FEATURED FA agent thread


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Dallas needs to sure up run defence which has been a glaring hole on this D forever.

If there were any positions to fill through FA it should be DT and LB. Get some big bodies that will help stuff the run.

Use draft for secondary, another LB and OL depth.


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We'll be linked with guys that we have zero intention of signing. We'll sit out the first week to 10 days of FA.

Expecting anything different than the past FA periods is just Cowboys homerism.


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I agree 100% with Parcell but you're looking at last year ( I think ). I'm thinking over the last 4-5 years we are not losers. By your thinking, the 49ers, even the Pats are also losers.

They have gone to Super Bowls, the Cowboys haven't seen a championship game in a quarter century


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But aren't TV numbers dropping because of on demand and streaming services?
TV ratings on everything are dropping; not just sports. With so many choices now people are no longer locked in to just a few.

A so called hit show on TV today would have not lasted half a season 30 years ago with the same ratings

It is just a matter of time before the TV networks are no longer major players. Might take another 10 or 20 years but it is coming.

To me that is why the NFL is doing exactly the wrong thing: pandering to the casual fan or the fickle fan instead of the hard core fan.


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TV ratings on everything are dropping; not just sports. With so many choices now people are no longer locked in to just a few.

A so called hit show on TV today would have not lasted half a season 30 years ago with the same ratings

It is just a matter of time before the TV networks are no longer major players. Might take another 10 or 20 years but it is coming.

To me that is why the NFL is doing exactly the wrong thing: pandering to the casual fan or the fickle fan instead of the hard core fan.

It’s like album sales. Albums don’t sell nearly like they use to but they adapted to streaming. No different here. NFL or TV will have to adapt and they will. In the very near future you will be watching Sunday football on a app. They are already on Amazon with Thursday Night Football.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It’s like album sales. Albums don’t sell nearly like they use to but they adapted to streaming. No different here. NFL or TV will have to adapt and they will. In the very near future you will be watching Sunday football on a app. They are already on Amazon with Thursday Night Football.
Actually, album sales have increased over the last ten years. Of course, us oldies still listen to them, but now the young generation has gotten into analog music. You know, old is new.


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Actually, album sales have increased over the last ten years. Of course, us oldies still listen to them, but now the young generation has gotten into analog music. You know, old is new.

I'm saying the music industry is built on streaming now. Its not album sales. That's a very small percentage of profit for the recording industry to the point they make even less then they do of CD's.

The industry had to adapt.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm saying the music industry is built on streaming now. Its not album sales. That's a very small percentage of profit for the recording industry to the point they make even less then they do of CD's.

The industry had to adapt.
I understand the point you are making. I guess I still don't understand how streaming will help build viewership if the market share is dropping due to lack of interest by fans. And, it's not just the NFL as other sport leagues are struggling to keep their fan base also. I guess time will tell.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
And, getting back to FA's, I sure hope the Cowboys decide to do something different and go hard for a good to great DT and/or FS. That will sure help open the draft up to BPA at 10.


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You dont know who Patrick Peterson is?

Ok, I looked him up. CB on the Cards. Absolutely 100% on board for that dude. To top it off the guy doesn't even get injured, ever! You'd have to have something wrong with you to not like this guy.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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you are not going to convince me that Dak could have taken 35 and still got al he wanted in the future, he would have been a hero around here as fan base and instead hes added to the list of overpaid player on our team that will be picked apart every snap nd will be considered a failure if he doesnt step up his game..we all know how Dlaw nd Zeke got their money now Dak and Ac and none have done squat yet to earn it..just think if dak came in and said lets do the 35/4 and in the pressor said his agents and others ouch have got 40 but i want the team to succeed..the dude would have been an instant fan favorite, maybe pappy would have change his tune..instead he went for the juggler and took it all not one concession. He missed huge opportunity IMHO and now he will looked at differntly..

Dak made the decsions to not only get all the money lets stop glossing over he has no trade clause, no FT clause, highest ever signing bonus and over the 1st 3 years hes the highest paid NFL PLSAYER IN HISTORY

sure nioce job for the 5-10 ranked QB inthe legue maybe 30th player overall in the legue..im sarcastically clapping for dak, hes rich YEA!!! Garett says hello:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::popcorn:

And your point is what, he should worry about being a hero instead of maximizing the amount of money he can get at the position he plays. Fans see the game differently than players. They see it as a business, as a job. Yes, many of them are thankful that they get to play a game they love as a job and make millions for doing it.

For them, the difference between making $35 million and $40 million is like the difference between making $70,000 and $80,000. They want to be paid all that they can be paid for their job and it is their agent's job to try to get it.

This is especially the way younger players look at it. And it's honestly how most younger people look at any job. As you get older, especially if you get to the point where you feel you are not financially wanting, you are willing to make more concessions for work environment.

Let me ask, how many concessions have you made in your job moneywise for the benefit of the company or your fellow employees? Have you turned down $10,000 so that your company could hire better co-workers, etc.?

I'm not one who feels like players should be making as much as they are, but that's the way capitalism works. They have the opportunity and they take full advantage of it, just like most everyone else would.

The team concessions that players make are things like taking a lower cap hit over the first couple of years, adding voidable years, restructures. They don't lose anything by doing them, though, because of guarantees and so forth.