Galloway reporting players yelling at Dennis

JBond;3131590 said:
Think what you want but I used to check your site out on a semi regular basis. But the poor quality of writing combined with the same mindless drivel I can find anywhere has left me no choice but to cross you off the list. I try to steer clear of agenda driven garbage journalism.

I know. And you will never go into my threads on here anymore right?


He thinks he's the first person to ever say these things.

dcfanatic;3131592 said:
It's all encompassing.

Good or bad you will get it on there.

But for you the only good threads are the ones that are 'positive'.

As if everyday is sunny in real life.

Keep fooling yourself.

If it is so all encompasing and so great...why spend so much time on here?

Kind of funny but keep fooling yourself.
jterrell;3131378 said:
i like it when the team is united; even if it is just at a loudmouth reporter desperately seeking attention.

hard for anyone to claim the team isnt behind Wade.

It is a waste of energy though. They are united against the evil media picking poor Wade Phillips. So what? Is that going to win games? I think it would be a first, but I guess it is okay to give it a shot.

Get angry and get mad at the teams that beat you, rub your noses in it and that challenge you.
tomson75;3131559 said:
I liked the original version better.

5Stars;3131565 said:

Yeah I figured that was just too much. It wasn't any better of me to be an ******* toward him than it is for him to be an ******* toward others. So I changed it.

dcfanatic;3131567 said:
You are on a Cowboys message board.

You honesly think the entire Cowboys fan base thinks like the 20 people on here who will never act like this team does anything wrong.

Try checking out the rest of the world once in a while.

You are such a minority. But because you get to speak on here and then you can find a small group to agree you guys think you are on to something.


It's comical.

Interesting. I'm a member of 2 or 3 Cowboys forums and then a few other all NFL forums and I find that the vast majority of the fans are optomistic but want some things to get better and everyone has some things they don't like and all that.

But I haven't seen a whole crap ton of people who are negative about anything and everything like you. So perhaps you could enlighten us with where all these people are at that suddenly makes you're opinions and thoughts the opinions and thoughts of the majority of fans or some how holding more weight than anyone elses.

Whats comical is that you're really no better than quite a few of the trolls that come around here and just say really stupid and outlandish things and then try and portray themselves as real and enlightened and anyone who doesn't totally agree with them is somehow a homerific idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about.

So tell me what exactly makes your opinion, out of ALL THE OTHER opinions out there the one that is right, real, and all that? Who exactly appointed you the person who decides that?

I'm curious.
dcfanatic;3131602 said:
He thinks he's the first person to ever say these things.
What imaginary audience are you addressing with this post?
dcfanatic;3131503 said:
Who cares if you like my show or me?

I am not biased.

I'm real.

You can sit and be happy with the way this team functions no matter how silly they look year in and year out.

That's not my style.

I am not a sheep. You are.

i'm not biaed, i'm real?
i'm not a sheep, you are?
that's not my style?

you're about the oldest 15 year old i've ever met.
dcfanatic;3131592 said:
It's all encompassing.

Good or bad you will get it on there.

But for you the only good threads are the ones that are 'positive'.

As if everyday is sunny in real life.

Keep fooling yourself.

I don't think many want only sunshine post about the team they want the good and the bad but when any person is constantly ragging on the team then were is the open mindness in the post?
adbutcher;3131609 said:
If some one have to tell you that they are not bias then....

...They are off their meds?
Alexander;3131606 said:
It is a waste of energy though. They are united against the evil media picking poor Wade Phillips. So what? Is that going to win games? .
If they were united in saying that he was a terrible coach, I'm betting you suddenly wouldn't think it was so irrelevant.
BrAinPaiNt;3131557 said:
No...I don't need reading lessons...I can read your ego and agenda from a mile away.

Your act is old, tiresome and you have turned into nothing more than a media sheep wanting attention with your trolling ways.

Yes...that's right, you are the sheep just like the media.

Furthermore if you don't like it here, move on.

i'll help pack and will be glad to scout out other places for him to troll...
Personally, I can see both sides of this argument. On one hand, the Giants spent the latter half of 2007 snapping at and quarreling with the media, and eventually rallied together. On the other hand, the Cowboys became focused on the media, specifically Ed Werder, at the end of last season, and it didn't end well.
dcfanatic;3131567 said:
You honesly think the entire Cowboys fan base thinks like the 20 people on here who will never act like this team does anything wrong.
Let's say for argument's sake that there are only 20 people on CowboysZone who think that Dallas is perfection incarnate 24/7.

CowboysZone is home to over 24,000 members.

Knowing this, wouldn't you agree that it's very inaccurate to imply or outright state that this site is full of sheep? 20 ≠ 24,000.
dcfanatic;3131602 said:
I know. And you will never go into my threads on here anymore right?


He thinks he's the first person to ever say these things.


When you act clown like in a thread here, I will probably call you on it. I will not visit you site until your clean up your little act you do for ratings. You used to be a little entertaining but your act has grown very old. Try something original. Maybe some real journalism type stuff like actually talking to the people you love to bash. Go get some high quality interviews, stuff like that.
Chocolate Lab;3131623 said:
If they were united in saying that he was a terrible coach, I'm betting you suddenly wouldn't think it was so irrelevant.

The dreaded other side of the coin.
adbutcher;3131574 said:
Agreed. Early his site and the information was great even with the subtle agenda laced statements at the beginning of the content he posted. Now, since he has taken the less then subtle approach with pushing his agenda, I can barely stomach it any more.

Thank God for the Zone.

he's become the national enquierer of bloggers.

and blogging is the laziest form of journalism i've ever seen in my life.
Chocolate Lab;3131623 said:
If they were united in saying that he was a terrible coach, I'm betting you suddenly wouldn't think it was so irrelevant.

Good Point...well I am not talking about Alexander in particular. But look at the number of things going on and on about an alledged text message from a player and how people reacted. So it is curious if the same people that slammed or defended that story are doing the same for this one.

In other words if they found that the text message about a negative view on Wade is all important and means a great deal, do they also feel that those players out in public saying good things about their coach is as equally important and vice versa.
BrAinPaiNt;3131604 said:
If it is so all encompasing and so great...why spend so much time on here?

Kind of funny but keep fooling yourself.

cause if he put up a newsgroup the crickets would even get bored.
dcfanatic is a friend of mine. I know him behind the scenes a little. As someone who knows what it is like to have people dislike you because of your opinions I just want to stick up for my friend here.

He is a genuine great guy who loves the Cowboys. He bends over backwards to find stuff to post here for us. I appreciate that.

Like many he is frustrated. Like most of us he is opinionated and doesn't back down from his opinions. I am the last guy in the world who can fault him for that.

He and I don't see eye to eye and that is okay. I was a regular on his show last year and this year only a couple of times. He has gone on to bigger and better guests and I support that 100%. I hate to miss his show, even if I disagree with some of his takes, and he knows I do.

I wish some of you would put him on Ignore rather than make it personal. I guarantee you, if you knew the guy like I do, he'd be a friend. Look how far divergent his opinions and mine are on the Cowboys, yet there's no hatred between us that I know of.

Just my 2 cents. I'll shut up now.

At least until I can find another angle to have some fun.
ScipioCowboy;3131627 said:
On the other hand, the Cowboys became focused on the media, specifically Ed Werder, at the end of last season, and it didn't end well.

The Cowboys were just shooting the messenger last year. The "us vs them" division last year was within the lockerroom. That's why Jerry ate $9 million dollars to send one of his marquee players on his way to Buffalo.

Nothing wrong with the "us vs them" as long as the "them" are out of the lockerroom.

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