First 39 Starts of career- Romo/Prescott


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Yeah, the idea that the first 39 starts is comparable is inherently unfair, IMO. I mean, Tony sat for 3 seasons, learning from one of the greatest coaches of all time. Dak was thrown in and has played for what we have now. Who can look at this and view it as a fair comparison? I, for one, can not.

that is a very fair point, as is the point that tony had parcells as a coach where dak has garrett....the issue with Dak is that he is regressing and not improving. I will give him credit that he has looked better at times this season than in the second half of last season but the next 8 games are critical....he needs to go out, pull the trigger, take some chances, get rid of the ball....score some tds and probably throw a few ints....but stop giving up the bad sacks.


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A few notes:

* I was and will always be an ardent Romo Fanatic.
* Posting these to hopefully put into perspective our current qb
*Romo's first start happened mid season in year 3 of his career at the age of 26. Dak is still 25. These numbers represent the first 39 starts of their respective careers, not including playoffs.
*Romo's weapons were 2006- Owens + Glenn (both 1000 yards), Prime Witten, Crayton as 33rd wr, Barber and JJ (combined for 1800+ and 18tds) 2007- same minus Glenn, 2008- Mostly same, add Bennett, Felix jones, remove JJ.

*Dak's weapons in passing not close to what Romo was working with, Dak did have better OL at least one year and Zeke.
Romo- In a more wide open passing offense vs heavy run offense for Dak.


815 completions, 1280 attempts- 63.67% 10,300 yards, 8.0 YPA, 78 TDs, 43 Ints, 95 Rating, 63 sacks, 263 rush yards, 2 rush tds


747 completions, 1155 attempts, 64.7%, 8408 yards, 7.3 ypa, 53 TDs, 21 ints, 94 rating, 80 sacks, 875 rush yards, 14 rush tds

My takeways: Dak's completion percentage is actually higher than Romo's. Does this mean Romo was inaccurate? More than twice the interceptions in about 100 more attempts, was Romo's "spatial awareness" still developing? Dak sacked at a much higher rate. 80 tds for Romo to 67 for Dak. Qb rating very similar.

Total yards: 10,563 for Romo. Dak, 9,283.

This should be interesting


Regular Joe....
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that is a very fair point, as is the point that tony had parcells as a coach where dak has garrett....the issue with Dak is that he is regressing and not improving. I will give him credit that he has looked better at times this season than in the second half of last season but the next 8 games are critical....he needs to go out, pull the trigger, take some chances, get rid of the ball....score some tds and probably throw a few ints....but stop giving up the bad sacks.

The sacks are a problem and regardless of scheme, that's gotta be on him. He needs to be able to learn to avoid those. That's more then fair.


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Ask yourselves this,

Third and long, how did you feel when Romo took the snap verses Dak?

Or, down by two scores in the fourth?

Did you feel excited that there was at least a chance that Romo could work his magic and get it done?

Do you feel the same about Dak?
Romo had 7 game winning drives to dak's 10 in that span.

Romo got better as his career progressed in this area and ended up with 30.


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Why stop with Romo, why not include Aikman, Danny White, Don Meredith and Staubach?
Totally different eras of football...thought about it but it isn't apples to apples.


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What were the few seasons you would consider top 5?

2007, 2011, 2014

I, personally, think 2009 was a better year for him despite the TD total. I think he was incredibly efficient down the stretch, but that was a great year for QB play. I think he played better than Stafford in 2011 despite TD totals, the Lions really collapsed mid season before picking it up again in the final 4 games and Stafford was a big reason for the up and down.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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A few notes:

* I was and will always be an ardent Romo Fanatic.
* Posting these to hopefully put into perspective our current qb
*Romo's first start happened mid season in year 3 of his career at the age of 26. Dak is still 25. These numbers represent the first 39 starts of their respective careers, not including playoffs.
*Romo's weapons were 2006- Owens + Glenn (both 1000 yards), Prime Witten, Crayton as 33rd wr, Barber and JJ (combined for 1800+ and 18tds) 2007- same minus Glenn, 2008- Mostly same, add Bennett, Felix jones, remove JJ.

*Dak's weapons in passing not close to what Romo was working with, Dak did have better OL at least one year and Zeke.
Romo- In a more wide open passing offense vs heavy run offense for Dak.


815 completions, 1280 attempts- 63.67% 10,300 yards, 8.0 YPA, 78 TDs, 43 Ints, 95 Rating, 63 sacks, 263 rush yards, 2 rush tds


747 completions, 1155 attempts, 64.7%, 8408 yards, 7.3 ypa, 53 TDs, 21 ints, 94 rating, 80 sacks, 875 rush yards, 14 rush tds

My takeways: Dak's completion percentage is actually higher than Romo's. Does this mean Romo was inaccurate? More than twice the interceptions in about 100 more attempts, was Romo's "spatial awareness" still developing? Dak sacked at a much higher rate. 80 tds for Romo to 67 for Dak. Qb rating very similar.

Total yards: 10,563 for Romo. Dak, 9,283.

Midway through his 3rd NFL season Romo hadn't even taken a snap in a live game yet. So a direct comparison would be Dak's numbers versus nothing.

Pretending they both started as rookies, as some here do (not saying you did), is not a fair comparison.

Whether Dak will ever reach Romo's veteran levels is another matter.


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Why is everyone writing off Tony's time learning on the bench?

In reality it's more like:
Dak first 3 seasons: check OP for stats
Romo first 3 seasons: learned from Parcells, Bledsoe, Testaverde, etc and accumulated 0 stats except bench time.

I'm not surprised Romo developed faster once he started playing every game.

I'm 50/50 on Dak but the further this thread goes the more it turns into a head scratcher of apples-to-oranges comparisons

Dak is in his third year and not showing improvement, Romo did. You don't learn about players while they are on the bench, you do when they play.

Romo improved, Dak hasn't. You can play and even play poorly and still improve fundamentally at the position, like Romo did. Dak...not so much.


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This. I do not care about their stats over the 39 games and how they compare. I care about where they are at this point (3rd year as a starter). Have they improved or regressed. Many QB's have bad first seasons, the question is can they improve upon them. Dak had a dream first season, but that was two years ago. He needed to build on that.

That said here are Dak and Romo's stats from the first 7 games of their respective 3rd seasons (Not sure why we are comparing those two but I will use the OP's format):

Romo: 147 completions, 227 attempts, 64.76%, 1,887 yards (269.57pg), 8.31 YPA, 13 TD (1.86pg), 7 Ints (1.00pg), 99.3 rating, 7 sacks, 13 rush yards, 0 rush TDs

Dak: 128 completions, 206 attempts, 62.14%, 1,417 yards (202.43pg), 6.88 YPA, 8 TD (1.14pg), 4 Ints (.57pg), 87.4 rating, 23 sacks, 236 rush yards, 2 rush TDs

Compared to the OP's 39 game totals most of Romo's numbers above are improvements, and most of Dak's have regressed. I understand that no one player performs in a vacuum. There are many factors to this. Yes the players are different, but Romo's OC in his 3rd year was Garrett (and his offense). Despite this he was improving. Dak, (admittedly) for a myriad of reasons, is not showing that.

I just want to see improvement. That is all. Hopefully Cooper helps with that. Hopefully the new reorg on the O-line helps. He needs better play calling (no doubt). I am rooting for Dak, I am just skeptical. Until he improves his poise in the pocket, vision, mechanics, and footwork we have to put basically an all-star team around him (as you pointed out his rookie season had). I just don't think that is more realistic than replacing the QB. Here is to hoping Dak and Co. can improve.
Romo's third year he regressed in a few areas. Completion percentage, Rating, TDs...YPA. He actually limited his Ints a bit though.

His third year was not as good as his 2nd, which was his first full season.


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Midway through his 3rd NFL season Romo hadn't even taken a snap in a live game yet. So a factual comparison would be Dak's numbers versus nothing.

Pretending they both started as rookies, as some here do (not saying you did), is not a fair comparison.

Why not? Romo in his first 3 seasons, while not playing, improved upon everything a QB needs to. You don't need stats for this. It was confirmed by Parcells - Dak, just in the mechanics department, has not.

That's a fair comparison.


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Dak is a victim of his early success... he benefited from being in a great situation, and he stepped up, played within himself and delivered a spectacular rookie year.

Now— expectations have been set, his surrounding cast is not as good as 2016– defenses have adjusted— and Dak looks much more mortal.

IMO— Dak is not as good as his rookie year, nor is he as bad as his last 16 games. He is still developing, but the next 9 games will reveal a lot about which direction his arrow is pointing.

Romo and Dak are different types of QBs— but one fact is indisputable— Romo had the benefit of several years of learning before being the starter while Dak has not.
That whole voice of reason thing doesn't work here mister!


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Midway through his 3rd NFL season Romo hadn't even taken a snap in a live game yet. So a direct comparison would be Dak's numbers versus nothing.

Pretending they both started as rookies, as some here do (not saying you did), is not a fair comparison.
I noted this in the bullets. It isn't apples to apples exactly but it is a good comparison that illustrates that the guy we have at QB is worth taking the time to develop, imo.


Safety third
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Did you miss our most recent game?

Down 2 scores in the 4th, on the road, with zero run game and terrible OL play. How’d Dak do again?

Oh right, he played well enough to force OT.

LOL why does Dak have to be compared to Romo anyways? Is that the bar? Anyone worse than Romo is unacceptable? Besides, Romo was a tremendous QB but he had 3 years to watch and learn.
What did you give the odds of that happening before it happened? That's the point.

The "Romo had three years..." argument was relevant in Dak's first season. Maybe even into his second. He is now half way into his third season. There is no better teacher than experience. The sitting and learning ship has sailed.


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If Dak had 3 years to sit and watch, his numbers could be much much better.

He's in his third year - the numbers aren't really the problem here, it's his fundamentals. You don't need to be on the bench for this - he should be improving either if he was sitting or playing.

He's not.


Safety third
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Romo had 7 game winning drives to dak's 10 in that span.

Romo got better as his career progressed in this area and ended up with 30.
So you are saying you have at least the same amount of confidence in Dak that you had in Romo to convert those seemingly out of reach situations?


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Is it easier to throw to T.O and prime Witten or to Allen Hurns and Swaim?

Or Broken Dez and catch and fall down Witten?

Which is anyone choosing?
I guess you were one of the guys that thought that Dez, Witten, and Beasley all 'declined' at the same time.