Everyone is writing Randy Gregory off. I'm not

I was always under the impression it takes more marijuana to get you high if you eat it?

You're correct, usually those edibles do put a lot of marijuana in a batch (butter or oil type of ingredient) when cooking. But it is supposed to spread throughout the tray, etc. It's just how THC is digested in your stomach that magnifies the euphoria compared to smoking. But if you smoke directly, you get what you get from that amount of THC in the smoke and the effects last for a shorter period. But oddly enough, MJ edibles get you baked as hell. pun intended:) Heavy smokers usually don't go that route, but a lot of the adult professionals (yes and make much more than people assume) in DC do for health reasons and not wanting to inhale smoke, etc.
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Well usually those edibles do put a lot of marijuana in a batch (butter or other ingredient) when cooking. But it is supposed to spread throughout the tray, etc. But if you smoke directly, you get what you get from that amount of THC in the smoke and the effects last for a shorter period. But oddly enough, MJ edibles get you baked as hell. pun intended:) Heavy smokers usually don't go that route, but a lot of the adult professionals (yes and make much more than people assume) in DC do for health reasons and not wanting to inhale smoke, etc.

yea, the high lasts a lot longer as opposed to the near instant nature of smoking.
I'm not writing Randy Gregory off at all; I just never wrote him on. The guy has too much baggage to ever be considered dependable. If the defense is considered a wedding cake, Gregory is the icing left in the frosting bag.
I've fired a few positive-tested potheads in my day. Invariably the laziest and most unproductive people I've known. Addictive or not (I'm convinced it is), they aren't people you can trust on a daily basis.

Garrett wasn't on board with the pick. He was right not to be.
Legal; not legal; don't hold your breath waiting for the NFL to approve of it. I don't know of any company, from financial securities to construction, who drug test that allow those who use weed to work.

It doesn't matter what we think; physicians who work with addiction still view it as a gateway drug...period. You and I can deny it, but those who count in court do not agree.

There are prescription drugs and therapies for those who suffer from anxiety or depression disorders. Using those avenues allows a player to be a full participant in the NFL. Using marijuana is called self-medicating, a huge and unsuccessful practice in society today.
Legal; not legal; don't hold your breath waiting for the NFL to approve of it. I don't know of any company, from financial securities to construction, who drug test that allow those who use weed to work.

It doesn't matter what we think; physicians who work with addiction still view it as a gateway drug...period. You and I can deny it, but those who count in court do not agree.

There are prescription drugs and therapies for those who suffer from anxiety or depression disorders. Using those avenues allows a player to be a full participant in the NFL. Using marijuana is called self-medicating, a huge and unsuccessful practice in society today.

The fact that you demonize marijuana, and then turn around and praise pharmaceuticals anti depression pills is not only downright comical, its flat out wrong.

Sure, stuff these pills down your throat that changes your chemical disposition, but don't you dare smoke a plant. Get outta here with that flawed logic.

Not to mention completely giving tobacco and alcohol a complete pass for being the gateway drugs they are.
I've fired a few positive-tested potheads in my day. Invariably the laziest and most unproductive people I've known. Addictive or not (I'm convinced it is), they aren't people you can trust on a daily basis.

Garrett wasn't on board with the pick. He was right not to be.

Yeah, I met a guy in a liquor store too, etc.:D
The fact that you demonize marijuana, and then turn around and praise pharmaceuticals anti depression pills is not only downright comical, its flat out wrong.

Sure, stuff these pills down your throat that changes your chemical disposition, but don't you dare smoke a plant. Get outta here with that flawed logic.

Not to mention completely giving tobacco and alcohol a complete pass for being the gateway drugs they are.

So because it's a plant, it can't be bad for you? Do you not see the flawed logic in that?
Legal; not legal; don't hold your breath waiting for the NFL to approve of it. I don't know of any company, from financial securities to construction, who drug test that allow those who use weed to work.

It doesn't matter what we think; physicians who work with addiction still view it as a gateway drug...period. You and I can deny it, but those who count in court do not agree.

There are prescription drugs and therapies for those who suffer from anxiety or depression disorders. Using those avenues allows a player to be a full participant in the NFL. Using marijuana is called self-medicating, a huge and unsuccessful practice in society today.

Insurer's won't cover liability for illegal activity. It's a circular argument to point to that as a character flaw beyond that. One of the things they are grappling with in the insurance industry right now is how to reform liability standards in states where it's legal. It takes time and litigation for that process to complete but it's not going the way you would have it seem.

The DEA has made it extremely difficult to license pot for testing. You making claims about what physicians think like you are qualified to do so is amusing. In fact, many doctors now prescribe marijuana across the US. Times are changing and the writing is on the wall.
Gregory is writing himself off. Until he gets on the field and produces consistently over a long period of time I don't know how you count on him to do anything.
Sounds like Gregory is just another punk ******* kid that doesn't fully appreciate the opportunity before him. **** him.
Well, I've written him off for the first 4 games of the season. His stats for the the first quarter of the 2016 season are already written. 0 Games played, 0 tackles, 0 sacks. Zip, zilch, nada, nothing. An absolute zero.

And Lawrence is right there to match Gregory stat for stat unless his appeal is successful.
The fact that you demonize marijuana, and then turn around and praise pharmaceuticals anti depression pills is not only downright comical, its flat out wrong.

Sure, stuff these pills down your throat that changes your chemical disposition, but don't you dare smoke a plant. Get outta here with that flawed logic.

Not to mention completely giving tobacco and alcohol a complete pass for being the gateway drugs they are.

I demonize nothing silly. Clearly you read a clear post with bias. I merely quoted facts. I know people who failed drug tests, including my own son, and they all lost jobs or were suspended until able to test clean. I know an economist who had to pass a lie detector test and drug tests to gain security clearance to work with govt contracts. Doctors call marijuana a gateway drug. Yet I have friends who smoke daily and have for 30 years who are productive. No judgment here. I merely shared my opinion that the NFL is not going to look the other way anytime soon. Just won't happen.