Feels like our legacy is dwindling

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You are certainly right.

People used to hate the Cowboys because they were so good. Now they don't, they just revel in Dallas' misfortunes. If they hate Dallas at all, it's because of the attention they get, which means (for most teams, not all) they're own team doesn't get the prime time games nearly as much, etc. Has nothing to do with winning championships, because now the Cowboys don't.

Landry at one time had a record of 37-9 against the AFC. Now it's not nearly that good.

Jerry has destroyed a great team.

Seems to be the case, and I just hope we can get some glimmer of being able to get back where we need to be.


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Yeah that's the thing. People say all he cares about is money, but he'd make even more if the Cowboys were relevant (as far as SB wins)...

Exactly, and you'd think he'd do everything possible to achieve this with the amount of extra money he'd make.


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Jerry wants to win WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM JIMMY !! so he cant let jimmy help him. Anyone but jimmy, because jerry wants to satisfy
his own ego ! That what ego can do is poison what your trying to do.

Forget about the # of SB's won, that is a trivial stat that covers 60 years lol.

I am rooting for neither team, will watch and may the best team win! I didnt want the ravens in SB, cant stand baltimore for a long time, and KC
knocked them out so thank you KC.
Detroit, kinda like them but cant stand Dan Cambell, he is super macho guy and is a moron on the 4th down thing, glad it cost him this last game.
But he will keep on doing it.

you can forget about dallas legacy, Jerry is a moron too, bringing mike back etc, passing on BB etc, they will never get past div round again.
Best to find another team to root for going to SB, because with Dallas it is futile.

I am still going to watch the games, and laugh at them, but not expecting anything from them, esp success in playoffs.

I mean, I can't ditch this team. I'm a loyal fan. However, I do also pull for the Broncos, Colts, Lions, Bears, and Browns (okay, most of these should be obvious to anyone that knows me).


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I've just decided I'm not going to worry about how many Super Bowls other teams have. The Cowboys aren't going to win another one as long as Jerry is in charge. Jerry has shown he just can't resist meddling. We'll be an iron pyrite team until he retires or dies. In case someone's not familiar with that, it's commonly known as "fool's gold." In some seasons, they'll stink up the place. In other season's they'll look really good in the regular season and then lay an egg in then playoffs. At best, the Cowboys can look bright and shiny, only to be exposed as frauds in the playoffs. Any of the teams that made the conference championship game would have cleaned the Cowboys' clock. I want Jerry to decide to retire and spend whatever years he has left with his family, but I'm not holding my breath for him to do that.

Oh, no doubt. We'd have gotten crushed. But at least we could've been there.


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I know I'm 31, so I probably don't know as much about the Cowboys legacy as many of you. I was around for the Cowboys SBs in the 90s, but I was too little for the sport at the time. That said, this has been a rough season for me as a Cowboys fan. I'm always going to be a Cowboys fan, and it pains me to say what I'm going to say.

It feels like our legacy is dwindling. You might be asking what legacy I'm referring to. It's the legacy that we were a franchise that could match talking points with the 49ers and Steelers. The Steelers passed us years ago, and that was a blow to our legacy over them. Now, the 49ers are threatening again (lost their two previous attempts) to pass us. Meanwhile, Kansas City, should they win, will be at 4 and beginning to threaten our 5. I think I'm forced to (and will) pull for Kansas City to try to protect our 5 and being level with SFO, but I'm really hoping the 49ers don't have 3rd time's the charm to pass us. It feels like it'd shred what's left of the Cowboys legacy if they do the unthinkable this year. Maybe I'm off base, but it's just how I feel about this matchup. I don't know if any of you feel a similar sentiment to me.

Plus, I'm not sure how Jerry would respond. He didn't do much when Pittsburgh passed us. Will he respond if SFO does? He hasn't done much with how they've beaten us in our 3 previous encounters. I sense that them winning would probably hurt Jimmy a lot because it feels like it'd undo a bit of what he built in the early 90s. Will it hurt Jerry the same?

I suppose, and this is just me feeling my sentiments that I feel like sharing here on this forum, maybe it can cause some last bit of healing between Jerry and Jimmy? If SFO does the unthinkable, could it cause Jerry to turn to Jimmy for advice? Can Jimmy become somewhat of a GM? He seems to like McCarthy. Maybe Jimmy can be a helping hand for Jerry? Will Jerry respond at all if SFO does the unthinkable? All I know, from the time I realised that the Cowboys were likely playing the Packers in the playoffs, this has become one of the most painful seasons as a Cowboys fan for me. The 49ers winning this SB would hurt a lot to me. I have absolute disdain for them because of our rivalry with them. I just wish that Jerry had that same disdain.

What do you all think of the current developments? Do any of you feel a similar sentiment? Does our legacy matter to Jerry at all? Sure, he wins in Forbes. But this should be a matter of pride in what he's built. He probably doesn't have long to live. Is he now going to watch the very team he tried to beat after the 80s ruin what's left of his legacy? Could this force a change?
I'm 48, and I can confirm our legacy is not only dwindling, it's all but gone. Nobody cares about the 90's anymore...not even me. I can't even tell you if I'll ever watch my Super Bowl VHS again. Well, probably SB XXX. At this point it's depressing and a reminder of what we will never ever be again under a Jones. Which means maybe not the rest of my life, but probably the rest that I'm able to care. Other dynasties have come and have fallen since us, and some are in the process of forming right now. Meanwhile we are a running joke...a punchline and Jerry is fine with that as long as we are the subject of the discussion. I was surprised at how emotional I got watching Jimmy give his passionate ROH speech, and even his halftime rant. My eyes were watering, as much for what some of us will never see again as nostalgia.


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how do quantify that? How much more were the 1980's trying than today team?

I mean, I wasn't around then, but, from what I read about the team then, it seemed like they at least made efforts. It didn't work, but there were at least veiled attempts at trying. The Cowboys FO now has the appearance of not caring and not trying. At least to me.


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I'm 48, and I can confirm our legacy is not only dwindling, it's all but gone. Nobody cares about the 90's anymore...not even me. I can't even tell you if I'll ever watch my Super Bowl VHS again. Well, probably SB XXX. At this point it's depressing and a reminder of what we will never ever be again under a Jones. Which means maybe not the rest of my life, but probably the rest that I'm able to care. Other dynasties have come and have fallen since us, and some are in the process of forming right now. Meanwhile we are a running joke...a punchline and Jerry is fine with that as long as we are the subject of the discussion. I was surprised at how emotional I got watching Jimmy give his passionate ROH speech, and even his halftime rant. My eyes were watering, as much for what we will never see again as nostalgia.

My eyes were watering watching the AFCC game with the feeling that I might never see my team in that level.


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What if he made the changes you want him to make and still failed? Would that be a success in your eyes or more failure?
Wanting to win and not winning does mean you dont care or you are incompetent. The other guy might be better. Or is that impossible?

To me, if he at least made attempts to win that didn't work, I wouldn't fault him. If he were to sign Barkley to strengthen our RB room and it fails (hypothetically), I wouldn't fault him. He at least would've made an effort to try to fix a glaring issue. I didn't have a problem with him making the Carr move. It didn't work, but at least he tried to fix the CB position at the time.


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My eyes were watering watching the AFCC game with the feeling that I might never see my team in that level.
It's hard. Half of my brain thinks we are so close to that level of play, and the other half thinks we are so very far from that level of play. In either case, we have an owner who doesn't care to do as little or as much as necessary to get us there.


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I've been a Cowboy fan over 50 years, and I I see your point. Frankly I'm surprised the Cowboys are still the most valuable sports franchise, and that they are as popular as they are with people your age who never saw them win anything.

It's probably a lot of the older fans. If Jerry doesn't change course, this won't stay the case much longer. Frankly, with the Taylor Swift craze, I can see a team like KC overtaking us there. I can see a scenario where, in 5-10 years, we are no longer in the top 5 most popular teams.


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It's hard. Half of my brain thinks we are so close to that level of play, and the other half thinks we are so very far from that level of play. In either case, we have an owner who doesn't care to do as little or as much as necessary to get us there.

And that last part is what hurts the most. Maybe he is trying, but I don't see it. It just seems like he doesn't know what he is doing at best or, at worst, he's sabotaging is for ratings.


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Oh my goodness...I'm old. I mean, I'm 49...I'm in great shape, look pretty young and live a single man's lifestyle. And yet...I've seen many, many things.

  • Roger Staubach's last. regular season game against Washington. Amazing Comeback
  • Danny White losing 3 straight NFC Championship games...including nearly coming back against 9ers after "The Catch". "The horsecollar"
  • Steve Peuller, Gary Hogeboom
  • Troy Aikman 0-11 rookie year
  • Troy Aikman 11TDs, 0Ints in first 3 playoff runs
  • Troy with spare parts
  • Quimphy Carter
  • Chad Hutchinson, Drew Henson,
  • Tony Romo
  • Dak Prescott
What I saw...hazily remembering Roger's last game as a 5 year old...is about the same as what you missed not experiencing the 90s Dynasty growing up. If you had experienced it you would have already known...those franchises HAVE LONG SINCE PASSED US BY. Dak is probably the best you've experienced...and that's unfortunate.
Dak or Romo. Frankly, compared to the QBs I started with, I'm thankful to have had both. I remember well not having a good QB guiding us. I just wish Jerry would give them a team to work with and a coach that knows how to get the most out of them.


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Hey Rusty, 1st you're not mentioning that Jerry is responsible for a huge piece of THAT legacy. I know Jimmy played a huge part but Jerry signed the checks. The way I look at it is we are in year five of

A rebuilding process. People tend to get impatient but Dallas Has Been tasked with the job of rebuilding after 10 years of Jason Garrett First you build a winner then you build a champion. I know how you feel and if I knew you , I'd tell you to

just be patient, Cowboy the Puck up (Hockey and Bruce Willis reference). But don't turn into one of those, sometimey, whiny little so called fans that have made us the laughing stock of the league.

We Still Dem Boys !!!!!!!!!

Last time I checked we are 12-5 12-5 12-5 No super Bowls , 30 teams can say that, No NFC Championship games , 28 Teams can say that !

I've said my piece about Jerry ample times by now. I didn't want to exacerbate it in this thread. That said, it just hurts seeing the way we are and never seeing success. I'm hopeful that at some point, my patience will pay off.


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As I said in one of my previous posts, everyone has their own opinions of how to fix or at least improve the team, but none of those matter.

The relevant facts are that what the Cowboys have done and how they have done them for 28 years have not produced any tangible results.

If they had made it to a couple of championship games or Super Bowls and lost, those are things you can tweak and build on, but that is not the case.

Over the last 28 years they have tried replacing coaches, players, offensive schemes, defensive schemes, etc. and none of those changes yielded any better results than before.

To me it is less about what specifically they do and more so about doing things differently than they have.

It's not realistic to think the Jones family will sell the Cowboys and I really don't think that is required for the team to have success.

As I said before, the Cowboys have focused on fixing the symptoms rather than the cause.

That works when you have a good system in place because you are replacing the team flaws, but when the core is flawed, replacing the outer elements does little more than shift the symptoms around to give you new flaws to fix next season.
Anything is possible, they seem like every other team except the elite teams. The doing it differently thing reminds me of George Costanza when he tried everything differently and it worked.


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I know I'm 31, so I probably don't know as much about the Cowboys legacy as many of you. I was around for the Cowboys SBs in the 90s, but I was too little for the sport at the time. That said, this has been a rough season for me as a Cowboys fan. I'm always going to be a Cowboys fan, and it pains me to say what I'm going to say.

It feels like our legacy is dwindling. You might be asking what legacy I'm referring to. It's the legacy that we were a franchise that could match talking points with the 49ers and Steelers. The Steelers passed us years ago, and that was a blow to our legacy over them. Now, the 49ers are threatening again (lost their two previous attempts) to pass us. Meanwhile, Kansas City, should they win, will be at 4 and beginning to threaten our 5. I think I'm forced to (and will) pull for Kansas City to try to protect our 5 and being level with SFO, but I'm really hoping the 49ers don't have 3rd time's the charm to pass us. It feels like it'd shred what's left of the Cowboys legacy if they do the unthinkable this year. Maybe I'm off base, but it's just how I feel about this matchup. I don't know if any of you feel a similar sentiment to me.

Plus, I'm not sure how Jerry would respond. He didn't do much when Pittsburgh passed us. Will he respond if SFO does? He hasn't done much with how they've beaten us in our 3 previous encounters. I sense that them winning would probably hurt Jimmy a lot because it feels like it'd undo a bit of what he built in the early 90s. Will it hurt Jerry the same?

I suppose, and this is just me feeling my sentiments that I feel like sharing here on this forum, maybe it can cause some last bit of healing between Jerry and Jimmy? If SFO does the unthinkable, could it cause Jerry to turn to Jimmy for advice? Can Jimmy become somewhat of a GM? He seems to like McCarthy. Maybe Jimmy can be a helping hand for Jerry? Will Jerry respond at all if SFO does the unthinkable? All I know, from the time I realised that the Cowboys were likely playing the Packers in the playoffs, this has become one of the most painful seasons as a Cowboys fan for me. The 49ers winning this SB would hurt a lot to me. I have absolute disdain for them because of our rivalry with them. I just wish that Jerry had that same disdain.

What do you all think of the current developments? Do any of you feel a similar sentiment? Does our legacy matter to Jerry at all? Sure, he wins in Forbes. But this should be a matter of pride in what he's built. He probably doesn't have long to live. Is he now going to watch the very team he tried to beat after the 80s ruin what's left of his legacy? Could this force a change?
Rusty I never want to discourage our great young fans of this generation . Even around the younger kids in our family I try to refrain from my very critical analysis.

They still see me as the greatest Cowboy fan they know with my lifetime of memorabilia from the glory eras with Super Bowl banners , ticket stubs and programs along with autograph photos and framed jerseys.

But they know I’m not happy with Jethro and what our franchise has become this era while still rooting our team on never missing a moment.

I also remind them that there is never any guarantee in success. And like my father told me in those early years as a kid that anyone can root for a winner , that it builds character to stay loyal to a losing or dormant team.

It will also make you appreciate one day reaching the pinnacle again if it ever comes while enjoying whatever success comes along. Look at how those Detroit fans relished in having some success this year. They have been waiting all of my life. That’s true joy that didn’t end winning a championship.

That’s what true diehard fandom is all about. Unfortunately right now we have much working against us with our dysfunctional ownership.

Personally I’m still proud of the franchise and teams we had in those years and eras. You can’t ever take that away. And I’m somewhat impressed with this unorthodox organization were even able to field a 12 win playoff team. It could be much worse.

I’m also a lifelong Baylor fan and we’ve never competed for a National Championship in football. Only won a handful of conference titles. Went 50 years in between one. There’s no shame in rooting and supporting a team that doesn’t have a lot of success especially if it’s your Alma Mater or local team. That’s simply what good loyal fans do.


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We still don't do anything in the playoffs. I could not care less about going 12 and 5 if we quit in the first round every year. I'd rather go 5 and 12 or worse. At least then we could get a different quarterback. All those wins just mean we get a worse draft position. We have nothing to show for them but a loss on draft day.
Then you trust this front office to find a cant miss QB in the draft?


Well-Known Member
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I know I'm 31, so I probably don't know as much about the Cowboys legacy as many of you. I was around for the Cowboys SBs in the 90s, but I was too little for the sport at the time. That said, this has been a rough season for me as a Cowboys fan. I'm always going to be a Cowboys fan, and it pains me to say what I'm going to say.

It feels like our legacy is dwindling. You might be asking what legacy I'm referring to. It's the legacy that we were a franchise that could match talking points with the 49ers and Steelers. The Steelers passed us years ago, and that was a blow to our legacy over them. Now, the 49ers are threatening again (lost their two previous attempts) to pass us. Meanwhile, Kansas City, should they win, will be at 4 and beginning to threaten our 5. I think I'm forced to (and will) pull for Kansas City to try to protect our 5 and being level with SFO, but I'm really hoping the 49ers don't have 3rd time's the charm to pass us. It feels like it'd shred what's left of the Cowboys legacy if they do the unthinkable this year. Maybe I'm off base, but it's just how I feel about this matchup. I don't know if any of you feel a similar sentiment to me.

Plus, I'm not sure how Jerry would respond. He didn't do much when Pittsburgh passed us. Will he respond if SFO does? He hasn't done much with how they've beaten us in our 3 previous encounters. I sense that them winning would probably hurt Jimmy a lot because it feels like it'd undo a bit of what he built in the early 90s. Will it hurt Jerry the same?

I suppose, and this is just me feeling my sentiments that I feel like sharing here on this forum, maybe it can cause some last bit of healing between Jerry and Jimmy? If SFO does the unthinkable, could it cause Jerry to turn to Jimmy for advice? Can Jimmy become somewhat of a GM? He seems to like McCarthy. Maybe Jimmy can be a helping hand for Jerry? Will Jerry respond at all if SFO does the unthinkable? All I know, from the time I realised that the Cowboys were likely playing the Packers in the playoffs, this has become one of the most painful seasons as a Cowboys fan for me. The 49ers winning this SB would hurt a lot to me. I have absolute disdain for them because of our rivalry with them. I just wish that Jerry had that same disdain.

What do you all think of the current developments? Do any of you feel a similar sentiment? Does our legacy matter to Jerry at all? Sure, he wins in Forbes. But this should be a matter of pride in what he's built. He probably doesn't have long to live. Is he now going to watch the very team he tried to beat after the 80s ruin what's left of his legacy? Could this force a change?
As of now, the Cowboys' legacy is that they are a joke.
Every year they are hyped as being great, and every year they crash and burn in a humiliating defeat(s).
That's what this Cowboys team is known for now.
And everyone knows it's true.


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We're close to being a team that sucked as long as they were good. Some would say we have already reached that point.

So no, in my opinion there is no legacy left. We aren't just getting there. Oh, and by the way, a 12-5 season with an one and out means the team sucks. Not reaching an NFCCG for several decades means they are crap. Just to make that clear for the homers.


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As of now, the Cowboys' legacy is that they are a joke.
Every year they are hyped as being great, and every year they crash and burn in a humiliating defeat(s).
That's what this Cowboys team is known for now.
And everyone knows it's true.
And who hyped them as being great. Anyone who follows football knew this team wasn’t great. At least not until they beat someone great.

The joke and embarrassment is our owner. He has been the laughing stock for 30 years now.

We’d gladly give him up to any team that wants him.
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