Fans who would rather their team lose so they can trash the player they hate make me sad

You know what makes me sad? People who put mayo on a hamburger. Why ruin perfectly good meat with a french condiment? It's like putting spoiled milk on cereal. Sure you can eat it, but you'll end up regretting it even if you could stomach the terrible taste.
Gawd!!!! I Love this Forum :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I think Jerry runs quite a successful business. Again, Why does his money bother you?? Are you paying him?? Are you Jerry Jones???
Why do you care what I think? Yeah, Jerry runs such a successful handling of a budget within the salary cap, how many championship teams has he put and kept together while winning how many championships?
Player haters?

I’ve watched NFL for over 48 years. Beating a team 49-17 is rare and fun. I enjoy the win and who cares about anything else.
Every fanbase hopes for a Championship. The closer a team gets, the greater the thirst becomes. For some reason, a faction of people, less than half, on this site
can't seem to understand that every criticism comes from simply hoping to advance to keep the dream alive. It's happened throughout history. It will continue
to happen no matter what softie fans "whine" about.

Don Meredith, Roger Staubach, Danny White, Troy Aikman, Tony Romo and now
Dak Prescott all have received public criticism, not hate, from the fans.
Some from coaches.

What we are experiencing here is the "everyone gets a trophy" culture of fans.
Two guesses on which mean girl responds first...
The game thread each week is the most toxic place at the Zone every week.

I don’t even look at it, lest I end up in a moment of Zone insanity hating my team, my mom, my life and every decision I’ve ever made.

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than the Fanzone Gameday Thread. We must be cautious"​

I can't stand the gameday thread. I really don't understand the purpose of it. There's no discussion, and any and all posts are soon washed away by pure volume.
Why does his or anyone else asking for what they think they should get paid bother you?? Do you know about the good things he does with his money?? Nope, never think about that only, He is paid too much. That is a true hater in my book. I could care less what a player is paid. Be mad at the employer then.
Because paying a player too much keeps you from super bowl contention.

Why don't YOU want to win a super bowl?
Every fanbase hopes for a Championship. The closer a team gets, the greater the thirst becomes. For some reason, a faction of people, less than half, on this site
can't seem to understand that every criticism comes from simply hoping to advance to keep the dream alive. It's happened throughout history. It will continue
to happen no matter what softie fans "whine" about.

Don Meredith, Roger Staubach, Danny White, Troy Aikman, Tony Romo and now
Dak Prescott all have received public criticism, not hate, from the fans.
Some from coaches.

What we are experiencing here is the "everyone gets a trophy" culture of fans.
Two guesses on which mean girl responds first...
I feel there is a difference between “hate” and “criticism” . You made a good point there. I feel it’s unfair to say a fan is hating on a player if it’s criticism. When you lose there will be criticism. That’s normal. To say it’s “hate” is enabling the player that played bad. Criticism does not equal hate. Critical thinking does not equal hate. JMO
Ok, ok I really needed that lesson on tiebreakers. After 50 some years of following football I didn’t know that.

I meant as far as the final wins and losses. The NFL doesn’t put an asterisk by games that mean that win was against a losing team. So yes … YOU WIN ! I didn’t mention tie breakers.

But by your argument then yesterday was a huge win because it was conference and division . So how bout we “celebrate” instead of trying to knock our players down.
Yes, it was huge that we won that game.
Why does his or anyone else asking for what they think they should get paid bother you?? Do you know about the good things he does with his money?? Nope, never think about that only, He is paid too much. That is a true hater in my book. I could care less what a player is paid. Be mad at the employer then.
It bothers a lot of us bc the team has finite cap resources and we haven’t been sniffing any super bowls as currently constructed. So, the more we pay Dak, the less money we can spend on other positions. The current formula to get to a Super Bowl is a HOF talent at QB who lifts those around him or a good QB on a rookie contract. We have a good QB on a HOF contract which is about to get even more expensive. If we were playing in super bowls, nobody would care how much he made.
It bothers a lot of us bc the team has finite cap resources and we haven’t been sniffing any super bowls as currently constructed. So, the more we pay Dak, the less money we can spend on other positions. The current formula to get to a Super Bowl is a HOF talent at QB who lifts those around him or a good QB on a rookie contract. We have a good QB on a HOF contract which is about to get even more expensive. If we were playing in super bowls, nobody would care how much he made.
Absolutely true.
I'm an equal opportunity hater. I think the GM, HC and QB ALL suck at their jobs.

But I still root as hard as I can on Sunday while still not believing in any of the above 3 position holders can win us a Lombardi.

Because 2 men by the names of Landry and Staubach reeled me into Cowboy fanhood for life back in the 70s.
And I ain't going nowhere.
The game thread each week is the most toxic place at the Zone every week.

I don’t even look at it, lest I end up in a moment of Zone insanity hating my team, my mom, my life and every decision I’ve ever made.

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than the Fanzone Gameday Thread. We must be cautious"​

May The Force be with you. Always.

As some alluded to, I think age plays a factor as to how long you've been a fan and what you remember.

In complete honesty, I never hated any player or coach for the Cowboys, but I can't say the same thing about the Cowboys owner' boneheaded moves.

Reality is Jones has kept my optimism in check. That doesn't mean I can't root for the Cowboys to win, it's just that Jerry himself has lowered my expectations. Perhaps that why I consider myself level headed now LMAO.
I love beating the crap out of teams. I love winning. But I shouldn't be obligated to kiss Dak's butt or start worshiping at his alter just because he had a good game today. And I won't.

Let's see if he can do the same against better competition. Lets see if he can step up in the playoffs. Maybe then we'll start talking about giving him deserved props. Right now I still don't trust him. You know who else was able to beat up on the bad teams but could never get it done in the playoffs? Yep, #9.

Go ahead and call me every name in the book - I don't care. I'm entitled to my opinion as much as any other member of this site.
The thing about Dak is when he is bad he is really awful. And the playoffs bring this out along with better teams. The end of the Philly game was a small sample of what's coming.
Are you saying you root for losses against bad teams?

Is that some type of doomsday switch in your mind where we hope for disaster so that there’s no option other than to tear it down to rubble?
I could see where that comment could be misread, but no, that's incorrect.....:thumbup:

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