Favorite "Underrated" Movies


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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tomson75;1289473 said:

Ok, I agree with almost every one of your selections here, but Con Air? C'mon...

That is arguably the worst movie I've ever seen. It's not even a case of Cage's horrid acting ruining a well written and directed movie...its awful all the way around. Eeesh... thinking of that terrible southern accent he attempts to use in that movie makes me mad. "Put down the bunny." blah blah blah..."I told ya to put the bunny down!" ...and how long does it really take a midsize plane to come to a stop when it lands in the middle of one the busiest strips on the planet? I do feel safer though, knowing that planes are built so structurally sound that they can hit nine or ten buildings and keep going. That movie is an affront to all movie lovers everywhere.

No offense to you, but that movie belongs no where on that list. Nor does any other Cage movie other than Raising Arizona.

IMO. :)

I don't like cage and I think he does a terrible job in that movie.

But two things make me like the movie...Steve Buscemi (sp?) and the very line you are talking about...Put the bunny back in the box.

Why...because it is so stupid it reaches some sort of cult status among movie lines. It is just that bad that you gotta laugh at it for it's cheese factor.


That Guy
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Taps-n-1;1289564 said:
Half the movies on your list are either Oscar noms, or out right Oscar winners. How's that "underrated"?

I almost posted the exact same thing earlier today, but didn't wanna seem like I was picking on the guy.

Million Dollar Baby underrated??:lmao2:

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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Just watched Invincible.

Very good and inspiring movie... in spite of all that Eagles crap.

Loved the scenes in Texas Stadium.


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I didn't claim they were underrated, the thread seemed to start off as underrated, and then moved on to movies you would want on an island, etc.
It's just a list of movies I liked.

I mean, people discussed Crash, the Godfather, etc.


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Danny White;1290160 said:
Just watched Invincible.

Very good and inspiring movie... in spite of all that Eagles crap.

Loved the scenes in Texas Stadium.

Heard it got rave reviews, haven't seen it yet though.

Better watch out though, that movie got a lot of press, people might not like it being mentioned in this thread.;)

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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Smith22;1290165 said:
I didn't claim they were underrated, the thread seemed to start off as underrated, and then moved on to movies you would want on an island, etc.
It's just a list of movies I liked.

I mean, people discussed Crash, the Godfather, etc.

I'm just trying to find some good movies to watch... that's why I started this thread. I'm happy it's gone on this long and seems to be a pretty popular topic.

I'm mostly curious about movies I may not have heard alot about, but if people want to list their all-time favorite movies, then that's fine with me! Maybe it'll jog my memory about a classic I'd forgotten about.

Honestly, since I have young kids, I haven't watched many movies in the last 6 years... until I got Netflix. So I have a lot of catching up to do... blockbusters or otherwise!

So far, I'd say the #1 underrated movie that people have mentioned that I'm familiar with is Memento. I'd say that's the one that's been mentioned the most. And it is a great movie that needs to be watched several times to be fully appreciated.

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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As a public service, I went back and tallied the suggestions.

These are movies that were mentioned by more than one person:

Movie.......................................... Votes
The World's Fastest Indian............ II
Shaun of the Dead....................... III
Mystic River................................. IIII
Resevoir Dogs.............................. II
Raising Arizona............................ III
The Squid and the Whale.............. II
Boondock Saints.......................... III
True Romance............................. III
The Big Lebowski......................... II
Memento..................................... III
Dog Day Afternoon....................... III
Office Space................................ II

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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I also realized I didn't mention my own favorite underrated movies.

Here's a partial list in no particular order:

Searching for Bobby Fischer

The Outsiders

I really like Baz Luhrmann movies, most notably:
Strictly Ballroom
Moulin Rouge
Romeo + Juliet was also good, but I like the first two better.

Swingers (I'm shocked no one else mentioned that one)

The Professional

Fear of a Black Hat (Spinal Tap meets NWA... very funny)

True Romance

Say Anything

Princess Bride

Big Fish

Mallrats (easily my favorite Kevin Smith flick)

O Brother Where Art Thou? (loosely based on Homer's Odyssey)

I also love some pretty cheesy movies from the 80's and 90's, so beware:
Heathers (I think I watched that movie 100 times in the 80's)
Bring it On
Pump up the Volume
Better Off Dead
Sixteen Candles (Favorite John Hughes movie)
Wild Things (I actually like the whole movie and not just "the scene")
Road Trip (actually a re-telling of the Wizard of Oz)


Brain Dead Shill
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Danny White;1290528 said:
I also realized I didn't mention my own favorite underrated movies.

Here's a partial list in no particular order:

Searching for Bobby Fischer

The Outsiders

I really like Baz Luhrmann movies, most notably:
Strictly Ballroom
Moulin Rouge
Romeo + Juliet was also good, but I like the first two better.

Swingers (I'm shocked no one else mentioned that one)

The Professional

Fear of a Black Hat (Spinal Tap meets NWA... very funny)

True Romance

Say Anything

Princess Bride

Big Fish

Mallrats (easily my favorite Kevin Smith flick)

O Brother Where Art Thou? (loosely based on Homer's Odyssey)

I also love some pretty cheesy movies from the 80's and 90's, so beware:
Heathers (I think I watched that movie 100 times in the 80's)
Bring it On
Pump up the Volume
Better Off Dead
Sixteen Candles (Favorite John Hughes movie)
Wild Things (I actually like the whole movie and not just "the scene")
Road Trip (actually a re-telling of the Wizard of Oz)

That is a great list right there. You've just reminded me of two movies I've all but forgotten about, but I'm going to buy asap.


Fierce Allegiance
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I have one I'd forgotten about, but watched last night at our neighbors on his new HD DVD player.

Something Wild (1986)
Melanie Griffith, Jeff Daniels, and Ray Liotta as a REALLY creepy bad guy.

Great story, really good acting/actors, and Melanie topless while she was still hot. :p:


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Some of my underrateds are:

Once Upon a Time in The West
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Jackie Brown
Open Range
Wyatt Earp
The Thin Red Line
Club Dread (this is a favorite drinking movie among my buddies)
Boogie Nights
The Proposition


That Guy
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Danny White;1290528 said:
I also realized I didn't mention my own favorite underrated movies.

Here's a partial list in no particular order:

Swingers (I'm shocked no one else mentioned that one)

Swingers definitely merits a mention. Can't believe I forgot that one. I crack up every time me and my boys go out in LA each driving our own cars. And it makes me want to go buy NHL '94 on Sega Genesis every time I watch it... just to make Wayne's head bleed.


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Danny White;1290528 said:
I also realized I didn't mention my own favorite underrated movies.

The Professional

Princess Bride

Wild Things

Road Trip

Excellent choices.


Legend in my spare time
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Oh, what the heck.

O, Brother, Where Art Thou? (Damn, we're in a tight spot!)
The Replacements
Strangers With Candy
Army of Darkness

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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MichellesMan;1293428 said:
Oh, what the heck.

O, Brother, Where Art Thou? (Damn, we're in a tight spot!)
The Replacements
Strangers With Candy
Army of Darkness

The Replacements? Isn't that the Redsk*ns movie? I will never watch that movie.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Suspect Zero...not great but not bad, saw it listed last night and thought of it.


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Saw Bubba Ho-Tep on IFC...Bruce Campbell as Elvis in a nursing home terrorized by a soul sucking mummy...the King taking care of business, thank you, thank you very much.


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Danny White;1290528 said:
Mallrats (easily my favorite Kevin Smith flick)


I thought it was his worst, not nearly as good as Clerks or Chasing Amy, IMO

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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Deputy493;1298865 said:

I thought it was his worst, not nearly as good as Clerks or Chasing Amy, IMO

I know, most people think it's his worst, but it's far and away my favorite movie of his.

Of course, I used to go to the mall alot when I was a kid, so I think I found it much more identifiable than the others.

Also, I don't like the mopey guy that played Gil in Clerks, or Ben Affleck in Chasing Amy... but Jason Lee in Mallrats was superb.

Also, I think the whole "Jay and Silent Bob" routine was at its best in Mallrats.

And last but not least... Joey Lauren Adams' dressing room shot! :p: