Favre vs. Bledsoe

Crown Royal

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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
Taking too many sacks is a serious problem with Bledsoe, no argument here, but look at all the int's Favre has been throwing while trying to get rid of the ball quickly. Generally, a sack is better than an int. Bledsoe's int's have always come in bunches when he was playing catch-up in hopeless games.

I wasn't referring to his sacks as a comparison to Favre. Even though i hold to my opinion that Favre's career has been significantly better than Bledsoe's, I will always hold that between the two, I take the Bledsoe mold first. I am not a fan of the maverick gunslinger for good reason - I HATE ints.

That being said - I prefer the third and fourth option to taking either a sack or INT:

3rd) Check down to your safety player - whether it be in the flat or a RB who snuck into the defensive backfield - there is no shame in the short game. QBs have built a career out of it.

4th) Throw it away - be it either out of the field of play or an uncatchable ball.

Sometimes taking a sack can be nearly as devestating to an offense as an INT.

Gibbs II

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Billy Bullocks said:
Where did I see he didn't have anyone around him? I never said his weapons weren't sufficient. I pointed out a well known point that anyone who watched Dallas play last year recognizes, THE OL FELL APART WHEN ADAMS WENT DOWN...you can hide the weakness of 1 or 2 linemen, but when both your flanks are essentially unprotected, it doesn't matter who is back there.

Now if you trully believe that the decline in Bledsoe's numbers from the 1st 8 games to the last 8 games has nothing to do with the Offensive Line being in complete shambles, I suggest you try following a sport different than football.

Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to address this.

Sure, I understand the effects of a poor O-line, but you act like this crutch was all of your problems. Lets look at the previous seasons last 3 games and see if it was just the "0-line"

04: 5TDs 4INTs
03: 4TDs 1INT
02: 3TDs 7 INTs
00: 3 TDs 4INTs

Im just proving the point that in critical parts of the season, Bledsoe knows how not to win a game when he has a better o-line than what he had.

Gibbs II

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Crown Royal said:
I'll put it this way - his entire career he has always been a starter for good reason. For the last 13-14 years, if he were a free agent every year, he would have been picked up by a team (and good ones) that needed QBs and intended for him to start. And expected that he played well.

At one time, when he was in NE, he was considered a very, very good QB.

Please don't take this as picking on you or your team - I'm not a thread hijacker and I'm not trying to bash here - but let's compare Bledsoe to Brunell.

I would say that Bledsoe's career has been quite a bit better than Brunell's, and even now I would still take Bledsoe. I'm just saying that trying to create a mental ranking of Bledsoe, and Brunell is sort of a stick for that.

Faver is better than Bledsoe by quite a margin, and Bledsoe's career has been better than Brunnel's, by a margin still, but not as large a margin.

For the brunell comment, no biggie, he aint the best either.

But for Bledsoe, he has really been considered that elite QB. Sure, he was a great young arm that could be developed into something great, but he couldnt for some reason or another.

Ask anyone HOF voter about bledsoe with his stats up and they will almost always say "his stats are good, but..."

You cant get over that apprehensiveness with him. Its like a kid that tries really hard to make the team but cant. He has so many reasons to become an NFL great but has pulled himself from that race with his tendencies.

Crown Royal

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Gibbs II said:
For the brunell comment, no biggie, he aint the best either.

But for Bledsoe, he has really been considered that elite QB. Sure, he was a great young arm that could be developed into something great, but he couldnt for some reason or another.

Ask anyone HOF voter about bledsoe with his stats up and they will almost always say "his stats are good, but..."

You cant get over that apprehensiveness with him. Its like a kid that tries really hard to make the team but cant. He has so many reasons to become an NFL great but has pulled himself from that race with his tendencies.

I can't disagree with any of this comment. I said it in another thread (or was it this one - I can't remember - they are running together). Before Tom Brady, I always thought Bledsoe was a very, very good QB. Always liked him a lot and thought he got a bad wrap in NE. Then I saw what Brady could do, and STILL thought MAN - NE has it GREAT! Two Franchise QBs, and though one of them has become a better of the two, the other is still going to be OK.

And then he went to Buffalo, and all the same knocks followed him. And all the same excuses - no blocking, no WRs, nothing to work with, etc. And after 3 years of that, the chinks in the armour were too much for me to ignore - this is a guy with all the tools, but just something missing up there. Be it decision making, overall mentality, whatever, I dunno - but for some reason it just never seemed to fully click.

Now the same could have been said for Vinny - Vinny can make everythrow any other QB can, but his decision making is GARBAGE.

Bledsoe isn't nearly that bad - Bledsoe can post respectable numbers regardless of the team around him (for a while), but in the end, there always seems to be something missing around him.


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I know this thread has taken a bit of a different course, I see, but I posted the poll, so I'll link it.


If you want to see, or cast your vote, I dont think you must register. In any case, at the time of this post, the votes are.

Favre - Far superior - 40 votes, 77%

Bledsoe far superior - 0 votes, 0%

Favre has been slightly better - 11 votes, 21%

Bledsoe slightly better - 0 votes, 0%

They are virtually equal - 1 vote, 2%
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superpunk said:
I know this thread has taken a bit of a different course, I see, but I posted the poll, so I'll link it.


If you want to see, or cast your vote, I dont think you must register. In any case, at the time of this post, the votes are.

Favre - Far superior - 40 votes, 77%

Bledsoe far superior - 0 votes, 0%

Favre has been slightly better - 11 votes, 21%

Bledsoe slightly better - 0 votes, 0%

They are virtually equal - 1 vote, 2%

77% for Favre far superior is exactly what I've got over on the Bills message board.

Obviously I am a huge Bledsoe nut-cupper, but you have to admit that Favre has received a royal treatment from the sports media his entire career that can only be rivaled by the likes of Teddy Bruschi or, or . . . I can't think of another player the media bows to like Favre. He is the beloved QB of one of the most storied franchises in the NFL. He has certainly had a great career, but he is seriously overrated. Therefore, all of these polls are silly and pointless.


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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
He is the beloved QB of one of the most storied franchises in the NFL. He has certainly had a great career, but he is seriously overrated. Therefore, all of these polls are silly and pointless.

So I guess that means you rescind this little doozie, then?

So, as you can see, Hostile never tires of changing his story. I'm sure your little poll has him seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but let's not forget -- Hostile was wrong, I was right.

If all these threads are silly and pointless, right?

Actually, in that forum, it's AMAZING the Favre bashing that goes on, even among Packer fans. You got one thing right - the MEDIA sucks at Favre's teet. Football fans, are pretty much sick of him and his love affair with the media. I don't think these polls are silly and pointless at all - if the group being polled knows exactly what is being asked.

Crown Royal

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superpunk said:
So I guess that means you rescind this little doozie, then?

If all these threads are silly and pointless, right?

Actually, in that forum, it's AMAZING the Favre bashing that goes on, even among Packer fans. You got one thing right - the MEDIA sucks at Favre's teet. Football fans, are pretty much sick of him and his love affair with the media. I don't think these polls are silly and pointless at all - if the group being polled knows exactly what is being asked.

Two men in Football have been made immortal by John Madden - Brett Favre and Larry Allen.

Both were great players, but neither would be known as who they are without Madden and their love children.:eek:


The Duke
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superpunk said:
I know this thread has taken a bit of a different course, I see, but I posted the poll, so I'll link it.


If you want to see, or cast your vote, I dont think you must register. In any case, at the time of this post, the votes are.

Favre - Far superior - 40 votes, 77%

Bledsoe far superior - 0 votes, 0%

Favre has been slightly better - 11 votes, 21%

Bledsoe slightly better - 0 votes, 0%

They are virtually equal - 1 vote, 2%
Now that's more in line with what I thought.

Dang homers.

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superpunk said:
So I guess that means you rescind this little doozie, then?

If all these threads are silly and pointless, right?

Actually, in that forum, it's AMAZING the Favre bashing that goes on, even among Packer fans. You got one thing right - the MEDIA sucks at Favre's teet. Football fans, are pretty much sick of him and his love affair with the media. I don't think these polls are silly and pointless at all - if the group being polled knows exactly what is being asked.

Look, whatever, I'm just having a little fun here. Unlike some people involved with this here message board, I have no trouble admitting when I am wrong. Why would I?

I said that my independent poll showed the same thing yours did. Most people think Favre is WAY better than Bledsoe. Apparently, most people have been sufficiently brainwashed by the sports media into believing that a guy who has thrown over 250 interceptions in his career (19 in his last 2 playoff games) is vastly better than some other QB who is in the top 10 in most passing categories who has also won 2 conference championship games who has 2 or 3 years left in the tank.

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
Look, whatever, I'm just having a little fun here. Unlike some people involved with this here message board, I have no trouble admitting when I am wrong. Why would I?

I said that my independent poll showed the same thing yours did. Most people think Favre is WAY better than Bledsoe. Apparently, most people have been sufficiently brainwashed by the sports media into believing that a guy who has thrown over 250 interceptions in his career (19 in his last 2 playoff games) is vastly better than some other QB who is in the top 10 in most passing categories who has also won 2 conference championship games who has 2 or 3 years left in the tank.

I think the point is - Favre has done everything Bledsoe has and some. (That some being enough to warrant the word much over slightly.)

And that stat - 19 INTs in his last 2 playoff games:

That can't be accurate.


The Great Communicator
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At this point...career vs. career the edge has to go to Favre. They have each lost a Superbowl as starters and they each have a superbowl ring. Bledsoe did not just ride his way through a superbowl season...he came off the bench to win the AFC title game so he gets props for that. But Favre was the starter in his SB win so I give him a "slightly better" by virtue being the starter in the Superbowl victory.

Right now in their respective careers I think Bledsoe is in a much better spot to win another Superbowl than Favre is. If Bledsoe does win one here he jumps out way ahead of Favre but for now Favre is in the lead.


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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
Look, whatever, I'm just having a little fun here. Unlike some people involved with this here message board, I have no trouble admitting when I am wrong. Why would I?

I've seen you nowhere in here, or anywhere else, say that you were wrong - and in this instance, you're CLEARLY wrong. You were, however, very quick to declare yourself "right," which has always seemed pointless and shallow in arguments. If you're right, it will be evident to everyone, and there is no need to declare yourself correct. You obviously felt that need, though.:rolleyes:

I said that my independent poll showed the same thing yours did. Most people think Favre is WAY better than Bledsoe. Apparently, most people have been sufficiently brainwashed by the sports media into believing that a guy who has thrown over 250 interceptions in his career (19 in his last 2 playoff games) is vastly better than some other QB who is in the top 10 in most passing categories who has also won 2 conference championship games who has 2 or 3 years left in the tank.

It has nothing to do with the media. The media makes us sick to death of Favre. It has to do with what we've seen, what we can see in stats, wins, etc. Favre has had a far and away better career. There is no comparison. In that thread I linked, one of the most vehement posts in Favre's favor came from a Bears fan, who HATES Favre. People are capable of making a legitimate determination of who's better on their own, provided they know exactly wat's being asked. Unfortunately, this poll wasn't so clear.
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superpunk said:
It has nothing to do with the media. The media makes us sick to death of Favre. It has to do with what we've seen, what we can see in stats, wins, etc. Favre has had a far and away better career.

Nope, wrong again. It has everything to do with the media. Year after year GB sports a powerhouse team. Year after year they go to the playoffs. Year after year Favre chokes (except for 1996, when he didn't have to do anything becuase Desmond Howard returned 2 kickoffs for TD's). And year after year everyone has to listen to John Madden blow sunshine up Favre's butt.

Bledsoe, on the other hand, has been positively victimized by a coaching carousel the likes of which no other QB with stats like his has ever had to endure. Parcells has stated that when he took the helm of the Pats they were one of the worst teams he had ever seen = rebuilding. 4 years later Bledsoe is in the SB, then Parcells ditches the team and takes the star RB with him. Enter Pete "I have no control over grown men" Carrol for 4 years of mediocrity in which Bledsoe still managed to put up huge numbers AND lead the Pats to the playoffs twice. Carrol is gone, enter Belechick. No way Belechick is going to pay Bledsoe, or any QB, the money Bledsoe's contract called for. Goodbye Drew, good luck in Buffalo. Buffalo = biggest joke in the NFL, 2 more head coaches for Studsoe, and STILL he damn near leads them to the playoffs after they begin 2004 with 4 straight losses. Now he's back with Parcells and the surrounding talent keeps piling up. 2006 will be the year of the Bledstudsoe.


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Crown Royal said:
Oh come on. Favre's career has been much better than Bledsoe's, but Bledsoe's has been much better than Vinny Testaverde's. Let's not get ridiculous - Bledsoe had essentially the same offense last season as Testaverde did 2 years ago (including a WORSE offensive line) and still did much, MUCH better than Testaverde. That comment was outrageous.

nope Vinny T and Bledsoe's stats are almost exactly the same.... as I have pointed out on numerous occasions and Vinny had the worse of the two O-lines which I have also pointed out and less skill players...I think your comments are outrageous... how can you compare the great Vinny T to Bledsucks...:laugh2:


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Billy Bullocks said:
I've read some ridiuclous things involving this argument, but what you stated about Vinny T sums it up. You are absolutely right. Bledsoe is so much better than Testaverde it's not even funny. Vinny T is a career loser. Before you guys go over board, lets remind ourselves that Bledsoe has gotten his team to teh SB twice. Vinny T can't say that.

And again, if Desmond Howard and Reggie White don't turn in the type of perfomances they did in SB XXXI, this debate probably doesn't happen, and Favre goes down as another Marino.


you Homers kill me...Vinny T is Bledsoe LOOK at their career stats


Virtus Mille Scuta
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jimmy40 said:
Bledsoe doesn't get three votes if this topic was discussed before he became a Cowboy.

Thanks Jimmy these homers kill me


Virtus Mille Scuta
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Crown Royal said:
I'll put it this way - his entire career he has always been a starter for good reason. For the last 13-14 years, if he were a free agent every year, he would have been picked up by a team (and good ones) that needed QBs and intended for him to start. And expected that he played well.

At one time, when he was in NE, he was considered a very, very good QB.

Please don't take this as picking on you or your team - I'm not a thread hijacker and I'm not trying to bash here - but let's compare Bledsoe to Brunell.

I would say that Bledsoe's career has been quite a bit better than Brunell's, and even now I would still take Bledsoe. I'm just saying that trying to create a mental ranking of Bledsoe, and Brunell is sort of a stick for that.

Faver is better than Bledsoe by quite a margin, and Bledsoe's career has been better than Brunnel's, by a margin still, but not as large a margin.

Jeff George...ring a bell

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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Zaxor said:
Jeff George...ring a bell

Yeah - and I also remember that Jeff George was considered a good QB physically, it was a mental issue with him (EXTREME MENTAL ISSUE), but still - had he been there in the head, few people doubt he could have been a very good starter throughout his career.