That begins when some become Cowboys.
When the Niners won their first one, DeBartolo built a brand new state-of-the art facility. Booger did that before they accomplished anything. Reward it forward.
The stadium and The Star? A better team deserves that.
really adding more nonsense to a to nonsensical rant vent thread,
"Jerrys alone in this " using one example the old 9ers team.
So, ALL teams only build new stadiums after a significant win like a SB?..thats odd Texans didn't, falcons didnt, rams got theirs early, i mean they won it in the new one but oops jumped the gun,,new stadiums built all the time for different reasons and IMHO the old stadium was old, hard to get in and out of, parking and traffic wise and it was 100% time for new one..
I mean the rangers got a new one they have had many new Gms and coaches and make changes lie normal franchises yet have won diddly squat, now have super sweet new indoor stadium to LOSE IN..
but sure jerrys the one and only owner who builds new things without waiting on big wins..lamo you need to stop.just stop this isn't a jerry thing
once again jerry has 3 of his own SB championships since hes come to Big SD the mavs, rangers and stars have TWO all together and you think the rewards from media and fans are false. Its not hard to tell why football and the Cowboys are still king around herb.
Drought or not, we are still far more popular because we have 3 rings and are still winning in the top 10 regardless of failure in the payoffs of late, we have star power in talent..
Has zero to do with Jerry asking for it like hes in control of an entire DFW market that somehow then controls the National market which somehow forces the League to be blind and give us the prime-time spots..its odd all those entity's have been correct the ratings are tops for just about every game therefore the payoff is big,
If the small % of you were correct and jerrys a blundering fool and the Cowboys are no longer relative and this is all a house of cards , wouldn't the league punish jerry for it? wouldn't the markets black out games, wouldn't the stadium be empty and force a big move ala lets see selling the team and immediately winning Superbowl's
oh wait that was the old regime that had to sell and gave this to jerry only to have Jerry win more Superbowls in the first 5 years then they did in 30 and really after 35 its still a big deal.
so building a new stadium wasn't earned after going to 3 Superbowl's in 4 years and 4 straight NFCCGs? pretty sure it was...