Film of how Lance struggled so badly in preseason, the 49ers were forced to trade him


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Good advice. However, from his class of QBs he has been given the least chance even when he came back from injury. How can anyone know what he can do if he doesn't see the field. I understand development is important especially from an experienced QB but if he's not the answer then why the heck is he in Dallas?
To be a backup.

Ben DiNucci fits the narrative of “how can anyone know what he can do”. So do a hundred other rando QBs out there.


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But Mahomes met a majority of those requirements as well. If not all them.
Gotcha. But when you said he didn't mention anything about running, that's when I mentioned Mahomes. My point is, that's an old way of evaluating QBs. Josh Allen may win the SB this year, this guy is a big running back with a rifle arm. Nothing against you though.


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I'm answering the Question proposed by Chasing 6. He said, Parcells didn't say anything about running, and that's what Mahomes is known for with 2 titles. So that old fashioned thinking is out the window. We're in 2024, not 1984. Wake up!
Mahomes is not known as a running quarterback. He can get yards sometimes but it’s his arm, feel for the game and penchant for pulling off miraculous throws that makes him elite.


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No. It was dumb trading for him.

It was dumb to not to consult your staff.

Let's triple down on stupid and make him the starter next year.

Or we could do an experiment. Let's put both Trey and Dak on the trade block and see what interest we get.
You are entitled to your opinion. Putting all your eggs in the Dak basket has worked out so well this far. That was dumb.


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Listen to the guy at the 6:27 mark

"It's clear that when Trey has to process more than one read, he simply can't"

Does that sound familiar to anyone else?

And that's after 8 years as starter.

At least Lance *might* learn given a chance.
Huge difference. No way you can compare the two. Dak(not the only QB in the NFL) seems to struggle when the defense disguises what they are doing and make late adjustments in an attempt to confuse him.

If you can pre-snap read the defense and are correct, then the QB's job becomes much easier. You know where the ball is going before the snap.

If the defense can disguise it and then you have to re-read on the fly this causes problems for many NFL QB's). WR's have to read this as well, adjust their routes and be on the same page as the QB.

The biggest problem I see. Is it takes us way to long to recognize and adjust during the game. Or are we too stubborn or proud to do so. However, I see the same problem on offense and defense. We just keep doing the same thing that is not working.

Going back to our mini dynasty in the 90's. We did not really have to make a lot of adjustments. We were just flat out better than the other teams. It did not matter if the defense new what our game plan was, they could not stop it.

It makes me think, that we believe today that our team is just too talented and better than our opponents. Clearly against good teams that is not the case and we need to out coach, out strategize and make immediate adjustments on the fly during the game.


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Good advice. However, from his class of QBs he has been given the least chance even when he came back from injury. How can anyone know what he can do if he doesn't see the field. I understand development is important especially from an experienced QB but if he's not the answer then why the heck is he in Dallas?
History. Dictates he can't do it.

Never should have been traded for. Jerry was digging for oil. Thought he got a cheap piece of land that someone could not find oil on.


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I'm answering the Question proposed by Chasing 6. He said, Parcells didn't say anything about running, and that's what Mahomes is known for with 2 titles. So that old fashioned thinking is out the window. We're in 2024, not 1984. Wake up!
What? Holy Larry, where'd you get that from? Manalive, you need to get a different info source!!!

Mahomes is a passing QB, first and foremost. Who in the world told you he was known for running?

Mahomes takes off only when he has to, aside from an occasional designed run or sneak. He has never run for 400 yds in a season. Last season he ran for an average of 4.6 times per game.

Mahomes is known, plain and simple, for being one of the best passers of his era.


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Gotcha. But when you said he didn't mention anything about running, that's when I mentioned Mahomes. My point is, that's an old way of evaluating QBs. Josh Allen may win the SB this year, this guy is a big running back with a rifle arm. Nothing against you though.
There is definitely a strength in a running QB, but you must meet the requirements of being a QB first. Their ability to run can not replace something else that is lacking.


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There is definitely a strength in a running QB, but you must meet the requirements of being a QB first. Their ability to run can not replace something else that is lacking.
Hurts and Philly just found that out.