Former Falcon rats out Vick

Vintage;1496405 said:
I think the most hilarious part of this thread is the crowd crowing about how horrible of an act this is, its against the law, etc....

And then not giving Vick a chance to defend himself first before we attach the guilty label.

Innocent until proven guilty, or have we forgotten that?

Or is it, innocent until proven guilty (unless its a Cowboy player, or a well liked player)?

Sickening, indeed.

This is a thread about due process? What about the cow udders? THE COW UDDERS??? :mad:
burmafrd;1496407 said:
Actually, vintage, Vick pretty much disapeared after some started saying that dogfighting was not so bad. You need to read a little before you post.


The first reply in this thread called Buchanon a tattle tale....and since then, these have been some of the replies....

Further proof Vick is a total P.O.S. What a colossal blunder Blank and Petrino made by trading Schaub.
I don't see how Vick can get away with this without a suspension much less legal charges, although he will pay to make those go away like he has in the past.
Vick is scum.

Id punch that ******* in the face if I saw him in public and fully deal with the legal repercussions.
The only rat here is that rat filth ron mexico.
The only thing weird is that he waited until it all hit the fan to come forward with what he knew... he should have done it just as soon as he learned about it...
I wonder if perhaps the DA himself has been out there to enjoy some dog fights. He seems rather emphatic in trying to deny that there's been anything wrong at Vick's place. Judging from Buchanon and the Humane Society, this is something that's been going on for a long time AND it's been known to a rather large number of people. Add in the DA's response and I wonder if Vick's been spreading some cash and other favors among local law enforcement.
Michael Vick is a fool, he keeps putting his reputation further into the dumpster!


Seems like plenty of people are assuming it to be true, or at the very least, taking Buchanon's word for it without giving Vick a chance to defend himself. Until Vick gets charged and found guilty, I am not going to "hang him" like many others are already willing to do so.

Should I keep reading and posting quotes, or will this suffice?

Vintage;1496430 said:

Until Vick gets charged and found guilty, I am not going to "hang him" like many others are already willing to do so.
So you think OJ is innocent? What about the cops who beat rodney king?

What abouyt pac man, he hasnt been convicted yet?
Twyst;1496443 said:
So you think OJ is innocent? What about the cops who beat rodney king?

What abouyt pac man, he hasnt been convicted yet?

Until all the evidence gets released, a trial occurs, etc, I am not making an opinion on anything.

So far, we half of one side to the story.

Hardly seems appropriate to assume one way or another based off what little has been released....not to mention we haven't heard Vick's defense yet either.


And before someone says "well, how could he not know what was happening on his property...."

Its definately possible he did not know this was occuring. I rent an apartment with 3 other roommates. Two of my roommates and I were not living in the place when our lease started in June of last year. Only one of our roommates was.

The day the rest of us moved in, we found a letter from our landlord telling us we had to write him an apology letter that he would then put on file and send copies to our parents for all of the noise complaints that had occurred during Summer.

We knew nothing of this. Apparently our 4th roommate was throwing parties and things got out of hand repeatedly.

It is possible to be paying for property and not know what is going on.
fortdick;1496322 said:
This is the 'Hood' talking. Must be Gansta time where you are from!

I am a retired peace officer, and I told on people for a living. I guess that makes me, and every other law enforcement officer in the nation cowards as well.

You brag about taking care of business yourself. Well, I guess you have never been wrong in your life, or been accused of something you were innocent of. Our legal system is not perfect, far from it, but is as good or better than any other in the world. It is intended to protect the innocent. That is why guilty people go free. Because of the high standards.

But I guess you would rather have someone bust a cap on your butt rather than let some coward snitch you out and make you face a jury. Even if you are innocent.

Enougn with the OG image, dude!
the legal system is terrible. most of the time the person who can shell out more money for a lawyer wins. be real snitch, o and i'm not braggin about nothing.
Some of this stuff about dog fighting is ridiculous.

Ok, let's put this in a human's terms. Ok...

Someone takes you, beats you, doesn't feed you, then puts you in a ring, and (basically) forces you to fight. Yeah, sounds like boxing to me :rolleyes:

I hate boxing. It's boring, but to call it

Milking a cow, if done correctly, does NOT cause a cow what's the problem in this?

Fattening pigs is done for the purpose of getting food. Yes, I believe that some methods of raising animals (chickens, etc) are inhumane. However, just because this practice may not be illegal, shouldn't make dog fighting legal.

These dogs are BEATEN, STARVED, and FORCED to fight! How can some of you condone this?

And bigbadroy, your argument is ridiculous. If a man came and killed your child, you'd go up and kill his? You're lowering yourself to the same level as he did.

It's not about being a coward, it's about doing the right thing.
jackrussell;1496152 said:
I called Animal Protection on my first roommate.

I threatened to call them on my sister if she didn't change the set up with her dog. (she said "don't tell me what to do." I told her I wasn't telling her what to do, I was telling her what I was going to do)

I chased 2 people in a vehicle that dropped off a mangy mutt at my house til their car blew it's engine. Then threatened to call the police on the guy (who was just released from jail and on probation) if he didn't reimburse me for the vet bill I ran up getting that dog back to good health.

Call me high school all you want, but if you do it, and I know, you're busted, and I don't care who you are.

no one should ever underestimate your love for animals, specifically dogs, jr. i'm right there with you on this one. if you're going to have a dog, take care of it and accept the responsiblity. i bought an akita puppy and after 2-3 months and almost $1k in total expenses - i reaslized i'm *not* a dog owner and worse yet, the dog would pay the ultimate price for it in the end.

so i asked a friend of mine who had kids and other animals around (good for an akita) to take him - free. all i wanted was a good home for him. he's out in the country now on like 40 acres and loves it to death and every time i think about it i know i made the right move.

from talking to my friend who's in a PR firm that's been asked to represent vick, and past experiences w/said firm - i unfortuantely tend to believe this is true and vick is just a lying coward who can't own up to his own actions. good or bad.
So Vintage- just how many posts talked about VIck vs arguing about Dogfighting or vigilante type stuff? By the last page or so, Vick was pretty much an afterthought.
jackrussell;1496152 said:
I called Animal Protection on my first roommate.

I threatened to call them on my sister if she didn't change the set up with her dog. (she said "don't tell me what to do." I told her I wasn't telling her what to do, I was telling her what I was going to do)

I chased 2 people in a vehicle that dropped off a mangy mutt at my house til their car blew it's engine. Then threatened to call the police on the guy (who was just released from jail and on probation) if he didn't reimburse me for the vet bill I ran up getting that dog back to good health.

Call me high school all you want, but if you do it, and I know, you're busted, and I don't care who you are.

From the guy who's dog smokes...:p:
dargonking999;1496089 said:
We pay to see grown men fight

but paying to see two dog's fight is wrong?

I seriously don't get that. We'll kill cows, dogs, birds, and pigs, to make food. We'll beat the crap out of each other for money. but you do it with dogs, and its a felony crime. and it's a big issue? i mean come on. Some of ya'll acting like some tree huggers

people can make conscious decisions on how they live their lives. to the best of my knowledge, dogs can't.

it's one thing for them to run wild and do what they need to do to survive, it's another to train them to attack and kill. if they'll do it to a dog they'll do it to people too. you want a dog trained to attack runnin around you?

you're acting like a tool who refuses to think and just wants to stir up something cause you're bored.
Q_the_man;1496081 said:
So u want snitch on one felony but will snitch on the other............ i see Felonies done every day, as long as it has no effect on me I'm cool.....

Oh well, Dog fighting is dog fighting been going on for years, u can box in a ring in die, I guess we should drop all violence

We need to worry about getting our soldiers out of Iraq, then bothering with Vick. He doens't even live their, he bought his family a house and they misused the house and put Vicks name in the News.

That's like saying Romo buys family house and house gets rraided with 1000's of pounds of cocaine, then everyone on this board would be protecting Romo saying he didn't know...............

1. we can multi-task and 2 - no one cares for your politics i here. i know they don't care for mine.
2. if romo bragged on spending the off-season there and told his PR firm he had 50 pit bulls on his farm then 1) - he's admitted he DOES spend his time there and 2) what else would you do w/50 pit bulls?

people need to quit defending actions that simply can't be defended and make up crap to try and throw things off the focus.
iceberg;1496512 said:
i bought an akita puppy and after 2-3 months and almost $1k in total expenses - i reaslized i'm *not* a dog owner and worse yet, the dog would pay the ultimate price for it in the end.

so i asked a friend of mine who had kids and other animals around (good for an akita) to take him - free. all i wanted was a good home for him. he's out in the country now on like 40 acres and loves it to death and every time i think about it i know i made the right move.

I had a couple dogs that were retired from my breeding program....while it hurt like hell to let them go to a good hurt even more seeing what amounted (to me at least) a life sentence where the majority of their life would be in a 4x12 kennel run.

I see them now and then, and the owners occasionally drop me a line and some pics. Like you, I know it was the right move to make.

The most profound thing I've ever heard from a dog owner....Last year a guy called about a puppy, as they had just lost their Jack to cancer. It turned out to be a littermate of my first we had a good long conversation.

I asked if when they found she had cancer, if they tried chemo or anything...and he said, without missing a beat.."I loved her too much for that."

He and his wife bought 2 pups from us..and we've become good friends. The best thing about how I approach the breeding of dogs, is the network of people I've brought togther, across the country, in some form or another. This, to me, is an example of how dog breeding can influence a community for the good.

Of course, there is always an opposite of good. There is alot of breeding for all the wrong reasons. One poster believes there is no effect on society for what one does with their dogs. The debate died, but I did do extensive research that until now, I haven't shared.

The dogs aren't the only ones who suffer. It's impossible to estimate how many other animals and humans have been harmed by violent people who are desensitized to brutality, in part as a result of watching or participating in dogfighting and other forms of animal cruelty. "Violence begets violence," Maloney explains. "Research proves that people who abuse animals are more likely to abuse people. In addition, fighting enthusiasts often bring young children to the fights, desensitizing them to violence and teaching them that violence is accepted by society."

Animals in communities where dogfighting exists are also in danger for another reason—birds, rabbits, cats, small dogs and other animals are often captured or stolen and typically killed during training sessions where they are used as bait for fighting dogs.

In addition, dogfighting is connected to other forms of crime, including money laundering and drug trafficking. "Crime doesn't happen in a vacuum," says Goodwin. "When you have violent people betting large sums of money, you're going to have problems. Dogfighting is heavily linked to gambling, drugs, prostitution, gangs, and guns

I could provide a lot more, but the above pretty much sums up most of what I've found, and should debunk the notion that dog fighting has no direct effect on society.

Until now, laws and enforcement have been too lenient. Hopefully, the bi- partisan bill HR 137, which passed in May, and I believe was signed into law by W., will curtail alot of problem....a person could be sentenced up to 3 years in prison.

Well, that's about Donald Fagan would say..."sue me if I play too long..."
BlueStar22;1495868 said:
tattle tale, this is so high school. grown men ratting out grown men.

I guess you are a fan of Cam'ron's telling the cops nothing mantra. This stop snitching movement needs to go the way of pet rocks and slap bracelets
jrumann59;1496662 said:
I guess you are a fan of Cam'ron's telling the cops nothing mantra. This stop snitching movement needs to go the way of pet rocks and slap bracelets

I have to say that I agree with the no snitching policy that Cam'ron and others live by, I don't agree with it in certain situations such as this but there are so many petty things that people snitch about that I don't agree with - there are certain situations though that you have to say something.
Here's a revelation. Don't so anything illegal and there wont be anything to get snitched on about
Vick now has several incidents over the past year, this one is far more serious than the previous issues and it probably warrants a suspension. Does Roger step in now or wait until the legal issues are settled? I think he will be proactive and possibly suspend Vick at the start of the season.

I guess Joey Harrington will be the starter early in the season.
i dont care about animals i say let em fight whats the bad story here is somebody ratted him out, how can a man do that to another man its terrible he had nothing to gain but show how big of a p**** he is
JVita17;1496722 said:
i dont care about animals i say let em fight whats the bad story here is somebody ratted him out, how can a man do that to another man its terrible he had nothing to gain but show how big of a p**** he is

if you're serious, get help now man. i seldom feel people should resort to medications but in this case, it could be a good place to start.

and if vick ran around trying to get people involved and NO ONE (that we know of yet) took him up on it - there are times you need to understand when you're the only one in a group approving of something, you could be wrong.

if you're kidding - then you're just trolling around trying to stir up a rukus. go away.
You hurt my dogs, well, you have to get through me first.


Sick people, everywhere.

I simply do not understand the hate in this world. If you are not one of those "sick" folks, then you need to stand up and be counted. And not even for one moment think otherwise. You can make a difference. Put them in their place, and say NO, NO and NO again.

That's about all I have to say.
iceberg;1496734 said:
if you're serious, get help now man. i seldom feel people should resort to medications but in this case, it could be a good place to start.

and if vick ran around trying to get people involved and NO ONE (that we know of yet) took him up on it - there are times you need to understand when you're the only one in a group approving of something, you could be wrong.

if you're kidding - then you're just trolling around trying to stir up a rukus. go away.

i really could care less about what happens to animals but he broke ethic codes snithcing on vick

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