FWST Blog: Witten: Romo is a leader


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cowboyjoe;3917160 said:
nate newton told me, aikman and some other cowboys players went bowling for a charity event :D


Call your buddy Nate up and ask him how many Superbowls Aikman had in April of 1992.


I mean I know a real leader would never host a golf tournament in April before he won a Superbowl ...... right?


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zrinkill;3917190 said:

Call your buddy Nate up and ask him how many Superbowls Aikman had in April of 1992.


I mean I know a real leader would never host a golf tournament in April before he won a Superbowl ...... right?

So what's worse your starting QB hosting a celebrity golf tournament 3 months before training camp or your starting QB running off to Cabo with his celebrity girlfriend during the season just prior to a playoff game?


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KJJ;3917216 said:
So what's worse your starting QB hosting a celebrity golf tournament 3 months before training camp

I thought a real leader would not do that?

I bet you and Joe would be pitching a fit if Romo had hosted a celebrity golf tournament a few weeks ago.



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KJJ;3917177 said:
Joe it's amazing the influence a few of us have here. :p:

sure is isnt it buddy, i sure like getting zrinkill all latered up, he is funny:D and a good sport

if we all thought alike would be a dull world

and everyone is entitled to his own opinion, whether right or wrong

thats why the LORD made us all different so we would have our own personalities and thoughts

just think if everyone thought alike and looked alike



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zrinkill;3917190 said:

Call your buddy Nate up and ask him how many Superbowls Aikman had in April of 1992.


I mean I know a real leader would never host a golf tournament in April before he won a Superbowl ...... right?

Read what that says though, be real and think for a change, use that little brain of yours

What does it say at the bottom?
April 5-6th, 2 days, not 2 to 3 weeks or 2 to 3 tournaments that romo had this year or more

thats what i question, i didnt mind him playing in one and qualifying, good for him, he needs to have some time on his own, but when he goes out and qualifies to 2 to 3 or 4 tournaments and going into mid april when he knows he needs as a leader to get the team togehter at some practice facility, then thats what i question, its not the one tournament, its the multiple tournaments,

when jason garrett told him, he needed to get team together, and work out,stay in shape so when romo meets with garrett at the charity event, romo can fill jason garrett in on what players are in shape, who needs more treatment, or studying playbook etc....

yet, what did ware just say, we have to corrall the players and have and find a facility for them to practice and get ready like jason witten said

wake up, smell the roses

and didnt the Commanders just get through with a mini camp of 20 to 30 players?

and as far as me posting that and reading that, do you realize how much stuff i post, i post a ton, ande lots of time, i post it as quick as i can find it and just glance at it, so when i post it, all the zoners can read it quickly,

then later i go back and read the entire article, sometimes i do, sometimes i dont, depends on how many articles i find, so i can give you all coverage on cowboys and the draft



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cowboyjoe;3917236 said:
use that little brain of yours

This coming from someone like you? :laugh2:

cowboyjoe;3917236 said:
April 5-6th, 2 days, not 2 to 3 weeks or 2 to 3 tournaments that romo had this year or more

Romo has played golf 2 or 3 weeks in April? You have a link to that or is it something Nate told ya?

Point is you are always saying How Romo playing gold before the season is something that Aikman would never do till after he won a Superbowl.

Wrong again.


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zrinkill;3917221 said:
I thought a real leader would not do that?

I bet you and Joe would be pitching a fit if Romo had hosted a celebrity golf tournament a few weeks ago.


Aikman hosted a celebrity golf tournament 3 months prior to training camp and you're making a big deal out of that? :laugh2: How exactly is hosting a 2 day golf tournament 3 months before camp going to put a players leadership and dedication into question?

Did anyone ever question Aikman's leadership? If Romo hosted a golf tournament a few weeks ago so what it's the offseason and the players are locked out. :rolleyes:

I've never complained once about Romo playing golf a lot of players play golf during the offseason. I'd rather a player take their mind off of football playing golf during the offseason than heading to Cabo during the season just prior to a playoff game. That didn't exactly workout well for Romo.


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zrinkill;3917247 said:
This coming from someone like you? :laugh2:

Romo has played golf 2 or 3 weeks in April? You have a link to that or is it something Nate told ya?

Point is you are always saying How Romo playing gold before the season is something that Aikman would never do till after he won a Superbowl.

Wrong again.

gosh, i didnt know romo went out and played GOLD!


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KJJ;3917248 said:
I've never complained once about Romo playing golf a lot of players play golf during the offseason.

Thats good because I did not direct that post towards you did I?

Joe is the one it was for ..... he is the one who has an anti-golf fetish.

But only when it comes to Romo.


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cowboyjoe;3917252 said:
gosh, i didnt know romo went out and played GOLD!


cowboyjoe;3917227 said:
i sure like getting zrinkill all latered up

You really want to go grammar **** with your history son?


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zrinkill;3917247 said:
This coming from someone like you? :laugh2:

Romo has played golf 2 or 3 weeks in April? You have a link to that or is it something Nate told ya?

Point is you are always saying How Romo playing gold before the season is something that Aikman would never do till after he won a Superbowl.

Wrong again.

Again, read what i said, pay attention
maybe i need to get you some glasses

when romo played and qualified for first golf tournament, i had no problem with that, the one way back there with daly, his buddy i believe

but when romo goes out and qualifies for more than one golf tournament, repeatedly, then thats where i have a problem

who is the head coach, jason garrett
hasnt jason supported tony romo past 3 years strongly
didnt jason garrett tell the players they need to stay in shape and together, as a team and be prepared

shouldnt the leader of this team, mainly tony romo have all of that planned out and ready and support his head coach?

yet, there is romo, no facility yet found to get players all corraled like ware said, and romo has been out most of this month in golf tournaments

and romo is going to do that in may, while Commanders have beaten us to the punch in preparedeness and having a minicamp

as well as some other teams

oh yeah, were playing golf and dont worry, we will be ready
where did i hear that before

oh yeah, its like a switch, you can turn it on and off, dont worry

or wade saying in 2008 dont worry, its ok, everything is fine

and same thing in 2010, during training camp, dont worry, we can turn it on like a switch, dont worry

hmmmmmmmm, sink in yet?


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cowboyjoe;3917258 said:
yet, there is romo, no facility yet found to get players all corraled like ware said, and romo has been out most of this month in golf tournaments


Complete bull


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zrinkill;3917262 said:

Complete bull

oh yeah have u read this article yet? :D
DMN Blog: Ware on getting the team together to practice

Cowboys' DeMarcus Ware on practicing: 'We have to find some way to get the guys corralled up and keep it going without the facilities'


Rainer Sabin / Reporter
rsabin@***BANNED-URL*** | Bio
8:21 PM on Thu., Apr. 21, 2011 | Permalink

So far, there has been a lot of talk by Cowboys players about conducting workouts without the supervision of the team's coaches. But any action on that front has yet to be taken. While hawking Gatorade product Wednesday at GNC inside NorthPark Center -- the mall made famous by Dez Bryant and his saggy pants -- outside linebacker DeMarcus Ware again reiterated the desire of the team's veterans to practice on their own during the labor dispute.

Read the rest: http://cowboysblog.***BANNED-URL***/ar...-on-pract.html


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KJJ;3917177 said:
Joe it's amazing the influence a few of us have here. :p:

You two haters need to go away since you believe the Cowboys have no chance in hell of winning with Romo. We're tired of your hate.


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cowboyjoe;3917258 said:
...and romo has been out most of this month in golf tournaments...
Romo played in one tournament in April, the Adams Golf Pro-Scratch. You think maybe you're exaggerating a bit?


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zrinkill;3917253 said:
Thats good because I did not direct that post towards you did I?

Joe is the one it was for ..... he is the one who has an anti-golf fetish.

But only when it comes to Romo.

again i am not anti golf
i dont care for golf golf, but minature golf is ok

and again, i said when romo gualified for his first tournament and charity with daly, good for him,

read my lips, i dont have a problem with one golf tournament, but if it cuts into time that he needs to get the team together in facility, then i have a problem with that

and help jason garrett out with getting the team ready

what did jason witten say the other day, hopefully we can get a jump on other nfl teams, but evidently not, were too busy playing golf,

wake up


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Dodger;3917289 said:
Romo played in one tournament in April, the Adams Golf Pro-Scratch. You think maybe you're exaggerating a bit?

best i remember romo qualified for 2 tournaments

if you can show me otherwise, then im wrong, otherwise ;)


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cowboyjoe;3917291 said:
what did jason witten say the other day, hopefully we can get a jump on other nfl teams, but evidently not, were too busy playing golf,


Full of it .....