Favre vs. Bledsoe

Gibbs II

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Billy Bullocks said:
Boy, I love your optimism.

What exactly did Bledsoe personally do that resulted in missing the playoffs yet again? Look at it without putting it all on Bledsoe, who played quite admirably for most of the season. Was Bledsoe the one who went out and decided that Rob Pettiti was sufficient at RT. Was Bledsoe the one that thought, hey, let me roll onto Flozell Adams leg and really see what this Pettiti kid is made of? Bledsoe decided to let Santana Moss burn us twice in teh last 2 minutes. Bledsoe missed key field goals over and over? That's ridiculous.

Im sick of all this talk about Bledsoe not having anyone around him. Hell, if i had an all pro O-line, D-fense, RB, and WRs I would be in top 5Qbs but nobody gets that. Favre was able to reach the potential of many WRs. Anotonio freeman on any other team would be trash, but he was made a name.

You might as well be saying, Bledsoe would be a top 5 QB if he was better.

As for Bledsoe losing games. There are few times when I person will actually "lose" a game for their team because the game works out so for every flaw of one guy, there is a flaw somewhere else. Bledsoe didnt "lose" games but his mediocre play didnt "WIN" any games. Which is where they separate.

Bledsoe threw 6 INTS in the last 3 games, great way to finish out a season right?

But lets stop talking about this season. The careers are not even funny. And I liked bledsoe in NE and Buffalo but there is a reason he never got the "credit" he "deserved". He is quite inconsistent and knows how to turn the ball over. That alone will not win you many games. Plus, at least if he was consistently sub par, the coach could plan around that if he was worht it.
But the thing is, he showed at times that he was a hall of famer, then he showed times that he was a good backup.

Crown Royal

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I don't mean to be a stick in the mud or jerk or anything - but this thread really belongs in the opinion zone. It has little to nothing to do with the current going ons of the cowboys, and as much as I enjoy it, as there really isn't much news out, the point of the thread is just to try to prove an argument between a few people in two different groups - hardly worthy of the main forum.

That's my 2 cents, though I'll gladly give 3 for you having to read it.


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Hostile said:
This is to settle something. To those tired of the topic, my apologies.

Compare the careers of Favre & Bledsoe. Considering their respective careers, how would you describe your assessment of them head to head?

For starters, both are very comparable as far as armstrength. I'd take Bledsoe's accuracy over Favre's, though I'd like to have Favre's mobility.

If I had to chose, I'd take Bledsoe .. but Favre is close in terms of a quality QB. He's got that killer instinct and desire to win, but Bledsoe has a cooler head.

Of course, you can say Favre has won one and Bledsoe hasn't. But let's not forget who set Tom Brady up for the start of his success.

You can't really use that as a fair argument either, because Bledsoe got hurt and never got his chance.

Never the less, both are very comparable as far as quality players .. and assumably pretty close in terms of statistics.


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Hostile said:
This is to settle something. To those tired of the topic, my apologies.

Compare the careers of Favre & Bledsoe. Considering their respective careers, how would you describe your assessment of them head to head?
Bledsoe doesn't get three votes if this topic was discussed before he became a Cowboy.

Gibbs II

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Austin28 said:
For starters, both are very comparable as far as armstrength. I'd take Bledsoe's accuracy over Favre's, though I'd like to have Favre's mobility.

If I had to chose, I'd take Bledsoe .. but Favre is close in terms of a quality QB. He's got that killer instinct and desire to win, but Bledsoe has a cooler head.

Of course, you can say Favre has won one and Bledsoe hasn't. But let's not forget who set Tom Brady up for the start of his success.

You can't really use that as a fair argument either, because Bledsoe got hurt and never got his chance.

Never the less, both are very comparable as far as quality players .. and assumably pretty close in terms of statistics.

I bolded everything that was ridiculous in one form or another.

Bledsoe is 10k yards back, a bunch of TDs back, a bunch of TOs with INTS and Fumbles ahead.

As for this accuracy Bledsoe seems to have. 57.3 career comp. %... favre? 61.5%.

Thats a big difference but some of you stilll have this hope you are right. Its not even remotely close in almost every single way.


The Duke
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Gibbs II said:
I bolded everything that was ridiculous in one form or another.

Bledsoe is 10k yards back, a bunch of TDs back, a bunch of TOs with INTS and Fumbles ahead.

As for this accuracy Bledsoe seems to have. 57.3 career comp. %... favre? 61.5%.

Thats a big difference but some of you stilll have this hope you are right. Its not even remotely close in almost every single way.
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Screw The Hall said:
... and stats are only where the conversation about Favre's dominance begins with respect to Bledsoe. There in my opinion is an even wider gap between the two in terms of intangibles.

Throw out the Super Bowl victory Favre has for a sec, sometimes I think it blurrs his accomplishments as a whole. There were years that I didn't think the Packers had a shot at being very good and the team seemingly rode Favre's back to division title after division title.

I'll let the HOF settle this ( as much as it pains me to say so ) in a few years though because one guy gets in on the 1st ballot and the other isn't getting in at all.

That is true. Favre is a first ballot lock. The topic of whether Bledsoe would make the hall has been discussed ad nauseum over on the Bills' board. The conclusion? Barring injury he will eventually get in. Should Bledsoe play two more seasons, even mediocre ones, he will retire in the top ten in virtually every passing category and in the top 5 in quite a few. That alone should guarantee him a spot. Should Dallas manage to win a SB in the next 2 years he will be a first ballot lock. Of course, none of this matters because who the hell cares about the HOF anyway?
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Just to give an update here: The poll I started over on the Bills site has only generated 16 votes, but so far they are running 75% for "favre has had a career that has been far superior to Bledsoe's".

Lots of Bills' fans hate Bledsoe. Many of them bought into Tom Donahoe's lies that Bledsoe was the problem. Many others hate the fact that he has played so much better for Dallas. Every QB needs a good team and coaches around them to succeed. Put Tom Brady on the Bills last year and guess what? They still would have sucked.

Crown Royal

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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
That is true. Favre is a first ballot lock. The topic of whether Bledsoe would make the hall has been discussed ad nauseum over on the Bills' board. The conclusion? Barring injury he will eventually get in. Should Bledsoe play two more seasons, even mediocre ones, he will retire in the top ten in virtually every passing category and in the top 5 in quite a few. That alone should guarantee him a spot. Should Dallas manage to win a SB in the next 2 years he will be a first ballot lock. Of course, none of this matters because who the hell cares about the HOF anyway?

It would depend on the manner of his play if we were to win or even make it to a Super Bowl, as far as getting in first ballot.

He would have to play better than mediocre his next two seasons - he would need to start and continue to play well, but if Warren Moon got in, I can't see how Bledsoe wouldn't.
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Crown Royal said:
It would depend on the manner of his play if we were to win or even make it to a Super Bowl, as far as getting in first ballot.

He would have to play better than mediocre his next two seasons - he would need to start and continue to play well, but if Warren Moon got in, I can't see how Bledsoe wouldn't.

That was the conclusion of the debate on the Bills' board. Break it down any way you want, Bledsoe has been every bit the NFL QB that Moon was and Moon is in.


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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
Just to give an update here: The poll I started over on the Bills site has only generated 16 votes, but so far they are running 75% for "favre has had a career that has been far superior to Bledsoe's".

Lots of Bills' fans hate Bledsoe. Many of them bought into Tom Donahoe's lies that Bledsoe was the problem. Many others hate the fact that he has played so much better for Dallas. Every QB needs a good team and coaches around them to succeed. Put Tom Brady on the Bills last year and guess what? They still would have sucked.

Sounds like the bet I made here with Bledsoe4mvp that he pu$$yed out on.


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none of the above. Favre was much better in his prime, now he sucks. Bledsoe was good, and he's just as good as he always was.
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Justis said:
none of the above. Favre was much better in his prime, now he sucks. Bledsoe was good, and he's just as good as he always was.

I can agree with that. I would just say that while Bledsoe was always "good" he has had some long stretches of brilliance. First half of 2002, for example. I really believe that Bledsoe's best seasons are ahead of him. This year, if they can find another body or two up front, could be THE year.

Billy Bullocks

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Gibbs II said:
Im sick of all this talk about Bledsoe not having anyone around him. Hell, if i had an all pro O-line, D-fense, RB, and WRs I would be in top 5Qbs but nobody gets that. Favre was able to reach the potential of many WRs. Anotonio freeman on any other team would be trash, but he was made a name.

You might as well be saying, Bledsoe would be a top 5 QB if he was better.

As for Bledsoe losing games. There are few times when I person will actually "lose" a game for their team because the game works out so for every flaw of one guy, there is a flaw somewhere else. Bledsoe didnt "lose" games but his mediocre play didnt "WIN" any games. Which is where they separate.

Bledsoe threw 6 INTS in the last 3 games, great way to finish out a season right?

But lets stop talking about this season. The careers are not even funny. And I liked bledsoe in NE and Buffalo but there is a reason he never got the "credit" he "deserved". He is quite inconsistent and knows how to turn the ball over. That alone will not win you many games. Plus, at least if he was consistently sub par, the coach could plan around that if he was worht it.
But the thing is, he showed at times that he was a hall of famer, then he showed times that he was a good backup.

Where did I see he didn't have anyone around him? I never said his weapons weren't sufficient. I pointed out a well known point that anyone who watched Dallas play last year recognizes, THE OL FELL APART WHEN ADAMS WENT DOWN...you can hide the weakness of 1 or 2 linemen, but when both your flanks are essentially unprotected, it doesn't matter who is back there.

Now if you trully believe that the decline in Bledsoe's numbers from the 1st 8 games to the last 8 games has nothing to do with the Offensive Line being in complete shambles, I suggest you try following a sport different than football.

Gibbs II

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on8thdayGodcreatedBledsoe said:
I can agree with that. I would just say that while Bledsoe was always "good" he has had some long stretches of brilliance. First half of 2002, for example. I really believe that Bledsoe's best seasons are ahead of him. This year, if they can find another body or two up front, could be THE year.

He finally hangs up the cleetes?

Oh snap.

Anyway, I dont think he should retire, but to say that he has always been "good" is a little misleading. He has always had the same characterstics is what you are saying. Gets a lot of yards but a turnover machine. Other than that, he is average. Accuracy is 57.3, that is extremely avg. for someone who is "one of the most accurate men at anything....ever". He doesnt throw that many TDs for such a prolific passer. And, he knows how to get sacked.

Crown Royal

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Billy Bullocks said:
Where did I see he didn't have anyone around him? I never said his weapons weren't sufficient. I pointed out a well known point that anyone who watched Dallas play last year recognizes, THE OL FELL APART WHEN ADAMS WENT DOWN...you can hide the weakness of 1 or 2 linemen, but when both your flanks are essentially unprotected, it doesn't matter who is back there.

Now if you trully believe that the decline in Bledsoe's numbers from the 1st 8 games to the last 8 games has nothing to do with the Offensive Line being in complete shambles, I suggest you try following a sport different than football.

For the sake of argument - Bledsoe has always had a sack problem. Some of that falls on him. I can't deny that Flo had an effect on the season, but Bledsoe will always (rightfully) take some blame for his own line.

Why is it that in NE he always had a 'subpar' line, yet when Brady (best. footwork. in. the . nfl) takes over, that line has looked magnificent ever since?

Our line is bad - no denying that - but great QBs make their line look phenomenal.

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Crown Royal said:
For the sake of argument - Bledsoe has always had a sack problem. Some of that falls on him. I can't deny that Flo had an effect on the season, but Bledsoe will always (rightfully) take some blame for his own line.

Why is it that in NE he always had a 'subpar' line, yet when Brady (best. footwork. in. the . nfl) takes over, that line has looked magnificent ever since?

Our line is bad - no denying that - but great QBs make their line look phenomenal.


Taking too many sacks is a serious problem with Bledsoe, no argument here, but look at all the int's Favre has been throwing while trying to get rid of the ball quickly. Generally, a sack is better than an int. Bledsoe's int's have always come in bunches when he was playing catch-up in hopeless games.

Crown Royal

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Gibbs II said:
He finally hangs up the cleetes?

Oh snap.

Anyway, I dont think he should retire, but to say that he has always been "good" is a little misleading. He has always had the same characterstics is what you are saying. Gets a lot of yards but a turnover machine. Other than that, he is average. Accuracy is 57.3, that is extremely avg. for someone who is "one of the most accurate men at anything....ever". He doesnt throw that many TDs for such a prolific passer. And, he knows how to get sacked.

I'll put it this way - his entire career he has always been a starter for good reason. For the last 13-14 years, if he were a free agent every year, he would have been picked up by a team (and good ones) that needed QBs and intended for him to start. And expected that he played well.

At one time, when he was in NE, he was considered a very, very good QB.

Please don't take this as picking on you or your team - I'm not a thread hijacker and I'm not trying to bash here - but let's compare Bledsoe to Brunell.

I would say that Bledsoe's career has been quite a bit better than Brunell's, and even now I would still take Bledsoe. I'm just saying that trying to create a mental ranking of Bledsoe, and Brunell is sort of a stick for that.

Faver is better than Bledsoe by quite a margin, and Bledsoe's career has been better than Brunnel's, by a margin still, but not as large a margin.