Fuzzy Thoughts at GB 2016

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Who gives a **** if they had to jump through hoola hoops to catch it, he put it where he needed to put it in order to get the 1st downs, and the touch downs. I counted one comeback and that was from Williams. If he had put that ball on the numbers, it would have been intercepted. And BTW, I've never insulted you.

The interception was bad bad bad. In my opinion, he thought Witten was going to do one thing, Witten didn't do it so even he said it was his fault. No problem. The one fumble was on him. He ran with the ball, the ball slipped out, that can't happen. The other fumble was NOT ON HIM. The end came from back side and hit it out of his hands. There were several incompletions that were off. And my opinion to all of that is, who gives a ****. Because his good plays out weighed his bad plays.

His deep ball to Lucky was perfect. You don't want an inexperienced receiver having to catch a ball over his head and create an incompletion. His second pass to Witten was perfect leading Witten out of bounds. His third pass was perfect to Butler. Touch down.

His pass in the third to Butler, perfect. Butler drops it. His passes from that point on were on point. So whatever you're pointing at has little meaning to me unless you point out all the great things he's done as well.

I care because if you have to slow down to catch the ball you are leaving yards on the field.

As for Peppers strip sack, it was from his right and Free was beaten off the snap.

The throw to Lucky was behind him. He had to stop and turn around to get it.

I mentioned Butlers drop in the writeup.
Dak played an incredible game, on the road, in GB. But Fuzzy is offering a more critical analysis of his performance and fans need to know that our rook isn't infallible, as awesome as he is. No rook is. Stop shooting the messenger.

Yes, we almost want more!!!
lol, I'm not overly biased towards Dak. The one thing that started me on this rant this week was the game day thread. I kept seeing guys like mattjones and others constantly making snared remarks towards Dak every time he did something wrong, but the disappeared once he made a remarkable play. This set me off because it's like, now we're winning and all these guys do is come along and break down everything the guy does wrong. This is the time where we're supposed to be supporting guys who are helping our team do well, yet we have these guys. When Romo was winning in 2014, you never heard one bad thing come out of my mouth.
I'm going to just say I've seen you do the same snark thing towards when it comes to Romo. You may or may not be overly biased towards Dak, but your defense of him over some minor criticisms is odd to say the least.

Oh well, carry on..
Outstanding, Fuzzy. I agree with almost everything except the Dak INT. It was opined during the telecast that Witten had Y option responsibilities and Dak made the wrong read. How badly Dak missed on that throw would seem to suggest that that is true. What is it that you saw on tape that would suggest it was a poor throw rather than a poor read? Thanks, in advance.

That is fair but if he is making the wrong read then that creates a different set of issues. It's an alternate explanation but it is not encouraging.
But the rush was getting closer while he was hanging in there.
Aikman did that but Aikman does not have the rollout ability like Dak.

I actually like it when Dak rolled out after a little while to make things easier on the line.
He can throw well outside the pocket, and that buys a few more seconds.
I hate it when Romo hangs in there then starts doing Houdini act.
The Houdini act is good for making a so-so team into an exciting almost great team.
The emphasis is on almost, because you are bound to make some huge mistake relying on such plays.
I think that is why Aikman is always the gold standard for me.
Dak can be Aikman like (weaker arm but good enough), but with the extra dual threat that makes defenses crazy.
I agree with most of this. They confused him in the 1st half, I admit that. But he kept the boat steady, which is what you want to do when you're trying to figure things out.

In the 2nd half, he was on his way to figuring this thing out until the interception. After the interception, he was as steady as you can get. This is called "the life of a QB". Teams throw things at you and it may take some time to figure it out. They blitzed and blitzed him. He stood in there and connected when he had to. Did he connect on all of his throws, no he didn't.

And fuzzy didn't factor in the blitzing, and things of that nature. He acts as if any QB can go out there and fling perfect strikes all day long against this defense.
Clove made the first post in the GB playoff game post game thread. He explicitly blamed Romo, who had dang near a perfect rating. He got called on it and disappeared from the thread.
I blamed Romo for going for a TD vs the 1st down.
Dak played an incredible game, on the road, in GB. But Fuzzy is offering a more critical analysis of his performance and fans need to know that our rook isn't infallible, as awesome as he is. No rook is. Stop shooting the messenger.

My solution for your unspeakable hero
No way. If anything, this just proves how much a winner Dak is when he faced and overcame adversity at Lambeu Field. The kid threw for 3 TDs.

Until we run into a defense that can stop out run game its a moot point but I still am concerned with his ability when he is pigeonholed into being a passer on 3rd and long or when behind late in games.

He hasn't been challenged with that but I do believe that a healthy Romo would have the same record or better given this running attack and opportunistic defense.
I'm arguing a point. If we wouldn't have had so much success on first and second down then we likely would have lost.
Likely is not a fact. The fact is, he completed plenty of 1st down passes and touch downs, enough so that it was a blow out.
I still can't get over this. Dak had a bad game? Really? I mean, it wasn't perfect, but it was by far NOT a bad game. He hit his out routes, his deep routes, his screens, his slants, he hit every throw in the book. Did he miss a few, yes. Please tell me what QB in the history of the NFL hasn't missed a few during a game? Oh yeah, what did he do?

A rookie 4th round pick went in to Lambeau field, no Dez Bryant. Let that sink in for a moment. NO DEZ BRYANT. Went in to LAMBEAU FIELD, and went toe to toe with an MVP QB in Aaron Rodgers. Lead his team to 5 scoring drives, TDs and beat Green Bay and all you can talk about are some silly incompletions? You guys have lost touch with what it's like to be a winner.

Dak is good, but this forums blind love affair is already growing tiresome. We're all happy about Dak, but lets be honest here, any QB is going to have success when Zeke and this Oline are as dominant as they are.
You explicitly blamed him for losing the game. You're agenda driven. It's fine, but the denial is pointless. Everyone already knows.
If he had the ball in his hands and took points off the board, then it is his fault. I stand by that. And that goes for Dak Prescott if he does the same thing. Trust me, if Dak screws up this bad, I'll call him out.
My solution for your unspeakable hero

:lmao: Peyton actually owned Brady in their last two games when Manning and Brady had head to head match ups (while Manning was in DEN) in AFC Conference games

So the voodoo doll is appropriate :D
I still can't get over this. Dak had a bad game? Really? I mean, it wasn't perfect, but it was by far NOT a bad game. He hit his out routes, his deep routes, his screens, his slants, he hit every throw in the book. Did he miss a few, yes. Please tell me what QB in the history of the NFL hasn't missed a few during a game? Oh yeah, what did he do?

A rookie 4th round pick went in to Lambeau field, no Dez Bryant. Let that sink in for a moment. NO DEZ BRYANT. Went in to LAMBEAU FIELD, and went toe to toe with an MVP QB in Aaron Rodgers. Lead his team to 5 scoring drives, TDs and beat Green Bay and all you can talk about are some silly incompletions? You guys have lost touch with what it's like to be a winner.
With all due respect, Clove, I didn't read that Dak had a "bad game" anywhere in Fuzzy's post. He said he had his most inaccurate game and that's absolutely true. If Green Bay had actually been the Green Bay (and Aaron Rodgers, specifically) that we've all been used to it would have been a completely different outcome. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not going to minimize what Dak has done this season. It's been nothing short of outstanding. The fact remains, a competent secondary would have exploited Dak's inaccuracy to a higher degree this past Sunday. Now, Fuzzy also credited Dak with pulling it together and commended him on his long ball accuracy but you were right there in the game thread and certainly saw the posts from other posters saying early in the thread that Dak was definitely "off" today. It was true and is still true on Wednesday. Had Dak been as accurate as he was, say against Cincinnati, We would have won that game by 20 points+. Now, I'm not one to complain that we "didn't win by enough" (in fact I absolutely LOATHE that type of poster) and Dak did his job well enough to win (by a damned good margin. His stats will bear out that he had, arguably, his best passing day if you go by yardage and TDs. It doesn't change the fact that he was the most inaccurate day that we've witnessed thus far and I'm not talking about a completion percentage, I'm talking about physically watching those passes and he had more ugly passes in that game than he had in the previous 5 combined.
That is fair but if he is making the wrong read then that creates a different set of issues. It's an alternate explanation but it is not encouraging.

Looks like Witten already made his turn when Dak threw the ball.
Something is strange there because it was a short pass and it went totally the wrong way...
Dak is good, but this forums blind love affair is already growing tiresome. We're all happy about Dak, but lets be honest here, any QB is going to have success when Zeke and this Oline are as dominant as they are.
You mean like the QBs last year?
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