowboysFaninHouston !

America's Cowboy

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no, go watch the play and stop it as it progresses. you will see at the time the throw was made, both CD and Schoon are at the 35 and schoon is covered....him becoming open after the throw is meaningless....seriously, you people can't analyze a play this simple...and yet here you are.

CD was open. the saftey on the near hash had the WR responsibility coming to his area, after he saw the throw to CD he continued.
Correct!!! These anti-Dakkers clearly can't read a play correctly.


Maple Leaf
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I’m not seeing anyone open I agree the worst place to go there is Lamb but I don’t see guys running wide open.
Schoon in NFL open. The ball should have been thrown his way. In this league you take that match up and that risk.

Key to this play is where the safety is. That should be one of Dak's earliest keys. Where is the deep help? They rolled coverage over to Lamb's side. Right away if you can count to four you can figure out where the one on one is with a LB.

Poor decision, and the pocket was clean also.


Maple Leaf
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Dak had to get rid of the football quickly because of constant pressure. Heck, the pocket was collapsing around him from the snap of the ball.
Upon watching the video replay at the start of this post if you stop the video at the 25 second mark you can see that the nearest Saints defender is around two yards away from Dak, and there is a Cowboy lineman engaged with every Saint lineman so there are no free runs at Dak.

Also at the 25 second mark when Dak felt he needed to release the ball had he looked to his left based on the pre-snap configuration he would have been able to count four on the right side and know the safety was deep right. That should infer that he must take a look at the 7 route to the corner because SChoon may be isolated with a LB.

In the NFL you take those odds. It would have been a leisurely 35 yard throw and Schoonmaker had two steps on the LB.

America's Cowboy

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Upon watching the video replay at the start of this post if you stop the video at the 25 second mark you can see that the nearest Saints defender is around two yards away from Dak, and there is a Cowboy lineman engaged with every Saint lineman so there are no free runs at Dak.

Also at the 25 second mark when Dak felt he needed to release the ball had he looked to his left based on the pre-snap configuration he would have been able to count four on the right side and know the safety was deep right. That should infer that he must take a look at the 7 route to the corner because SChoon may be isolated with a LB.

In the NFL you take those odds. It would have been a leisurely 35 yard throw and Schoonmaker had two steps on the LB.
Schoonmaker was covered and didn't get a step on the LB until late. By that time, Dak had already thrown it to CeeDee who had a step on his defender.


Maple Leaf
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where are they open? I didn't see it? or do you maginfy the space between those guys with a magnifying glass so it looks bigger?

if you actually put your bias aside and actually look at how the play unfolded, the throw was to CD, except the defender in the middle left his WR after the throw and kept going and ended up doubling up on CD
if you looked at when the QB actually gets ready to throw, both CD and Schoon are on teh 35 yard line and schoon is covered. him being open after the throw is meaningless. at that point CD is actually the most open WR, with plenty of space in front of him, if the throw gets there (which it didn't). if anything, he should have lofted it over, as opposed to throw it hard at him....

sorry dude, this was a big fat fail of reading how an offensive play unfolded. you just peed your pants (perhaps sharted).
This my best stab at this play. The point is not to follow the play as it unfolds. As an NFL QB you have to take a look at the keys that are unfolding.

1. The key to this play is the safety two yards left of the left hashmark from Dak's point of view.
2. You have 3x1 concept. What you want to do is see if the safety moves by looking towards the trips side of the field. If the doesn't slide right then stay with the trips routes.
3. If the safety starts drifting right even two steps immediately anbandon trips and look to the isolation route. You probably have a one on one.

At the seven second mark of the video the safety is hopping towards the trips side because he is following Dak;s eyes. PERFECT!

At the eight second mark the LB has released Schoon's jersey and Luke is pulling away.

At nine seconds Dak has released the ball, and there isn't a Saints player anywhere near him for at least two yards. His head should have screaming at him you got a one on one iso on the left side. TAKE A LOOK!!!!

The trips formation did its job.

Lamb did his job beating his man.

Dak did the first part of his job by holding the high safety to his right, and pulling the robber to his right.

Schoon beat his guy.

The only breakdown was Dak didn't take a peek left when all the signs told him to do so.

That is how I see this play in terms of what happened and how the concept is designed. The harder throw is the 7 route or the corner route. You need good arm talent and strength, but it was only a 35 yard throw. I think that was the right choice to make and more importantly had you missed there probably wasn't a turnover there.

It was only Schoon and linebacker. I will take those odds anyday.


Maple Leaf
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Schoonmaker was covered and didn't get a step on the LB until late. By that time, Dak had already thrown it to CeeDee who had a step on his defender.
Watch the video at the eight second mark. Schoon was behid the guy a full second before Dak released the ball. In the league that is called open.

Schoon's spacing is no worse than Lamb's spacing. The robber safety drifting towards the right side of the field is the primary indication that Dak should have looked left.

There was lots of time given by our o-line. They did a great job here. Dak made a bad play to the side of the field where there were three Saint defenders.

All NFL QBs do this from time to time. It doesn't make it right. Dak made a bad choice here.


Maple Leaf
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At the beginning of 8 seconds, he hasn't thrown the ball.
He finished his step back and decides to throw it to the guy he's been watching the entire way.
CDL was open, but the defense is reading Dak's eyes and they made a play on the ball.

The above doesn't change Schoon was open. The LB just misplayed the coverage. Not like the LB made Schoon open due to the pass. He's watching Schoon the entire way and starts to chase once he realizes he's beat.
I think the problem is people are not understanding why a coordinator writes up a trips or 3x1 play.

A trips plays keys on the safeties. If they bite on the trips backside of the trips is in a single coverage situation.

If they don't bite on the trips formation then you have three single coverage situations in a convoluted mess that should get someone open.


There is not much else you can do if the right choice isn't made.


Maple Leaf
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Dak should have led him further down field as opposed to try to throw hard in there....
With the robber safety sliding along the 35 and looking directly at Dak;s eyes I would not throw a ball into awindow where three Saints are in the area on two receivers.

That is poor offensive football. Go to single coverage. If you miss it more than likely the ball hits the ground and you have another play. Throw to favourable matchups, not by player name, but by numbers.

America's Cowboy

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Watch the video at the eight second mark. Schoon was behid the guy a full second before Dak released the ball. In the league that is called open.

Schoon's spacing is no worse than Lamb's spacing. The robber safety drifting towards the right side of the field is the primary indication that Dak should have looked left.

There was lots of time given by our o-line. They did a great job here. Dak made a bad play to the side of the field where there were three Saint defenders.

All NFL QBs do this from time to time. It doesn't make it right. Dak made a bad choice here.
Baloney. There were no 3 defenders. Mathieu simply took a risk, guessed correctly, sprinted over and made a great play. It happens. It's called football.


Maple Leaf
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Baloney. There were no 3 defenders. Mathieu simply took a risk, guessed correctly, sprinted over and made a great play. It happens. It's called football.
I have to politely disagree. From what I was taught from years of playing and then coaching is there is a reason to call Trips in a 3 by 1.

What you have to watch for in trips is the defence reacting with what they call a robber concept. Showing one thing then sneaking to another coverage. Which is what Mathieu did.

He saw the 3 by 1. Everyone did including the fans. Mathieu showed the balanced formation by lining up on Dak's left, and he knew the Trips was to his left and he waited on Dak's eyes and took off when his instinct said to go.

The problem was the o-line did a good job and Mathieu couldn't diguise his direction any longer and he shifted over at the 7 second mark.

Apologies I missed another cue. At the seven second mark Dak is lined up with the left hash. Mathieu is almost on top of the left hash right in his field of vision already moving to Dak's right. The line has three yards of protection as a buffer for Dak. Dak has time to peek over to his left knowing that Tyrann was already moving to his (Dak's) right.

I suggest anyone who wants to know the concepts around trips and robber safety to search the internet. The trips formation is a very basic play in football that us used all the way donw to peewee football. It is designed to see how a defence will react to an imbalanced field and at more advanced levels it identifies the "robber" safety.

This concept is no different than doing a "Hi-Lo". You are forcing defender to make a choice, and get the favorable coverage. The right zone and the right coverage is single coverage with no other defender in the area. If Schoon and Dak connect this play is a possible housecall. If Dak overthrows him it is incomplete. There is no other defender there.