FWST Blog: Witten: Romo is a leader


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KJJ;3917182 said:
Sure looks like his critics are very influential. This perception of Romo all started with me and 2 others here. :laugh2:

Have you ever inspected a car?


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Anjinsan;3917288 said:
You two haters need to go away since you believe the Cowboys have no chance in hell of winning with Romo. We're tired of your hate.

again, i have never said that we dont have a chance, we have a super chance with jason garrett in charge

thats the big key to me, Jason Garrett

Garrett knows what it takes and will instill that in the players from the top down to all the players
again its all about perception, believing how good you can be and working hard, really working in pads and eliminating mistakes and all that carries and permates down to the players, till they finally realize what it actually takes to be champions
doofus wade ruined all that when we had a chance to win it all in 2007, but players didnt work hard and got soft at end of season, with wade allowing it, jason is fixing that,

we need a few pieces in the draft and a couple of free agents to put us backover the top

dont get carried away though, going to take some hard work

but thats coming, then you have to find out the identity of your team,

then meet that crossroads that all teams do, and find out which way they go

i look at this season, kinda like 2007, when jerry jones hired wade as head coach and we were the most explosive 2nd offense in the league, scoring, next to the patriots

i see us doing that and having a dominant defense again under rob ryan because our nfc east divisiion opponents have no recoglitioin of him on defense not seeing it, that can get us out of the gate quickly

thats why im all hot and bothered that the players get together on their own, be ready physically and mentally, and know their playbook inside and out

and have a tough training camp as i expect we will under jason garrett

im not sure how far we can go in the playoffs, but i think we will go further than we have

mainly because of how jason garrett will run the team with rob ryan on defense


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zrinkill;3917293 said:

Full of it .....

so your saying that jason witten didnt say hopefully we can get a jump on other nfl teams?



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zrinkill;3917253 said:
Thats good because I did not direct that post towards you did I?

Joe is the one it was for ..... he is the one who has an anti-golf fetish.

But only when it comes to Romo.

No you didn't direct that post towards me but you're always following me around poking your nose into posts that I didn't direct towards you.

If you're not butting into my discussions with your senseless drivel you're complaining about me to other posters and backing them in an attempt to form an alliance against me.

You seem to think I have a problem with Romo's golf like Joe does and you're wrong! I play golf and I play it with a number of former and current NFL players and a lot of them play golf to relax during the offseason.

Some make an issue of Romo's golf mainly because he attempts to qualify for the US Open every year and it makes news. Had he qualified a few times he would have had to miss some mini camp workouts to play in the tournament and this caused fans to question his dedication to football.

Golf is just another knock some fans have on Romo and it all goes back to the Cabo trip. Before the leadership issue ever came up with Romo fans were questioning his dedication to football because of the Cabo trip and US Open qualifiers he was entering.

Couple that with the comments he made after the 44-6 Philly debacle where he said if losing a football game is the worst thing that happens to him he'll be just fine. He once commented that he didn't care about the perception fans had of him.

Early on he came off like football wasn't one of the most important things to him and it's created a perception of him that's caused some in the media not to take him very seriously.


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5Stars;3917296 said:
Have you ever inspected a car?

You've already asked me that. :rolleyes: You sound confused. :laugh2:


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
KJJ;3917306 said:
You've already asked me that. :rolleyes: You sound confused. :laugh2:

Have you ever smashed a golf club over a car that did not pass inspection in Cabo?



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cowboyjoe;3917292 said:
best i remember romo qualified for 2 tournaments

if you can show me otherwise, then im wrong, otherwise ;)
Do you remember which other tournament it was? I can't find it on Google. The only one I found that he actually played in this month was the one I mentioned.

He did play in the AT&T pro-am in February, but those are the only two I could find for 2011.


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KJJ;3917302 said:
No you didn't direct that post towards me but you're always following me around poking your nose into posts that I didn't direct towards you.

If you're not butting into my discussions with your senseless drivel you're complaining about me to other posters and backing them in an attempt to form an alliance against me.

You seem to think I have a problem with Romo's golf like Joe does and you're wrong! I play golf and I play it with a number of former and current NFL players and a lot of them play golf to relax during the offseason.

Some make an issue of Romo's golf mainly because he attempts to qualify for the US Open every year and it makes news. Had he qualified a few times he would have had to miss some mini camp workouts to play in the tournament and this caused fans to question his dedication to football.

Golf is just another knock some fans have on Romo and it all goes back to the Cabo trip. Before the leadership issue ever came up with Romo fans were questioning his dedication to football because of the Cabo trip and US Open qualifiers he was entering.

Couple that with the comments he made after the 44-6 Philly debacle where he said if losing a football game is the worst thing that happens to him he'll be just fine. He once commented that he didn't care about the perception fans had of him.

Early on he came off like football wasn't one of the most important things to him and it's created a perception of him that's caused some in the media not to take him very seriously.

Good points buddy

again, i hope you can get across to my fella zoners i dont have a problem with golf, im happy when romo does that on his own time, but if it cuts into getting the team ready and prepared, i have a problem with that, i question it

and not that romo isnt a leader;
romo is a leader, and is continually growing into that
even romo said, you need to grow as a player, and improve
just like jason garrett said as a head coach a few days ago
that hopefully you see things that you need to improve on and grow as a head coach, just like in life

i see a great season or at least i hope so

but i want the team ready on their own helping jason garrett out till football starts again, and jason can take over

when ware says we need to corrall the players and find a place to practice, a facility, then, why wasnt that planned out ahead of time or did players have other things they wanted to do and not dallas cowboys football?

didnt the players say they had a bad taste in their mouth and swore to us, they would make up for the bad year last year

then why arent the players ready and organized?

again, if we have time and players are ready, i see us having a scoring offense in 2007 2nd in the league and a great defense under rob ryan, but the players have to be ready


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Anjinsan;3917288 said:
You two haters need to go away since you believe the Cowboys have no chance in hell of winning with Romo. We're tired of your hate.

Thought you said you were done with me? Appears those counseling sessions aren't helping. LOL

Where did I ever say the Cowboys have no chance in hell of winning with Romo? Better go read my comments to the poster who wants trade Romo to Cincy and draft Cam Newton.

You're the same guy who claimed me and two others on this forum are the only ones questioning Romo's leadership and that Tony Dungy's opinion of Romo doesn't count because he works for ESPN. :laugh2:


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
KJJ;3917302 said:
No you didn't direct that post towards me but you're always following me around poking your nose into posts that I didn't direct towards you.

No i do not ..... Dont even remember you.

IF you say stupid stuff I will correct you .... sorry if that looks like I am following you around .... you must do it a lot.



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Dodger;3917289 said:
Romo played in one tournament in April, the Adams Golf Pro-Scratch. You think maybe you're exaggerating a bit?

i know he did the one in february with daly

then he did the one your talking about,

when did he do the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club's Hill Course for the HP Byron Nelson golf tournament.


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Dodger;3917332 said:
Yep, you're right...2 day tournament. I had to find the tourney results on their website. They didn't come up on Google.

Lol...Tony won $190.00.

again, i dont have a problem with him doing one, but if its cutting into him getting the team ready for a practice facility

or let me ask this another way,

if im a player, and i know romo has been out playing golf but he wants me to come in and work out as a group, why should i when he has been out playing golf or whatever

and didnt ware just say we need to corrall the players and find a facility to work together as a whole team unit and be ready, something like that?

get my point now? :starspin


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
cowboyjoe;3917335 said:
again, i dont have a problem with him doing one, but if its cutting into him getting the team ready for a practice facility

or let me ask this another way,

if im a player, and i know romo has been out playing golf but he wants me to come in and work out as a group, why should i when he has been out playing golf or whatever

and didnt ware just say we need to corrall the players and find a facility to work together as a whole team unit and be ready, something like that?

get my point now?

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:


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cowboyjoe;3917310 said:
Good points buddy

again, i hope you can get across to my fella zoners i dont have a problem with golf, im happy when romo does that on his own time, but if it cuts into getting the team ready and prepared, i have a problem with that, i question it

and not that romo isnt a leader;
romo is a leader, and is continually growing into that
even romo said, you need to grow as a player, and improve
just like jason garrett said as a head coach a few days ago
that hopefully you see things that you need to improve on and grow as a head coach, just like in life

i see a great season or at least i hope so

but i want the team ready on their own helping jason garrett out till football starts again, and jason can take over

when ware says we need to corrall the players and find a place to practice, a facility, then, why wasnt that planned out ahead of time or did players have other things they wanted to do and not dallas cowboys football?

didnt the players say they had a bad taste in their mouth and swore to us, they would make up for the bad year last year

then why arent the players ready and organized?

again, if we have time and players are ready, i see us having a scoring offense in 2007 2nd in the league and a great defense under rob ryan, but the players have to be ready

When a group of biased fans have an agenda against you nothing you say will get through to them. LOL Constructive criticism of a player equals hate in their eyes. This is a Cowboy board how dare any true Cowboy fan criticize one of their own players even if the criticism is warranted...ha!

I have posts clearly showing I haven't given up on Romo but those who can't get me out of their head try and twist everything I say about him into something hateful.


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cowboyjoe;3917333 said:
yeah thats the other one i think, thanks
isnt that 2 romo qualified for? or am i wrong?
Nah, I found another. He played in the Azalea Invitational in March, but I don't think he made the cut.

cowboyjoe;3917335 said:
get my point now?
Mmm...somewhat. I mean, I understand what you're saying, but it doesn't bother me as much as it bothers you. Normally, voluntary OTAs don't start until late April early May anyway, so it's not like the players are way behind. That, and there's the lockout still in place which, I think, is making things a bit more difficult than normal. Honestly, I don't expect the players to get together in February or March to start working on the new season. Hell, it hasn't been that long since the Packers won the SB. Give the players some time off.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
KJJ;3917339 said:
When a group of biased fans have an agenda against you nothing you say will get through to them. LOL Constructive criticism of a player equals hate in their eyes. This is a Cowboy board how dare any true Cowboy fan criticize one of their own players...ha!

I have posts clearly showing I haven't given up on Romo but those who can't get me out of their head try and twist everything I say about him into something hateful.
