Twitter: Evidence now also shows accuser plotted to extort Cowboys RB Ezekiel Elliott on previous oc

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They lived together for a while. He paid for her apartment.

Then he lied and said she wasn't ever his girlfriend.

These two are quite the pair, eh?

What? Only old rich guys can have honeys on the side not considered girlfriends but Zeke can not?

I don't approve of his personal life but there is no law against what he did.

BTW, I believe they are called mistresses.
How is providing full details of a case and the parties involved now classified as "victim shaming"?

Shame on you NFL!

Shame on our whole society. What used to be calling it as was apparent is now "shaming" which is just below "bullying" on the social justice scale. All of it is regardless of how true the statement or allegation really is.

People are no longer into condemning people. Everyone is a victim of some sort of oppression.
The NFL wants a moral victory out of this as being the sport that says "No More!". It will not relent and appears to have

The original six game suspension bought them at least a tie. A reduction is at least that. And even an outright reversal, which will never happen, would not be damaging.

Even if the Almighty himself dropped from the sky and said Elliott was innocent, the NFL could still state they were doing what was morally justifiable and people would believe that.

I agree with your conclusion, that the NFL is doing this for appearances, but I don't see where Werner makes that point.
I agree with your conclusion, that the NFL is doing this for appearances, but I don't see where Werner makes that point.

Condemning those who "shame" is the new cool thing to do.

Watch some clearly obviously obese person being called "fat" on social media and see the Social Justice Knights of the Blubbery Table come out of the woodwork in defense.
So Goodell and Mara read these and yet still a 6 game suspension? Goodell is dumber that I originally thought.

Zeke should hire a female to file a false report on Goodell and then after it goes public, retract it after the damage has been done and see how much he likes that.
Thats spot on, funny
Show proof of the dates being different?

I'll wait...

I'm telling you what the investigators would know from the metadata on her I said, when a pictures is taken isn't the same as when it was uploaded....I can take a picture today on my phone and then uploaded to some social site like twitter next month...difference between when it's taken and when it's uploaded...
The way this is developing, at least to me, shows it is rooted in something political going on behind the scenes, Zeke case just being a tool to try and manipulate Jerry on certain stances he may have. The Commissioner expense package issue and the Legends company deal, all seem to point to this.

The problem is, this may blow up in their face, considering the way the evidence is being leaked to the public destroying her credibility.

It's about the league overreacting to their past mishandling of domestic violence. Well documented blunders. That they're now trying to "make right" by going after Elliott and taking up a bad case.

But I think the endgame is that no matter what happens, they can say they "got tough" on domestic violence, even if the "bad guy" courts eventually overruled them. Either way, they look good for "trying".
I'm honestly a little torn here. I never thought the suspension would happen UNLESS the NFL had more evidence then what we were aware of. As far as we know, it's just the metadata which may or may not support the accusers theory depending on how one views it. I'll preface this by saying I think there is a little half truth to these accusations and here's my issue with some of the arguments I'm seeing.

There's no doubt this chick is whacked but does it automatically excuse her accusations due to her threat of blackmailing? On the surface I would like to think it does and that's where it gets tough for me. If people are going to use her texts and "character" as the reason for proof that she lied about being hit then wouldn't it only be fair to bring up the same points with Zeke?

If Zeke had kept his nose clean throughout college and especially while he knew he was under investigation I would be much more prone to not believe her but that's not the case. For all the blind Zeke supporters, will you admit that Zeke was indeed taking drugs since he texted about beating a drug test? Or are you going to let that one slide? What about several people saying he took drugs in college? Are you going to disregard them as well? What about the bar instance? Do you really, truly believe he had nothing to do with that only because for some INSANE reason no one at a crowded night club, including the victim, saw anything and/or can't be found? Notice how Dak was there as well but his name never even came up, only Zeke AGAIN. I won't bring up the exposing breast incident since there is actual footage yet instead of proclaiming his innocence some people just chalk it up to "he's young" and not guilty of anything.

The point is, is it not fair to question Zeke's character and his testimony as well? If you don't think it's fair please just admit you're a hypocrite and will never admit to Zeke doing anything wrong until he's no longer wearing the Star and then the hate for him will flow.

Having said all of that, I really don't know what to think. The NFL and Goodell are a joke and this chick is nuttier than a pecan pie but so is Zeke. I'm glad it's not up to me but I'll guess it will be reduced to either zero games to 3 max. Either way, Zeke best get his act together, if this isn't a wake up call I don't know what is.

Can't wait for the hate, I almost didn't type this but at least I'm being honest and open.
It's about the league overreacting to their past mishandling of domestic violence. Well documented blunders. That they're now trying to "make right" by going after Elliott and taking up a bad case.

But I think the endgame is that no matter what happens, they can say they "got tough" on domestic violence, even if the "bad guy" courts eventually overruled them. Either way, they look good for "trying".

In other words, they have already won the "moral victory", key on the word "moral".
I'm telling you what the investigators would know from the metadata on her I said, when a pictures is taken isn't the same as when it was uploaded....I can take a picture today on my phone and then uploaded to some social site like twitter next month...difference between when it's taken and when it's uploaded...

So nothing then.

As expected.

So I'll take your word for it that you took the pictures beforehand? :lmao:

I showed support for my position with facts, you show nothing for yours.

Got it.
It's about the league overreacting to their past mishandling of domestic violence. Well documented blunders. That they're now trying to "make right" by going after Elliott and taking up a bad case.

But I think the endgame is that no matter what happens, they can say they "got tough" on domestic violence, even if the "bad guy" courts eventually overruled them. Either way, they look good for "trying".

I don't think so, because there were quite a few player like Brown that were treated differently than Zeke after Ray Rice and the NFL PR image was shaken.
Condemning those who "shame" is the new cool thing to do.

Watch some clearly obviously obese person being called "fat" on social media and see the Social Justice Knights of the Blubbery Table come out of the woodwork in defense.

Yeah, but don't say anything when they shame you for not eating that donut!
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